"Wow~wow~wow~" With bursts of loud cries, a new life came. From then on, there was a father, a mother, and a son in the world. From today on, I am promoted to be a father. No words can describe the joy and excitement of becoming a father.

2024/05/2415:14:32 baby 1615

"Wow~wow~wow~" With bursts of loud cries, a new life came. From then on, there was a father, a mother, and a son in the world.

Starting today, I am promoted to be a father. No words can describe the joy and excitement of becoming a father. The baby was a boy. The birth went smoothly and he was healthy. An atmosphere of joy filled the entire delivery room!

The baby and his wife also lived smoothly under the care and care of relatives and friends. They received a notice from the hospital to fill out the baby's medical birth certificate, involving the baby's name. In fact, we discussed it for a long time during my wife's pregnancy, looking up information online and reading books, and never tired of it! The couple quarreled a lot! We also had a brief dispute about whose last name we should take, and finally we took our father's last name according to the tradition of older generations. I paid attention to a few boy and girl names that I thought were good, and I will use them today. After a brief discussion, I decided to call them Cheng Shulun, a very poetic four-character name. Nowadays, choosing names for children is also a troublesome thing. The Yangyang Chinese Ten More than 400 million people. Two words are too common. There are too many people with the same name and surname. The police station does not recommend two-word names! I believe that naming has brought trouble to many parents.

Because our family’s last name is relatively uncommon, people often call me by the wrong name. The font is also very cumbersome. I think the baby will have trouble writing complicated names after he studies. After a while of naming, I want to change the baby's name. Moreover, because the child's grandfather is busy with work, he only told us the family generation "Cheng" afterward. My son is a great-great-grandfather. Although the pronunciation is the same but the words are different, it is still not good. I want to avoid taboos, so I decided to change my name.

Think about how simple it would be to add the surname of our parents plus the seniority plus an auspicious character such as dragon, tiger, phoenix, chrysanthemum, incense, ping, etc. Then look at how simple it is for our generation to have a surname of two characters plus a birth date. Whatever you need to make up for, it may be the same as your parents. It’s simple, but in our next generation, there will be many four-letter names or names that are nice and easy to remember. Just make sure there aren’t too many names with the same name, and there won’t be that much emphasis on it. Maybe everyone understands that children and grandchildren have their own names. There is a principle of blessing children and grandchildren. A name cannot determine a person's destiny, it is just a person's personal business card. As long as it has a certain meaning that people can remember!

After much thought, the family discussed it for a long time. Because parents have the right to change their names once after the names are registered at the police station, everyone is more cautious and chooses the names one by one. May you have a prosperous and peaceful life! The meaning is very good, simple but not simple. It can make people remember it at once. I went to the police station and checked, but there was no one with the same name! A certain Cheng Shulun became a former name! “一一” has become my child’s personal business card!

Have any of the new parents or grandparents here had similar experiences? If you have any stories and opinions about naming your children, please share them!

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