This part of establishing a good relationship will include the establishment of relationships, the application of instructions, the establishment of routine procedures, etc... What we have to do is to interact (play) with children to build relationships. How to play? Three key wo

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This part of establishing a good relationship will include the establishment of relationships, the application of instructions, the establishment of routine procedures, etc... What we have to do is to interact (play) with children to build relationships. How to play? Three key wo - DayDayNews

The establishment of good relationships

This part will include the establishment of relationships, the application of instructions, the establishment of routine procedures, etc...

What we have to do is to interact (play) with children to build relationships. How to play

? Three key words: "observe, follow, and wait." How to observe


Observe what are the children interested in now? what are you playing? How to play?

For example: The child always holds a car and always digs his hands into the car door.

In fact, the child picks at the small door not because he wants to open it and put things in, but because he likes the feeling of pinching it in with his fingers. For example, try taking snowflakes and putting them on the child's fingers one by one to further build a relationship with the child.

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. We should focus on observing the children's favorite gameplay, rather than our ideas.

Generally when I meet a new child, in the first 10 minutes, I will take out some toys and place them in a more conspicuous position. When the child goes to play, I will not rush to get started, but: observe first , do it again. How to follow


When we first start to establish cooperation, we can follow the child and imitate him. We will do whatever he does, including the child's movements, expressions, language, etc. (Of course, don't imitate problem behaviors.)

How to wait? After

has finished following, it is considered that one round of interaction with the children has been completed. What you need to do at this time is to wait for the child's reaction.

If his response is good, that's great! It proves that we get the childrenā€™s points when we observe. This is a great start!

If the children donā€™t continue with us, donā€™t worry, you can try several new ways to play. No matter whether we think this gameplay is fun or not, it is worth giving it a try, because the important thing is that it is really fun when children find it fun.

In fact, in the process of interacting with children, "observe-follow-wait" has always existed. When you feel that the interaction encounters difficulties, you might as well go back to the previous step and try again ~

In addition, at the beginning of the establishment During the relationship, you can also take advantage of the instructions according to the child's situation! In addition, we must also establish regular and clear processes.

For example: the general process for children to come to the institution every day is to change shoes - go upstairs - put their schoolbags - some content in class - eat snacks - attend group classes. The entire process has relatively clear time points, which is relatively easy for children who have just started class to accept and feel comfortable.

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But if I take off even a little bit of clothes, I feel very cold. When I go to bed at night, I feel even more confused. Itā€™s very hot when I cover myself with a quilt, but I feel cold when I donā€™t cover myself with a quilt. Especially my upper body feels hot and my lower body fee - DayDayNews

But if I take off even a little bit of clothes, I feel very cold. When I go to bed at night, I feel even more confused. Itā€™s very hot when I cover myself with a quilt, but I feel cold when I donā€™t cover myself with a quilt. Especially my upper body feels hot and my lower body fee

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