Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article "What do children do that parents find most unacceptable?" “Parents’ Answers Are So Weird”, we interviewed 9 parents about their children’s unacceptable beh

2024/05/2122:16:33 baby 1082


is on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Previously Tuanma published an article "What do children do that parents find most unacceptable?" Parents’ answers are all so “weird”” interviewed 9 parents about the behaviors that their children do not allow.

This time, we also listen to the voices of the children and let the parents see what behaviors of the parents are unacceptable to the children.

Next, let’s follow the group mother to see what the “weird” behaviors of their parents are in the eyes of these 9 children.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

If you are not good at cooking, let’s be honest.

Parental behavior : My grandma has always been cooking at home. When grandma is not around, my dad cooks for me. My mom doesn’t know how to cook, so I rarely eat her. Cooked meals. But she has been watching cooking videos on Douyin recently, and she wants to do it when she sees others cooking well, and then she follows the videos and now studies her "private creative dishes" at home on weekends. She also asked us to give her reviews and comments, but as long as we said it was not delicious, she would be unhappy and even angry.

The child said: : She doesn’t eat the food cooked by her mother. My father eats it every time. I still have diarrhea after eating. I feel that my father is miserable.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

My mother secretly eats snacks and refuses to admit it.

Parental behavior :My mother does not let me eat snacks, saying they are junk food,But once at home, I found that she was secretly eating snacks, and she did not give them to me. She thought I was asleep, but in fact I was not. I saw her secretly take a pack of cucumber-flavored potato chips from the kitchen through the crack in the door, then tore it open very carefully, and quietly sat on the sofa to eat it, deliberately Put on the TV. I suddenly ran out and said loudly: "Mom, I want to eat too!" She was startled by me, then hid the potato chips behind her back, and lied to me that I had seen it wrong, and finally gave it to me. Two slices.

The child said : Why can adults eat snacks, but they don’t let us children eat them? Adults and children should be fair.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

Let a 10-year-old child watch a horror movie

Parental Behavior : My mother likes to watch ghost movies, but she is scared when watching them, so she asked me to watch them with her. My father often goes out on business trips, and it’s just my mother and I at home. Then every Friday night, my mother asks me to watch horror movies with her. She says she doesn’t dare to watch them. But every time she would block me in front of her and hide behind me. But I am also very scared, and every time she is scared, she screams next to my ear, which makes me feel like my ears are going deaf.

The child said: : I hope my mother will stop watching horror movies. If she really wants to watch it, don’t block me in front of it. , Although I am a boy, I am still young. My father is not at home, and I am also very scared.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

Why does my father snore so loudly

Parental behavior : My father snored so loudly when he was sleeping that it woke me up once. I thought it was thunder in the sky. When I listened carefully, it seemed like an electric drill was being drilled. It felt like my home was like a construction site. Same.

The child said : I hope my father snores louder, otherwise my mother will come to my room to sleep with me every day. I still like to sleep by myself.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

The air quality in my home is really bad

Parental Behavior : My father especially likes to eat snail noodles, the spicy and smelly kind. Every time the house is made very smelly by him. Then I could only stuff my nose with toilet paper and tell him to go out to eat every time, but he likes to eat at home. He said I shouldn’t smell it if I didn’t like it, but if I didn’t smell it, I wouldn’t be able to breathe, and I would suffocate.

The child said : Snail noodles are really smelly, smelly, smelly. , I hope my father will stop eating snail noodles at home in the future. The sofa at home is smelly, and it smells worse than the toilet. Sometimes my mother has to eat with him. I feel like there is no place for me in this family!

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

I don’t want to be the cat’s “sticky hair officer” at all

Parental Behavior : I have a puppet named Milk Tea. I like milk tea very much, but Milk Tea sheds a lot of hair every day. After I finish my homework every day, I still have another task, which is to glue all the hair on the sofa. , I don’t even have time to play. , and milk tea can only lick the hair on my body, not lick it. Hair on the couch.

The child said : I hope my mother will shave the hair of milk tea, so that I don’t have to stick to the hair.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

Don’t let me eat things I don’t like

Parental behavior : Every time I eat, if there is something I don’t like to eat, my mother will pick it up every time and put it in front of my nose, constantly Tempting me: "Oh, this is delicious. It really smells good. Do you want to take a bite and give it a try?" He said that he would stuff it into my mouth, and I felt "suffocated".

The child said : I really don’t like to eat eggs, duck eggs quail eggs , and I don’t like to eat seafood. I think it has a strange taste. But since I was a child, she used various methods to make me eat it. She said that fried eggs will not have the same taste, and they will not be fishy when put in hot pot... feels that normal parents just don't eat it, but she I have to put him in front of you. I can't understand this behavior. Why?

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

Why do adults have so much to say?

Parental behavior : Grandma takes me for a walk every afternoon. If I meet someone I know on the street, she will stand there and talk to others for a long time. I have to talk every time It took a long time, and then I could only stand aside and wait. Sometimes I couldn’t wait any longer and said I wanted to go back first. Grandma disagreed and said there was no one at home and asked me to wait with her.

The child said : I hope grandma won’t chat with others for so long , otherwise I will be tired of waiting.

Wen丨Team moms are on summer vacation! Parents, how are you doing with your children? Tuanma previously published an article

How can dad keep his word

Parental Behavior : Dad is losing weight, but I found him secretly eating KFC . My mother said that my father was too fat and had poor health, so she asked him to lose weight and eat a fat-reducing meal every night. But one time my dad picked me up after school and I smelled fried chicken burgers in the car, and then I found a KFC bag in the car, so I guessed that he must have eaten it secretly. After I found out, he said that next time he would treat me to a children's meal with toys, and asked me not to tell my mother. I thought this was a secret between me and my father, so I didn't tell my mother.

The child said : I think it is wrong for him to do this. cannot lie to my mother, and he has never bought me a children's meal.

After reading the above 9 children’s “complaints”, what do parents think? If you have other interesting daily experiences with children in , please leave a message in the comment area and let us know.

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