Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and "disfiguring" edema. One mother said: I didn’t know she could become so ugly before she

2024/05/1612:50:33 baby 1124

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

original | Pregnancy matters

Pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy as the baby grows.

Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids....and "disfiguring" edema.

A mother said: I didn’t know that I could become so ugly if I wasn’t pregnant. My hands would be swollen like carrots, my whole body would be fat, my face would be swollen and my nose would double in size.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Many pregnant mothers will experience edema.

Two days ago, Taiwanese actress Zhao Xiaoqiao shared her condition in the third trimester of pregnancy. Severe edema made it difficult for her hands to make fists, and her face was also visibly swollen.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Zhao Xiaoqiao had a really difficult time on the road to pregnancy.

html There were 36 egg retrievals and 4 implantations. A total of 96 eggs were retrieved before and after. One fetal arrest occurred at 16 weeks. During the years of preparing for pregnancy, her only period of rest was the three months during which fetal arrest was induced.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Fortunately, she was expecting her own baby this year and reached the third trimester of pregnancy smoothly.

But her pregnancy was also very difficult. Because of her immune problems, she had to take injections and medicine every day, including 168 bottles of immune globulin.

As she entered the third trimester of pregnancy, she also experienced a lot of physical discomfort, some of which even the doctor could not explain.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

What troubles her most is severe edema.

After 30 weeks, Zhao Xiaoqiao’s fingers were extremely swollen and painful. Especially when he got up in the morning, he could not even make a fist or hold his mobile phone.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Even so, Zhao Xiaoqiao calmly accepted the magical changes brought about by pregnancy, because the baby in her belly was all she expected.

After reading Zhao Xiaoqiao’s sharing, many mothers felt the same and comforted her: It will be fine after giving birth!

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Edema during pregnancy does have a high incidence rate, and it usually dissipates slowly after giving birth.

Edema during pregnancy makes many mothers as swollen as two men!

On Weibo, many mothers shared their experiences of being as swollen as two people during pregnancy.

“I’m so swollen that I almost don’t recognize my mother!”

Entering the third trimester of pregnancy, it’s also time to suffer from edema during pregnancy.

I never thought about edema, it could become so swollen that my mother didn’t even recognize it.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

"During pregnancy, edema is swollen to an extent that ordinary people cannot imagine."

How much edema is there during pregnancy? My feet are swollen more than pig's trotters,

I can't see my ankles, and my hole-in-the-wall shoes that are two sizes larger than normal are filled to the brim. It can't be worn and stuffed.

It was so swollen that the doctor even noticed my feet during prenatal check-ups.

said: It’s really swollen.

My ten fingers also hurt so much that I couldn’t even make a fist when I woke up every morning.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

"Severe edema caused me to suffer from anxiety."

Yes, the pictures were all of my legs, and I suffered from anxiety.

I ask my husband every day: Am I ugly or fat? Will you not love me?

became very sensitive and hypocritical due to edema.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Edema is really common. Three out of every four pregnant mothers will encounter it. Ordinary mothers cannot escape it, and celebrity mothers cannot avoid it.

Zhu Zhu laughed at herself when she was pregnant: ’s hands were swollen like carrots, so she wore a carrot-colored ring.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

When Zhu Dan was pregnant with her second child, she was on the hot search list because of severe edema. Netizens said: could not be recognized.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

When He Jie was pregnant, he also said that he had edema: felt that his whole body was swollen to the point of exploding. Not only his hands were swollen, but his whole body was swollen!

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

Edema during pregnancy is very common, and the swelling is really uncomfortable! !

Why is it so swollen that you are completely different when you are pregnant?

Let me correct you first: Edema during pregnancy is not caused by drinking too much water.

Edema during pregnancy is because estrogen will rise rapidly after pregnancy, and the body's water storage capacity will increase accordingly. The absorbed water will be distributed in every part of the body. When the water accumulates to a certain extent, it will be noticeable from the appearance. , edema occurs.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

The main causes of edema in pregnant mothers are these three points:

1, hormone changes

During pregnancy, estrogen and other hormones in the body increase, which will affect the imbalance of body fluid exchange, because the adrenal gland produces more hormones (aldosterone and cortisol ), causes the body to retain fluid, which can lead to edema once fluid accumulates in the body.

2. The body produces 50% more blood and body fluids

Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body will produce about 50% more blood and body fluids to meet the needs of fetal development. Moreover, to accommodate such a big little person, the body needs to make room and relax the joints, which requires fluid to soften the body, so fluid will be retained in the body tissues.

Extra blood and fluid most commonly accumulate in the hands, face, legs, ankles, or feet anywhere.

3. The enlarged uterus hinders the return of blood

During pregnancy, the uterus becomes larger and larger. When it reaches a certain level, it will compress the inferior vena cava and affect the return of blood, causing fluid to accumulate in the lower limbs and increase Venous pressure in the legs.

According to statistics, eight out of ten pregnant women will have varying degrees of edema, and the edema is most obvious in the later stages of pregnancy.

Most edema will not affect the health of mother and baby

But this kind of edema needs attention!

Edema is divided into physiological edema and pathological edema. Different types of edema have different effects!

1, Physiological edema

The edema caused by the three points mentioned above is physiological edema. Physiological edema has no negative impact on the health of pregnant women and babies. It will be cured without medication after delivery. Mothers do not need to use it. Worry.

Physiological edema usually begins in the second trimester. The degree of edema is generally more serious at night than during the day, more serious in warm weather than in cold weather, and will become more serious after standing or sitting for a long time.

Physiological edema usually appears in the feet, ankles, calves or hands and face. The degree is not too serious and can be alleviated in daily life. It is usually harmless to the baby.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

2, pathological edema

If the edema appears suddenly, or it turns out to be more serious, you must pay attention and go to the hospital in time to eliminate risk factors. Some diseases will accompany edema and need to be paid attention to.

① Hypertensive disease during pregnancy (preeclampsia). If edema occurs suddenly and is accompanied by headache, nausea, vision and other problems, go to the hospital in time. Preeclampsia If left uncontrolled, it will endanger the lives of the mother and baby.

②Venous thrombosis of lower limbs. If one leg is more swollen than the other and you have pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh, this is likely a sign that a blood clot (thrombosis) has formed in the leg veins!

③Kidney disease or heart problems. If edema is accompanied by urinary system symptoms, such as urgency and painful urination, or if edema is accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty breathing, inability to lie down, and palpitation, go to the hospital.

④ Liver disease. If edema is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, bloating, and greasiness, go to the hospital.

These pathological edema require immediate medical attention and timely intervention.

These problems require doctors to protect mothers and children. Don’t be afraid to seek medical treatment. For the safety of your children and yourself, it is safest to seek medical treatment decisively to eliminate risk factors!

How to eliminate edema during pregnancy?

Prevention and response are the most effective!

1. How to deal with edema during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers can start from daily life. They should change postures from time to time, such as sitting for a while, standing for a while, walking for a while and stretching their legs regularly. In addition, they can also try the following methods to reduce edema:

① When sitting : Use a low stool to prop up your feet to avoid crossing your feet.

② Before going to bed: Use pillows to prop up your calves, and repeatedly swing your legs up, down, left and right.

③ When sleeping: Try to sleep on the left side.

④ Clothing: Wear comfortable and elastic shoes and socks. It is best to prepare a pair of shoes one size larger to avoid pinching your feet when there is edema.

⑤ Diet: balanced nutrition, adequate water intake, and never deliberately reduce the amount of water you drink.

⑥Add enough water. It is important to emphasize that you should not drink less water just because excess fluid in the body causes edema.

Instead, drink more water! Used to help remove excess water from the body and reduce swelling, drink 10 glasses or 2.3 liters of water per day.

Drinking enough water can not only reduce swelling, but also help prevent edema.

Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

2. Prevention of edema during pregnancy

A healthy lifestyle can prevent and reduce edema during pregnancy to the greatest extent.

① Sleep on your side. When sleeping, turning your body's weight to one side can help reduce the symptoms of swelling. The inferior vena cava is a large vein that helps blood flow throughout the body. Sleeping on your side can reduce the pressure on the veins. This helps promote blood flow and prevent swelling.

② Reduce salt intake. If a mother consumes too much salt, she is prone to water and sodium retention, causing body edema. The 2018 edition of the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that pregnant mothers should consume no more than 6g of salt per day.

③ Avoid sitting and standing for long periods of time. Sitting and standing for a long time will cause poor blood circulation. Every hour you sit, you need to move for a few minutes. Mothers who stand or sit to work during pregnancy can also stretch their legs, rotate their ankle joints, and massage their legs. To alleviate.

④ Strengthen exercise. Exercise is particularly important for reducing swelling in the legs. A simple walk, gentle Pilates, yoga and aerobics are all good choices. Ask your doctor before exercising. If you have high-risk factors, follow the doctor's advice. .

⑤Keep your body cool. Being too hot can lead to dehydration and fluid retention. Don't let yourself get too hot. Keeping yourself cool and comfortable can reduce edema during pregnancy.

⑥ Let your husband massage your legs. Foot massage involves applying pressure to certain areas of the feet, hands, and may help reduce swelling of the feet and ankles during pregnancy. If the swelling makes you very uncomfortable, let your other half do their part. Massage before bed, There may be some relief.

⑦Be sure to have regular prenatal check-ups. Although most edema will not cause serious problems, you should also pay attention to whether it is pathological edema. It is particularly important to have regular prenatal check-ups and tell the doctor about the edema so that the doctor can monitor your health throughout pregnancy.

Remember, physiological edema is normal and usually disappears after delivery. However, if symptoms of pathological edema occur, you must seek medical treatment in time.

I hope all the little pregnant women will go well!

Reference article



Original | Pregnancy brings about the growth of the baby, and pregnant mothers have to go through various hardships during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids...and

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