In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look. When blowing feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls, pay attention to letting the child blow at a constant speed a

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Xingkang, Xingkang, the window for autism; enter Xingkang and get out of autism. ——This article is compiled by the editor of Xingkang Autism Rehabilitation Chain Brand.

In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look. When blowing feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls, pay attention to letting the child blow at a constant speed a - DayDayNews

How to do rehabilitation training for language development delay? We often see that some children have unclear pronunciation due to insufficient breathing, inability to ventilate when speaking, poor lips and tongue, and small lung capacity. Although these children have certain language expression abilities, they speak unclearly, quickly, and incompletely, which makes it difficult for the listeners.

In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look.

01. Breathing exercises

Blow feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls. During the practice, pay attention to letting the children blow at a constant speed and in a controlled manner instead of blowing hard and fast. You can let the children hold the paper strips and blow evenly. Blow it and let it feel the movement of the airflow. Do this once a day, and the time does not need to be too long. The purpose of this is to improve your child's breath control.

In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look. When blowing feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls, pay attention to letting the child blow at a constant speed a - DayDayNews

When practicing blowing, don’t forget to inhale. Insufficient inhalation will also affect the effect of speaking. Inhalation can be practiced by smelling perfume or playing the following games with your children:

Tear a paper towel into narrow strips, put it on your nose and let your child inhale the paper strips. After fully inhaling the air, pronounce the "p" sound with your mouth. The note blew out.

Another method is to let the child lie flat on the bed and be quiet for a while, so that the child's breathing changes from chest breathing to abdominal breathing. You can put a small pillow on the child's belly so that the child can see the ups and downs of the pillow and experience the breathing of the abdomen. Enter Xingkang, get out of autism

02. Tongue exercises

The first method is to use seaweed, tear it apart with hands and tear it into small pieces and stick them around the mouth. Let the child lick them with the tip of his tongue to practice the flexibility of the tongue. sex. You can also stick seaweed on the roof of the mouth and let the child lick it off with the tip of his tongue, and practice the upward and downward movement of the child's tongue in the mouth. This movement is very important, and it is conducive to the flexibility of the child's tongue when speaking.

The second method is to play with the tongue . Use the front of the tongue to make a sound.

03. Lip exercises

Pout the lips and make the sound from slow to fast, flat lips make the sound, use the lips to make "toot~", make "puff" on the arms and other lip exercises, each time for ten minutes.

In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look. When blowing feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls, pay attention to letting the child blow at a constant speed a - DayDayNews

04. Nasal practice

Close your mouth and use your nose to pronounce the sound to cause nasal resonance (nasal sounds are used in the an/en/ang/eng/ing of the finals) long, short, fast, slow, light and heavy, three minutes each time .

05. Pronunciation exercises

Make the long sounds a——, u—— loudly and with your mouth wide open. Game: The child and the parent extend their thumbs at the same time. While extending, pronounce a - slowly extend it and then align it with the child's thumb. When the thumb is pressed against each other, the pronunciation is emphasized. You can practice using your abdomen to pronounce the word with force.

06. Vital capacity exercises

When practicing pronunciation, "p, t, h" are all aspirated sounds, which require the passage of airflow. You can put a feather or paper strip in front of your mouth during pronunciation and feel the changes in airflow while pronunciation.

07. Oral exercises

Massage outside the mouth for five minutes, knead the cheeks, upper and lower lips, and mandible, and practice the proprioception of the oral muscles.

These are routine exercises that need to be done every day. The length of time depends on the child's condition, and can be practiced multiple times a day.

After the initial consonant is pronounced, the final consonant is pronounced, and then the two sounds are connected. This exercise is difficult, and you can master the key by practicing more.

08. Language cognition

When children have needs, guide them to express themselves actively. For example: I want..., I want..., every time the child makes a request, such as when he wants to eat or play with toys, he must say: I want to eat cookies, I want to play with bears.

In order to better help children with language development disorders, Xingkang has summarized the following training methods for everyone, let’s take a look. When blowing feathers, paper strips, and table tennis balls, pay attention to letting the child blow at a constant speed a - DayDayNews

09. The organization of language

For children with poor language ability, you can teach them by imitating language. Pay attention to the integrity of the language. First, there must be subject + predicate + object, for example: I eat.

For children with good language expression ability, you can set up scenarios to teach your children to imitate speaking. Teach language through things anytime, anywhere, such as language used while riding the bus or while shopping in the supermarket.

10. Language coherence and fluency

Practice quickly saying "dad, dad, dad, mom, mom, mom" as well as grandpa, grandma, brother and sister that the child can say, and then quickly look at pictures and identify small animals. Children can follow the parents and say, Parents can also follow their children and tell them that they should pronounce clearly and correctly, and use this as a demonstration. Repeated practice can gradually guide their children to pronounce clearly and accurately.

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