In order to provide parents with special family education guidance during special periods, the All-China Women's Federation launched the "Special Tutoring during Special Periods" WeChat column, where parents can learn family education knowledge through family education micro-clas

2024/05/2621:20:32 baby 1460

In order to provide parents with special family education guidance during special periods, the All-China Women's Federation launched the "Special Tutoring during Special Periods" WeChat column, where parents can learn family education knowledge through family education micro-classes.

Several common questions for newborns (Special Tutoring Issue 1060)

In order to provide parents with special family education guidance during special periods, the All-China Women's Federation launched the

1. Why does the weight of newborns decrease?

This is mainly because the baby consumes less food and excretes more water and feces after birth, resulting in physiological weight loss. Generally, the birth weight decreases by 3% to 7%, and the birth weight returns to the birth weight in more than 7 days to 10 days. When the weight loss is >10% or there is still no recovery 3 to 5 days after birth, the cause should be found in time and corrected.

2. Why does the skin of newborns turn yellow?

Neonatal jaundice , also known as neonatal hyperbilirubinemia , is a clinical phenomenon in which abnormal bilirubin metabolism in newborns causes an increase in bilirubin in the blood and yellow staining of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes. It is one of the common symptoms of newborns.

Neonatal jaundice is divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice : Physiological jaundice usually appears 2 or 3 days after birth, reaches its peak in about a week, and basically subsides in about two weeks. However, if jaundice appears early, progresses quickly, reaches the level of severe jaundice (jaundice extends to the limbs and palms), or subsides significantly slowly, you need to be alert to the possibility of pathological jaundice.

3. Why do newborns have and horse teeth ?

In some babies, yellow-white rice-sized particles, called horse teeth, can be seen on both sides of the midline of the palate or at the edge of the gums. This is a normal physiological phenomenon that will subside on its own after a few weeks or months and does not require special treatment.

4.Why do female babies have false menstruation?

Female babies who are 5 to 7 days old will have bloody secretions in the vagina, but the amount is not large, and the baby will not have any other discomfort. This is a normal physiological phenomenon for newborn female babies, and is called " false menstruation ". This is because the baby has a higher level of estrogen and progesterone in the mother's belly. After the baby is born, the estrogen and progesterone decrease, causing withdrawal bleeding . This "pseudo menstrual" bleeding is very small and usually lasts for 2 to 4 days. It will disappear on its own. If your baby's vaginal bleeding is heavy and lasts for a long time, you must consult a doctor in time.

5. Why can’t the newborn’s fingers be opened?

The brain development of newborns is not very mature, and the hand muscle activity is poorly regulated. As a result, the contraction of the flexor muscles of the baby's fingers is dominant, while the extensor muscles of the fingers are relatively weak, showing that the fingers cannot be opened. This phenomenon occurs when the baby is about 6 years old. This situation will basically disappear after a month.

In order to provide parents with special family education guidance during special periods, the All-China Women's Federation launched the

6. Why can’t you use flash to take pictures of newborns?

After a newborn is born, using a flash to take pictures of the baby is very harmful to the child. The baby has just come out of a dark environment (from the mother’s belly) and is very sensitive to light stimulation. The stimulation of strong light is not fully adjusted, so Regular exposure to some strong light stimulation may damage retinal nerves. Therefore, it is recommended not to use flash to take pictures of your baby, and not to use too strong light on your baby in the bedroom.

In order to provide parents with special family education guidance during special periods, the All-China Women's Federation launched the

7. Why is breast milk the most ideal nutrition for newborns?

Because breast milk contains various nutrients necessary for the baby's growth and development, it is rich, easy to digest and absorb, and has a suitable temperature; the protein, fat and lactose in breast milk are most suitable for newborns to digest and absorb; breast milk can enhance the baby's immunity. , Enhance physical fitness; breastfeeding is conducive to enhancing the relationship between mother and baby, promoting the growth and development of the baby, and is conducive to the physical recovery of new mothers. No milk powder on the market can replace it.

Source: Maternal and Child Protection

Picture source: Photo Network

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