This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still "stuck in the past". They think that I raised several children in this way in the past, why can't I do it now?

2024/05/2721:25:32 baby 1868
The editor of

is making headlines again. In fact, not only grandma, grandma also has many stereotypes and bad habits when raising children.. This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still "stuck in the past." thinks that I raised several children this way in the past, why can't it work now ? In fact, the infant mortality rate was very high in the past. The editor's aunt once had a baby girl who suffocated due to adult negligence when she was three months old. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the progress of the times and master the advanced parenting methods . I hope that everyone, whether old or young, will learn to think and verify when they see knowledge that is different from what they know, instead of blindly refuting and criticizing.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

Take care of newborns, don’t do these things

  1. Don’t pick horse teeth horse teeth

The small white spots near the gums that resemble teeth are called epithelial beads in medicine, and they are keratin left over from the development process. Epithelial beads are a normal phenomenon and will fall off on their own a few weeks after birth. In some places, there is superstition and they believe that this little white spot must be picked out. Children who do not pick it out are prone to drooling, which can lead to gum infection in children and even more serious consequences.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

Pictures of horse teeth and the consequences of picking horse teeth

  1. Do not squeeze the nipples

Some places believe that after a baby girl is born, the nipples need to be squeezed by hand to develop better. It is even thought that not squeezing the nipples will cause the nipples to become inverted and difficult to feed in the future. In fact, nipple development has nothing to do with squeezing or not. However, there are countless cases of redness, swelling, inflammation and even serious infection of children's breasts due to nipple squeezing. I hope if you find an old man at home who insists on squeezing his child’s nipple, you must stop him!

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

Serious consequences of nipple squeezing

  1. Do not pluck vellus hair

The black hair that grows on the chest and back of newborn babies, also known as pig hair wind, will gradually fall off naturally. Sometimes these body hairs are not obvious at first, but after adults rub them with eggs and breast milk, they will turn into black and hard coarse hairs. Cast a mystery. In some places, there is a tradition of blowing "pig's hair wind", which is believed to cause babies to cry. In fact, the baby's skin barrier has not yet fully developed. Shaving the vellus hair can easily cause damage to the baby's hair follicles and skin, and even infection and sepsis.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

shaving pig hair wind

  1. Don't pick at scalp cradle cap

Baby cradle cap, medically known as " seborrheic dermatitis", is actually very different from adult seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis in infants is characterized by a layer of yellow scales covering the scalp, eyebrows and other parts of the skin. Most of them are not painful or itchy and will heal on their own. Be careful not to pick at newborn cradle cap. The scalp of a baby is as delicate as the skin and is very easy to scratch. In severe cases, it may even lead to bacterial infection. I hope everyone can control their little hands [covering face].

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

Newborn scalp cradle cap

The above summary is common to newborns, but the elderly think it needs to be dealt with. I hope all mothers will stop it when the elderly at home ask for picking horse teeth, blowing "pig hair wind", etc. These stereotypes or superstitious behaviors.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

Other behaviors that are best not to do

  • Do not feed food mouth-to-mouth : Infection with various bacteria and viruses. The well-known Helicobacter pylori is often infected in childhood.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

  • Don’t wear too much : The editor has seen babies wrapped in three layers inside and outside in 30-degree weather. It may be that in addition to worrying about "cold", the elderly do not know that there is another problem called " fever syndrome" ". The latter is much more likely to cause neonatal death than "cold".
  • Likes to touch the private parts of little boys : Some old people are particularly fond of boys. They show off their grandchildren’s private parts to others everywhere, and they also like to tease them from time to time at home.However, in addition to the fact that adults’ hands are prone to infection due to bacteria, teasing their children’s private parts is also not conducive to their development of gender awareness. In this complex society, early sex education and teaching children to protect their private organs are very important for both boys and girls!
  • Too much pampering, giving you whatever you want : If nothing else, it is very common in our community for children to eat lollipops frequently within one year of age. Not to mention those children who roll around on the floor and punch and kick adults when they can't play with their mobile phones.

This is mainly due to the cognitive differences between the two generations. Most of the elderly's thoughts are still

The above are the common stereotypes and bad habits of old people raising children around KK. Is there such a situation around you? Are there any other strange ways for old people to take care of their babies? Welcome to share it with the editor in the comments, and also let other friends know more about raising children. Thank you [呲呲]

KK is a 985 Master of Engineering and a mother of evidence-based parenting. Her daughter is beautiful in 4, 2020. Month of birth.

KK's evidence-based parenting system is based on authoritative medical books such as "Nelson Pediatrics" and "Western Internal Medicine", as well as the latest domestic and foreign medical guidelines and papers, combined with the parenting experience of oneself and those around him.

KK believes that the essence of parenting is full of love, and hopes to help more parents grow with their own knowledge.

♡If you like KK’s popular science, please follow me.

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