Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also

2019/12/0110:05:07 baby 2986

Wenwen has been pregnant for more than 6 months. Recently, I always feel itchy on my stomach. Sometimes I can’t help Wenwen and will scratch it with my hands. After scratching Wenwen, my belly becomes very red. Wenwen is worried about whether Affect the fetus.

After pregnancy, many expectant mothers will feel itchy in the late or mid-pregnancy. Some expectant mothers will scratch their belly immediately. In fact, this approach is not only incorrect, and may even harm the baby. Z2z

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews

What is itchy stomach during pregnancy

Itching on the stomach of expectant mothers after pregnancy is usually caused by the growth and development of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus, making abdominal skin stretched out . In addition, there are some expectant mothers who have dry skin on their belly, which may also cause itchy belly. If not treated in time, red marks may appear on the belly of expectant mothers soon.

Need to pay attention to: If the mother-to-be has an itchy stomach that lasts for a long time, there may be some abnormalities. At this time, the mother-to-be should go to a regular doctor for a good check. Once you find that there is a problem, you need to take timely measures.

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews

Itchy stomach during pregnancy is best for mothers-to-be. It is best not to use your hands. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for your baby, but also good for your baby.

Itchy tummy during pregnancy can easily scratch the skin if you use your hands. It even affects the fetus, so for the healthy development of the baby, mothers-to-be may try the following 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus, but also good.

  • 1, wipe dry in time after sweating

Generally, the body temperature of pregnant women will be higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, the belly will increase and the body burden will increase, so it is easy to sweat after a little activity. After the mother-to-be sweats, the sweat stays on the belly and evaporates, and it feels itchy, which makes people want to scratch it.

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews

In order to relieve the itchy tummy, it is recommended that the mother-to-be wipe off the water as soon as possible after sweating. Usually, it is best to bring a small towel on the body and wipe it quickly when the body is sweating. At the same time, pay attention to avoiding severe Exercise and avoid hot places to avoid sweating too much.

  • 2. Try to wear loose cotton clothes

Usually after pregnancy, not only the belly of the expectant mother will increase, but the limbs may also become thicker. About 4 or 5 months of pregnancy, the clothes of the mother before pregnancy may be You can't wear it anymore. In order to avoid squeezing into the belly and causing discomfort, it is necessary for expectant mothers to choose some suitable maternity clothes for themselves.

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews

Because the belly of the expectant mother will get bigger and bigger during pregnancy, and the body sweats more, it is best for the expectant mother to choose some loose and comfortable cotton clothes with good sweat absorption. This can also prevent the tummy from being strangled due to the clothes being too small, which will cause itching and even reduce the impact on the baby.

  • 3. Less use of products that irritate or dry skin

During pregnancy, due to more sweating, mothers-to-be bathe more often. When taking a bath, most expectant mothers will use some products (such as shower gel or soap, etc.) to clean the skin. Of course, expectant mothers can use cleaning products in the bath, but the product selection is wrong, and it may aggravate the itchy stomach of expectant mothers. The phenomenon.

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews

  • 4, avoid too dry skin

Many expectant mothers have this knowledge: itchy belly after pregnancy, it must be long lines. In fact, if the mother-to-be takes precautions in advance, often apply some moisturizing products (such as natural olive oil, professional line-removing cream, etc.) to prevent the skin from being too dry, and it is also possible to avoid the appearance of "watermelon" belly.

finally needs special attentionOne thing is : itchy tummy during pregnancy, mothers-to-be should never scratch with their hands (especially their nails). You must know that this can easily scratch the skin. Besides, there are many bacteria on the nails. Mothers-to-be use nails Tickling may even affect the baby. Therefore, we must pay extra attention.

Don’t scratch your tummy during pregnancy. Try these 4 methods, which are not only effective for the fetus but also - DayDayNews


In short, itching on the stomach during pregnancy may be a normal phenomenon, or there may be some abnormalities. It is recommended that the mother-to-be go to the hospital for a check in time. If there is no problem, they should pay more attention to dressing and moisturizing the skin. The most important thing is not to scratch with your hands.

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