Three strokes and two simple pediatric massage

2021/10/1515:11:02 baby 422

1. Chiropractic

The specific method is: put your hands on the child's spine. If you feel that there is heat in any place, rub it from the bottom up to remove the fire. Whether you love a sick child or not, chiropractic twice a day can increase immunity.

2. Massage Tianzhu acupoint

Some children have weaker physiques. How can parents make children with weak physique stronger? There is a particularly good acupuncture point, Tianzhu acupoint. There are two tendons on the back of the neck, and the Tianzhu point is in the raised area behind. Press and rub frequently to make this place feel a little irritated. Do it often, and the child's fire will go down.

Third, scrape Dazhui point

The child often coughs because of lung fever . You can use the scraping board to scrape around the Dazhui point, where a red Sha will appear.

4. Massage Tiantu acupoint

Some children are especially prone to bronchitis and love to cough. You can massage two acupoints. One is where the child’s second clavicle meets the shoulder joint. You can press it frequently, which is particularly good for preventing coughing. The other is Tiantu point, in the middle of the collarbone.

5. Rub Tanzhong acupoint

If the child's immunity is relatively weak, take a soft dry towel and rub him at Tanzhong acupoint every night before going to bed. The thymus of children before the age of 14 is still functioning. Frequent massage can make the thymus cells more active and strengthen the immune system.

6. Finger rubbing

It is recommended that when parents send their children to kindergarten in the morning, or when taking a stroll, they can often rub the sides of the children’s fingers. This corresponds to the child’s digestive tract, which is very good for removing fire, eliminating food accumulation, and increasing immunity. With ten fingers connected to the heart, the communication between mother and child can also be transmitted through hands.

Seven, rub the soles of the feet

You can rub the soles of the feet for your child at night. There are two pieces of meat on the soles of the feet with a pit in the middle. This place is Yongquan point , which is the reflection area of ​​the kidney . The energy of the human body is gushing out from this place. Rub the Yongquan acupoint frequently for the child, and the fire and poison in the body will be discharged, and the body function will be healthier.

Precautions for pediatric massage

1. Close doors and windows when massaging, and be careful of wind. When parents massage or scrape the child with , they must be careful not to have draught or let the child catch cold.

2. The room should be kept quiet and tidy, with fresh air and suitable temperature, and refrain from eating cold after massage.

3. Parents should keep their hands clean during massage and take off rings, bracelets and other accessories. The nails should be trimmed frequently, and the nails that have just been cut must be flattened with a nail file. Hands should be warm during winter massage.

4. Tuina should not be performed if there are fractures, traumatic bleeding, skin breaks, skin ulcers, burns, scalds, acute, severe infectious diseases, cancers and critical illnesses.

5. Children who are too hungry or full are not conducive to the effect of massage. When a child is crying, he must first calm down the child's emotions before performing massage.

6. Under normal circumstances, the total time of one massage for children is 10-20 minutes. However, due to the difference of the condition and the age of the child, there are also certain differences in the frequency and time of massage.

Three strokes and two simple pediatric massage - DayDayNews

Three strokes and two simple pediatric massage - DayDayNews


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