A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this "Children's Sports Age Comparison Table"

2021/10/0417:41:07 baby 1608
A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

Author: Xu Diandian

Source: Uncle Kai Parenting (ID: yuerjinhualun)


Not long ago, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Spine Surgery received such a patient:

9-year-old girl sweet (Alias)'s scoliosis reached 85 degrees.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

Picture source: Ziniu News

Good boy, how could he get such a strange disease? Things have to start from 4 years ago.

At that time, Tian Tian was only 5 years old and had been learning dance for several months. In one training session, she did the "lower waist" action as usual. As a result, after a few hours, he gradually lost consciousness from his feet to the waist. Since then, she has never been able to stand up again.

My family took the child to a number of hospitals, but none of them got better. In the past 4 years, Tiantian could only sit in a wheelchair, and she was unstable and sometimes hurt. Her spine was severely deformed and scoliosis, which affected her growth and respiratory function.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

The doctor said that the movement of "lowering the waist" when dancing is the most dangerous.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

Children must dance step by step, and they must be protected by a professional teacher.

The sweet case is not alone. Since last year, Gulou Hospital has received more than a dozen similar cases, all of which are caused by paraplegia due to dancing, and scoliosis caused by the child's long-term wheelchair use.

Experts reminded that " spinal cord injury is irreversible, 60% is permanent."

You must be cautious in cultivating children's hobbies and extreme movements. Once the child feels unwell, seek medical advice immediately, otherwise, over time, it may be impossible to recover forever and cause lifelong regrets.


Because of improper movement,There are many cases that cause children to be injured.

Some children have strong self-esteem. If they can't do it, they will do it desperately. If they don't know how to protect, accidents may happen.

Not long ago, I saw this piece of news:

A 13-year-old girl, Yuanyuan, whose mother forced her to skip 3,000 ropes a day, resulted in tibial tubercle osteoepiphysitis.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

Yuanyuan is 1.58 meters tall and weighs nearly 120 kilograms. Her mother heard that skipping rope helps to grow taller, so she wanted her to be taller and thinner by skipping rope, "looks more beautiful".

The girl clenched her teeth every day, rain or shine, until one day, she suddenly felt pain in her left knee when she was jumping, which can be quickly relieved when she is not moving, and occasionally she can feel pain when walking.

After she told her mother, her mother thought her daughter was making excuses, she just wanted to be lazy and stop jumping. It was not until a few days later that my mother wanted to find a doctor to "dismantle" her daughter, so she took her to the hospital.

After listening to the doctor's diagnosis, my mother regretted it. Only then did she know that her daughter was really injured, not pretending to be.

The doctor said that children injured by skipping overdose are everywhere, mostly students from second to sixth grade.

Skipping rope does help to grow taller, but it must be moderate and not exceed the child's ability to bear it.


Parents all know that exercise helps their children's growth and development, but which age is suitable for which exercise? How long is the right time for my child to exercise every day?

Regarding the exercise intensity and exercise time of children and adolescents, it is recommended to refer to the "Chinese Children and Adolescents' Physical Activity Guide":

Ensure 60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity every day;

Maintain high-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week And resistance activities;

Screen contact time per day, no more than 2 hours.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

Regarding the specific exercise type,The following "Children's Sports Age Comparison Table" is recommended for parents to collect:

before 3 years old

It is recommended that parents accompany their children in some exercises that promote physical coordination, and they can participate in games through games. sports.

Under the premise of ensuring the safety of children, do sports such as walking, running, jumping, up and down steps, picking leaves, playing sand, playing football, throwing balls or sandbags.

There is no limit to the time of daily exercise.

3-6 years old

Sports suitable for children's growth and development at this stage, mainly: jumping, running, shooting, touching high, dancing, skipping rope, swimming, etc.

It should be noted that swimming needs to be learned under professional guidance. The most suitable age for learning to swim is over 5 years old.

Regarding dance, you can start simple rhythm exercises after the age of 3, mainly to cultivate children's expressiveness, sense of rhythm and interest. It is not advisable to do some difficult movements prematurely, such as splits, bending over, and ballet toes. Professional dance training is recommended after the age of 10.

Children aged 3-6 can exercise as much as possible throughout the day with unlimited time and intensity.

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this

6-8 years old

Before the age of 6, you can get involved in ball games, but systematic learning is still recommended after the age of 6.

Because at the age of 6-8, children already have a strong ability to imitate and perceive time and space, and can better control ball games such as table tennis and tennis.

This age group is the peak period of children's growth and development, and long-term strenuous exercise is not allowed.

9-12 years old

After 9 years old, some rules can be introduced to be more complicated.Sports that require strategic cooperation, such as basketball, volleyball, football, etc.

Children in this age group are in a period of rapid bone growth, and strenuous exercise that may cause shock or injury is not suitable for this age group.

This age group can train children's athletic abilities, such as dancing, football, table tennis, and badminton, but they must avoid injuries.

In addition, you can do some exercises that are good for your height, such as reaching for heights, skipping ropes, and pulling ups.

In short, I hope that parents must stay sensible, guide their children to exercise reasonably, and develop a good habit of loving sports.

Once the child is unwell, go to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't think that the child is lazy, let alone force the child.

Finally, I wish the children a healthy body.

Exercise is good, but it must be moderate.

Don’t forget to forward to parents around you~

A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this A 9-year-old girl has a severely deformed spine and scoliosis of 85 degrees! Hurry up and collect this .

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