Why is the smarter the child who loves to play?

2021/09/0918:55:12 baby 1056

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

chicken baby ” seems to become a mainstream society, and the children’s free play time is constantly wasting time, and it is common for parents Busy arranging a full schedule for the child, racing against time, let the child live a very "fulfilling" every day.

Depriving children of opportunities to play is harmful to children


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Researchers working with children have shown that lack of play time can even have a negative impact on the brain and delay brain growth. On the contrary, giving children time to rest and play can help children overcome negative emotions and promote brain development.

Children’s lack of play time is harmful, and parents invisibly deprive children of the opportunity to play or allow children to play passively.

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

When a few-month-old child bites a picture book, his mother thinks he is disrupting the child and prevents the child. In fact, the child is in the early stages of developing reading habits;

Children over 1 year old are babbling,The mother thought it was too noisy and stopped the child. In fact, the child was practicing vocalization and wanted to speak;

A 5-year-old child caught insects in the grass. The mother felt that the child was dirty and prevented the child. In fact, children are observing and exploring the mysteries of nature...

Children are playing proactively. Play comes from the child’s heartfelt desire, but parents will choose what for their children because of their own concerns. Not to let them choose what to play.

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

When parents enroll their children in interest classes, on the one hand, they want their children to have fun, and on the other hand, they want to tap their children’s talents so that they can win awards and help them in the future. Studies. But often the latter's idea will be abandoned by the child halfway because of ignoring the child's feelings.

What is really good for children is free play

What is free play? Take reading as an example. Reading can also be a part of children's play.

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

First, Play must be a process of enjoyment . It's not that showing a joke to the child makes the child laugh, but no matter what type of picture book is read, it is full of fun, integrates into the world of picture books, and enjoys it.

Second, plays without any external goals .Some parents like to preach while their children are reading, so that they can acquire reading skills, and they are required to repeat the content after reading. This invisibly exerts pressure on the children to read, but reading is pleasant to the children without any utilitarianism. Sexual purpose.

Just like Matsui Nao, the father of Japanese picture books, said, "Picture books are not used to learn things, but to feel happiness." This concept is very important for cultivating children's reading interest and habits. .

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

Third, playing is voluntary, and players choose independently. Choose your favorite picture book so that your child will become the dominant person in reading, while the parent will only act as an auxiliary role, and if necessary, give them some help when the child has difficulty reading.

Fourth, requires the active participation of players to play. Cultivating interest in reading first requires the child to actively want to read. If the child has a strong performance of resistance, sitting there passively and not actively participating, he might as well do another reading activity at another time. Passive reading again and again will only destroy children's interest in books.

Fifth, contains a certain imagination component in play. In many games played by young children, there is an abstract element, an element that is divorced from reality. While children are reading, they put themselves into the role of the story, imagine that they are experiencing the story in the book, this is play.

If you cultivate children's interest in reading in this way, let them feel that reading is just playing, and they will soon fall in love with reading.

Playing will only make children smarter

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img6p0 p0 p0 Play can promote children to solve problems and stimulate their creativity. It also helps to improve children's concentration and promote children's social development. Play is related to greater creativity and imagination, and even to higher reading levels and IQ scores.

Nowadays, many children study to answer the test and get the correct answer, but they lack a thinking mode for answering the question, which prevents their thinking from jumping to higher heights. Although it’s important to be able to answer questions, truly creative people don’t just look for answers to existing questions. They will “play”, ask new questions, study answers, and have richer and more active thinking, so they are more active. clever.

Play gives children a sense of strength

Think about why children like playing in the world of dinosaurs? Because the dinosaur itself is a symbol of powerful power. They enjoy satisfying their curiosity and seeking excitement in their fantasy world of dinosaurs.

When children are playing, they play a leading role. They can be the masters of the real world or the imaginary world. They are no longer bound by the ideas and requirements of their parents. They enjoy this A sense of power to dominate.

Because in the game, children can be whoever they want to be and go where they want to go. Through games, they learn how to deal with feelings, how to dominate the world, and how to become social. They do not have the purpose of learning and simply enjoy the fun of playing, but they can still learn new vocabulary, learn how to solve problems, and learn how to be flexible.

Why is the smarter the child who loves to play? - DayDayNews

Play is the key to cultivating happy and smart children.Play really makes children smarter. Parents need to be aware of the necessity of free play for their children’s childhood growth, figure out how to let children play purely, and guide children to play freely. Don’t hinder play for utilitarian purposes. The benefits of the child.


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