What do you talk about when talking to children

2021/09/0423:09:02 baby 920

1. Newly discovered food;

2. Meet to watch movies;

3. Talk about the book you want to buy;

4. Communicate with each other's friends;

5. Share your feelings of exercise;

6. Exchange the beautiful photos taken;

7. Evaluation of rice noodles for breakfast;

8. Discuss whether to cut hair and nails;

9. Talk about the meals in their cafeterias;

10. Learn about the games they are obsessed with;

11. Suggestions for each other's daily routine;

12. Listen to his description of interesting things between classmates and friends;

13. Share with him the work and colleagues;

14. Share the growth of office plants and succulents ;

15. Ask him to cook two dishes;

16. Discuss past teachers and classmates;

17. Discuss life tricks;

18. Discuss dreams while sleeping;

19. Communication How to tidy up the room;

20. Discuss the TV programs you watched together;

21. Discuss the destinations and routes for leisure;

22. Give suggestions for spending money;

23. Praise and praise each other

24. tease each other;

25. Share favorite articles;

26. Point out each other’s shortcomings and discuss improvements together;

27. Research things that you don’t understand together;

28. Supervise each other Remind not to be addicted to mobile phones;

29. Explore the future together;

30. Watch the news together and talk about major events in the world.

——In short, talk less about learning, and talk more about things outside of learning!

What do you talk about when talking to children - DayDayNews


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