Our lives are destined to keep saying goodbye to those we hold dearest. There is a question somewhere: How to judge a person’s character? A highly praised message said: "Many times, nothing you look at is useful. The only thing you look at is useful, which is how he looks at the

Our life
is destined to keep saying goodbye to those dearest ones. There is a question on
: How does
judge a person's character? A high praise message for
said: "Many times, nothing you see in
is useful. The only useful thing is to see him at the lowest point in his life." In the difficult days of
, stick to the bottom line and believe in kindness. It is the greatest nobility and dignity of a person.
Intelligence is a talent, kindness is a choice.

A person has seen the lowest point of human nature, but still believes in kindness.
is willing to love the world with his heart. Yang Jiang is such a person who coexists with wisdom and kindness.

In 1997, Yang Jiang lost her daughter Qian Yuan, and her husband Qian Zhongshu the following year.
Mr. Yang Jiang said: "The three of us were separated, so easily separated.
'If the good things in the world do not stick to it, the colorful clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is fragile'. Now, I am the only one left."
has long been heartbroken, but In my extremely restrained expression, I felt the deepest sadness in life.
But in ", We Three, ", what occupies the most space is not misery, but the warm and happy daily life of the family.

Although they are all trivial things in life,

only feels that every word grows out of deep love.

The love at first sight when we were young and the dependence on each other in times of hardship are hard to describe to outsiders.

It was the true dependence of life and death.
Read this book, not to watch this unparalleled love couple throwing their weight around, but to know that there is really a kind of love in the world. There is no jumping around, no hurtful calculations, some are love at first sight in Tsinghua University, but two people in one house. People have three meals and four seasons, respect and love each other. ️
When we can stay with our loved ones surrounded by flesh and blood, and when we can be with our loved ones, we always think that it is forever, and forget to cherish it.
And this book teaches us to live towards death and live more clearly;
teaches us to cherish the present and live more prudently;
teaches us to have empathy ;

teaches us what is the most important thing... ...
Then, when we reach the end of our lives, we can have no regrets.
This book may make you cry,

but I hope you can be happy after reading it: we are still young, and there is still so much time to fall in love,

There are still so many things to look forward to, which is great.
I hope we cherish every encounter, and hope that all fate will not be washed away by time.
hopes you can find someone who can communicate with you, who can understand you and trust you.
also wishes you to love bravely, face hardships and dare to move forward.