The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche

2024/07/0212:23:33 article 1473

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission.

After pruning the flower branches, I was stunned for a while. Sit by the window and wait for a gust of wind to come. Don't know when it will come, but it will come. Just wait, wait for the opportunity, wait for the response of nature and the universe.

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche - DayDayNews

Many times in life, the state is waiting. Waiting is the mission of most people. Only time can prove whether this mission exists or not. Have to wait.

Because of the chirping of cicadas, the courtyard becomes quieter and quieter, so quiet that my thoughts can run around, like a five-year-old child who is curious about everything and wants to try it. When you can't hold it back anymore, you can fly to the clouds.

But a five-year-old child does not have mature logic, and everything he does is willful. Therefore, such thoughts are too wild and unrealistic, and the more you think about them, the more outrageous they become.

My consciousness was controlled and my thoughts were brought back to the original track. I still remember that I was waiting for the wind to come.

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche - DayDayNews

The wind is originally shapeless, and I can't see it. When it blows through the woods, through the crop fields, and through the flowers, I see it. Then it flew up to my face and kissed me. My heart moved, just like when the first flower blooms, my heart moves happily. This is how nature and the universe respond to me.

This wind opened up another world for me. In that world, what I have been waiting for is always a heartbeat response. In this world, I silently do things in this world, doing things that I think I like, but I never expect to get any response. I am just doing what I should do, what I need to do, and it has nothing to do with anything.

In another world, that's where I really belong. I am looking forward to something, waiting for something, and needing a response. In the other world, all I can do is wait.

Nature and the universe need a pure consciousness. They do not need human behavior to impose something beyond themselves. They only need a pure consciousness and wait.

We face each other in two worlds. We want to say something to comfort each other, but there is no need to say anything. From the moment life comes, we are separated from each other, separated by a transparent and solid wall, unable to pass or enter. I think this wall should exist to protect us from each other. Without this wall, the two of us would be beaten by each other, or we would not get along and fight with each other, leaving both of us bruised and bruised. We'd go crazy and we'd all be ruined.

We should be grateful for the existence and protection of this transparent wall. In this way, we can face each other, even if we have never said a word, but as long as we stand opposite each other, we will not feel lonely. Occasionally mumbling to oneself, it doesn’t matter if you can’t hear it. If you can sense it, the two worlds will respond.

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche - DayDayNews

This heartbeat made us stand opposite each other again. This time I wanted to talk. You don't need to answer, just listen to me.

I said, I am so tired, lost and helpless.

You smiled and said nothing.

I said, am I a failure and let you down?

You smiled and said nothing.

I said, all these choices seem to be wrong. Everything I do now seems to be self-anaesthesia, which will make me fall into another abyss. No one can help me or understand me. The only thing I can do is to fall. When entering the abyss, shout as quietly as possible so as not to disturb others. Then get up and live a lifetime of loneliness in the abyss.

Say, give me your hand and I will pull you over.

I said, I can't get over it. Once I get over it, the world will collapse. There are people here who are in deeper abyss.

You said that you are destined to be lonely. You can't give up, which makes you miserable, and the pain makes you even more lonely.

I said that loneliness is also a mission.

you said, there is no mission, it is just your choice.

I said, what about you, will waiting make you feel lonely?

you said, yes, that is my choice.

I say, we are all alone.

You said, because you have seen the excitement and the flowers have bloomed and the clouds have dispersed, you will be lonely. This is life.

I say, should we embrace it? Give it a place, give it space, settle in, and meet it when you need it.

You smiled and said nothing. The more lonely you are, the more you can see another self.

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche - DayDayNews

When we are in this noisy world, our eyes and brains are filled with all kinds of things. We are temporarily intoxicated in it, feeling the pleasure brought by the prosperity of the outside world, and even cannot escape for a long time, and even some Many people would rather stay addicted to it.

But time will wake everyone up. No matter how drunk they have been, they will suddenly wake up at that moment. This is the time to face your other self. Some people can't accept it, some people ignore it, some people don't know themselves, and some people wake up and recognize another self.

What remains in real life must be real people, no matter where they are or what their identity is. And there is another world in your heart that is always waiting for you in this world. Wait for a response, wait for a heartbeat, wait for a face-to-face conversation, and don't let each other get lost in the dark forest.

The weather was extremely hot and there was no wind. The cicadas on the branches are still chirping vigorously. This summer belongs to them. No one can love summer as much as they do, just like farmers love the land. Perhaps this is their mission. After pruning the flower branche - DayDayNews

#waiting# #life diary#

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