Text/In Mei Lai's life, except for the close relationship between a few brothers from her husband's family, she had no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, and no neighbors. Trapped in your own small family, don't squeeze into other people's circles, don't let outsider

2024/07/0210:11:32 article 1200

text/Mei Lai

Text/In Mei Lai's life, except for the close relationship between a few brothers from her husband's family, she had no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, and no neighbors. Trapped in your own small family, don't squeeze into other people's circles, don't let outsider - DayDayNews

In this life, except for the close relationship between the brothers from my husband's family and my mother's family, I have no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, no neighbors.

is trapped in his own small family, does not squeeze into other people's circles, does not allow outsiders to enter his own world, and lives a flat and dull life.

uses words to vent his enthusiasm when he is happy, and expresses his sorrow with words when he is unhappy. I like quiet and stay at home. The busier the place, the more lonely it will be.

Text/In Mei Lai's life, except for the close relationship between a few brothers from her husband's family, she had no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, and no neighbors. Trapped in your own small family, don't squeeze into other people's circles, don't let outsider - DayDayNews

Sometimes the heart becomes more real and full. Let poetry and books fill your mind, and let music and chess decorate your days.

Sometimes I feel particularly bored and empty, and the blank silence seems endless and deep.

A person watches flowers bloom and fall, a person makes wine with green plums, and a person dances to the moon. Drunk in the deep blue lake, drunk in the pot of wine that Shixian Li Bai poured out madly.

is like the crazy cloud on the lonely branch, freely contrasting with the empty scene in the Mingyue Mountain. Sitting quietly by the water and watching the sunrise, the wind blows in and out of your heart.

Text/In Mei Lai's life, except for the close relationship between a few brothers from her husband's family, she had no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, and no neighbors. Trapped in your own small family, don't squeeze into other people's circles, don't let outsider - DayDayNews

looks lonely and lonely, but there are stars in his eyes and moonlight in his smile, turning the years into a poetic and picturesque life.

In the folds of my heart, there is still a touch of love, beauty, waiting and expectation.

Slowly use your efforts to water the flower of fantasy. Everything is not far away, everything is on the road. I hope that the smile on your face will bloom freely and happily.

People come from silence and go to silence. Silence, play with loneliness, embrace yourself, remember yourself, forget yourself.

So, be safe!

Text/In Mei Lai's life, except for the close relationship between a few brothers from her husband's family, she had no friends, besties, or colleagues, no classmates, and no neighbors. Trapped in your own small family, don't squeeze into other people's circles, don't let outsider - DayDayNews

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