Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying: "The

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Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiaomeng

[Walking in sleep at night, Xiaomeng listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories.

I heard a saying: "The real regret is never the absence of an ending, but the fact that we love each other but we can't see the ending."

In life, many people actually have such a person who cannot love, that is Their youth is a memory, but not the future.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

When I have you, I feel like the happiest person in the world. After losing you, this world has no meaning to me.

However, we can never give up everything else for love. This is reality, not an idol drama plot.

1. About our past

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

I heard a story about Eason Chan 's song " Ten Years ". Behind the song, there was a story.

The protagonist is a taxi driver. During a job, he attracted his girlfriend who he had been in love with for ten years, but he did not exchange greetings.

Because he noticed that she was now dressed luxuriously, and he and she had become people in two different worlds. It would be rude to disturb her again.

So, he just drove the car silently, followed the other party's request and changed the destination, listening to her and the friend on the phone passing by.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

Finally, the past is over and the destination has been reached. However, after the girl got out of the car, she sat back in the car. She only asked him one sentence:

"I have told you my ten years of stories. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

The driver just looked at the girl in the rearview mirror. Then he said: "Goodbye." Then, both of them burst into tears.

Sometimes, love is not everything in life. It’s not like people who missed it will meet and fall in love with each other again in the vast sea of ​​people.

Because we are no longer the same people we were back then. I can't give you what you want, and you should have gotten used to a life without me.

2. After losing you, I chose to give up love.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

Regarding the regret after losing someone, I remembered what a netizen had shared, which was a story of his sister’s personal experience.

At that time, her sister was 23 years old and met a boyfriend out of town. The two fell in love very much and decided to get married. But the girl's family was very opposed to it.

Because they disliked the boy for not having a house or a car, and his job was not decent. They feel that boys cannot give their daughters a happy life.

A pair of lovers knelt down in front of the girl's parents. They said that they would make the decision on their own lives. No matter what, they hoped that their parents would agree to their marriage.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

After making trouble like this several times, he was still ruthlessly rejected. The boy and the girl were forced to break up. Since then, the girl has never mentioned love again.

Later, the netizen gradually grew up, and his sister also changed from a 23-year-old girl to a 32-year-old girl. Her family kept introducing blind dates to her, but she rejected them one by one.

Finally, my parents couldn't stand it anymore. They said, if you really like that boy back then, you should go find him. Isn’t it okay if we agree?

But the girl just raised her head, looked at her parents with already red eyes and said, "But, he got married a few years ago, and it's impossible for us to do that in this life."

I once heard a saying: "When you meet Before I met you, I felt that I could make do with it. After meeting you, I felt that everyone could make do with it. "

But not all regrets can be made up for. Just like I once loved you, but now when I think about it, I feel sad.

3. I once loved you, it really makes me sad.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

When we were young, we listened to the love songs on the audio cassettes. We only understood the tunes, but we did not understand the meaning of the lyrics.

In our eyes at the time, it was just sadness and an emotional value. It’s something we want to emulate.

But later, we all grew up.In the sea of ​​​​people, we have met several people, and we have decided to spend the rest of our lives with someone several times.

But in reality, not everything develops as we think. Some things are beyond our control, so later we became someone in the song.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

We have also thought of walking down a long alley with someone, and met a few people who were unable to love but had to show off. This is what life will be like later.

Later on, have you ever felt extremely regretful about losing someone, but do you still have a chance?

There is a high probability that he has returned you to the sea of ​​people. Otherwise, you will not think of the past again and try to get the sweet evidence from it.

Because for any pair of people who love each other, what they see will always be the future holding hands, not the past. Those things are in the past and there is no reason to remember them anymore.

4. Love also includes regret

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

Chi Li said: "It is always like this. Love can only be responsible for the word love, not the ability to love, nor another word: love."

The road we once walked together, None of us will forget. However, we are destined to have no future. The last thing

can give you is that when we meet next time, we can wave and say hello, or don't say hello. After all, you are already my regret.

The ending of the story, it no longer matters how many there have been. Your wedding dress will not be worn for me, and my ring can only belong to someone else.

Picture: Duitang (infringement and deletion) Text: Xiao Meng [Walking in Night Dreams, Xiao Meng Listens]: The same name on the entire network, welcome to follow, please authorize reprinting, plagiarism will be investigated! Looking forward to your stories. I heard a saying:

and above, I wish you sweet dreams and good night.

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