It rains heavily in summer, so avoid going out. When you are about to go home, what lies in front of you is not only a lake, but also a river, a spectacular sight. Through the rain curtains, my vision was blurry. I walked stubbornly in the rain, enjoying the feeling of being embr

It’s raining heavily in summer, so avoid going out. When you are about to go home, what lies in front of you is not only a lake, but also a river, a spectacular sight. Through the rain curtains, my vision was blurry. I walked stubbornly in the rain, enjoying the feeling of being embraced by the wind and rain, and enjoying the excitement I had never experienced before.

I have an umbrella, and I am the one holding the umbrella, but I still can't resist the slanting wind carrying raindrops, which fall on my shoulders and slap my face. I want to throw away my umbrella and accept the baptism of the storm. I like this feeling, this vivid feeling.

I stepped hard on the earth, and a splash of water flew up from under my feet, like rippling joy, and then slowly fell down, quietly falling into the chest of the earth. The joy in my heart was properly placed by me, and I would never let it go again. It wanders.

Pictures come from the Internet

Once upon a time, the sun-drenched asphalt road, heat waves passed through its hard skin, impacted again and again, weakened again and again, and the sunlight could never penetrate into the depths of the earth. Even if it is hit by heavy rain, it will still be stretched out by the earth, stretching into a puddle of water and developing into a river.

The car is coming, I hope it comes a little later, I don’t want it to take me home so quickly, I want to stand with the wind and rain. When we got in the car, someone was complaining, complaining about the bad weather, complaining about the rain getting wet on her sleeves, complaining about the corner of the umbrella getting caught in her hair.

And I found a corner, positioned myself, and looked out the window silently. The rain on the car window flowed like a small river, with endless turbulence.

Pictures come from the Internet

The city under the heavy rain is enduring the sudden whipping, like a whip that refuses to stop, God is angry! The crackling vents the emotions, the earth is silent, the buildings are silent, the trees are silent, the birds return to their nests, reptiles enter their holes, but is its cave filled with tears from the sky? Can you survive the rough tumbling waves?

The car stopped, and the driver told him to get out of the car, there was nothing he could do! Isn't this what I yearn for? I want to embrace the wind and rain, want to blend into the wind and rain, and want to be baptized by the wind and rain!

After getting off the car, I saw a lake lying in front of me. The water was rippling and looked like an ocean. I think of watching the sea in the rain, but there is no smell of sea in the air.

Hold the umbrella and embark on the way home. The river embankment is long, and the river embankment in the rain is soft and romantic. I saw a young boy, wearing basketball shoes, standing on tiptoes and walking briskly across the pool.

And I like this kind of puddle, I will still step on it hard. I like the splashing water to wet my trousers. I like the feeling of sliding on the floor. My shoes are like a small boat, splitting the water all the way. Sing.

Walking down the river embankment, the road home has flooded into the Yellow River ! In sharp contrast to the clean water just now, it is a combination of soil and water. The soil is as fine and smooth as pearl powder, but it is the color of the earth.

"Master, can I wade through here?"

Standing on the curb, I saw a sanitation worker holding a thick wire and exploring in the water.

"Go this way! There are no pits here!"

I followed the direction of the sanitation worker's fingers and stepped into the yellow water with one foot. The water submerged my snow-white shoes and covered my calves. I moved forward slowly, my feet Walking through the water, I look for the stability and solidity of the earth, and hold on to the ground firmly to prevent myself from falling into the embrace of the water. Although it will not swallow me, I still have to be careful.

"Don't turn, go straight! Go straight!" the sanitation worker shouted from behind.

"Okay!" I stopped for a moment, and the flowing water made me dizzy. This road is so familiar that I can picture its appearance yesterday in my mind. I know it is safe, but when it is covered with water, I still feel scared.

When I stepped on the solid curb, I looked back at the flowing water and the kind smiles of the sanitation workers. The heavy rain was still falling, but it was not as angry as before. It became much softer, like an angry beast. It gradually calmed down and lay quietly on the top of the mountain, breathing heavily. The fierceness in its eyes was no longer there.

I am Chenchen, thank you for reading

Original first release, meet text, meet you