1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St

2024/07/0208:01:32 article 1153

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights.

2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with life. Stop losses promptly.

3. A person can be a good person, but he cannot be too good. You are a nice person, there are many people who like you, but there are also many people who want to take advantage of you. A person can be very kind, but not too kind. With a kind heart, you help many people, but there are really not many people who repay your kindness.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

4. Only those who do not avoid pain and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and determination. Life will not treat anyone favorably, and joys and sorrows will not be prepared just for you.

5. We once longed for the waves of destiny, but in the end we discovered that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually inner calmness and calmness. We once looked forward to the approval of others so much, but in the end we realized that the world belongs to us and has nothing to do with others. —— Yang Jiang

6. Everyone has a line of tears, and pain must be faced because of strength; everyone has silent wounds, and pain must be endured because of growth. You make a lot of seemingly meaningless decisions every day, but one day you make a decision that can change your life.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

7. You can’t wait for others to arrange your life, you have to fight and fight for it yourself. Regardless of whether the result is happy or sad, the consolation is that you have lived a life in this world in vain.

8. Only your feet know the right shoes; only your heart knows the right person. When you walk a thousand roads, only one is suitable; when you meet all kinds of people, one person is enough.

9. You have to try to love more people, you have to try to wait a few more years, and you have to learn to get along well with your loneliness, your nagging, your stubbornness, as well as your cowardice and imperfection. Only when a person gets along well with himself can he better embrace the world.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

10. Live not to please the world, but to please yourself with your own lifestyle.

11. When you meet someone who admires you, learn to accept it; when you meet someone you admire, learn to praise you; when you meet someone who is jealous of you, learn to be low-key; when you meet someone you are jealous of, learn to transform; when you meet someone who doesn’t understand you, learn to transform. People, learn to communicate; when you meet people you don’t understand, learn to understand.

12. We should learn to be a simple person, not to bother ourselves, not to waste time, not to be obsessed with the past, and not to be afraid of the future. Someone to love, something to do, and a broader heart to heal those little unhappiness. May everyone who pursues happiness embrace life like this.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

13. In the blink of an eye, we are no longer young. We have put away our willfulness, thrown away our temper, and no longer easily hurt or ignore the people around us. Because we know that half of life is over, cherish what should be cherished, and stay away from what should be cherished.

14. As people grow older, people will always become more and more tolerant, so many things are not really solved in the end, but just forget it.

5. People who like you give you warmth and courage. People you like teach you love and self-control. People you don’t like teach you tolerance and respect. People who don’t like you make you reflect on yourself and grow. There is no People appear in your life for no reason. Everyone appears for a reason and is worthy of gratitude.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

16. There are two major misunderstandings in life: one is to see life for others, and the other is to see other people's lives. As long as you feel happy, you don't need to prove anything to others. Never take the wrong path by looking at others.

17. A contented person, even though he sleeps on the ground, is as if he is in heaven! Those who are dissatisfied, even in heaven. It's also like being in hell. In life, spiritual wealth is the most important thing. To be content and able to give freely is to be truly wealthy and generous.

18. Don’t easily expose your inner fragility, learn to bear everything you should bear; don’t easily talk about the embarrassment of life, learn to face the messy and disorderly reality; don’t easily waste every day, because that is the first time in the rest of your life. One day; don't compromise to the world easily, it makes you cry, you have to make yourself laugh while persisting. As long as we can bear it, don't escape, cherish it, and be strong enough, life will not be too pale.

1. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights. 2. Life advice: Spend less time on people and things that have nothing to do with your life. St - DayDayNews

19. People who sincerely wait for you will always wait sincerely. People who are not willing to wait for you will often hold other people's hands as soon as they turn around.

20. Circle determines life. The kind of people you approach will determine the path you will take. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups. Poker friends will only urge you to play cards, drinking friends will only urge you to drink, but reliable people will teach you how to make progress.

21. If you feel that others are talking about you, you are overthinking; if you feel that others are against you, you are overthinking; if you feel that others care about you, you are wrong; if you feel that there are not many people If I care about you, you will grow. The fact is that everyone else is very busy and thinking about their own house, money, children, wife, and position. So, don’t ask for trouble, and hurry up and do your own thing.

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