Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon

2024/07/0207:57:32 article 1663

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: he was carrying a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon head; he has a dazzling beard and thick eyebrows, and he is aloof and dignified. He usually sits quietly and does not speak, but he smokes and smokes freely. Once he opens his mouth to speak, others will make nonsense.

At that time, I was usually repulsive towards people with beards and hair. In addition, Mr. Pang Diren was a self-centered, cold-looking Ling Ran, and wore a mixed bag of attire, so I had no choice but to socialize politely.

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

Not long after, I saw him again in the Hermitage Forest in Hunan. Suddenly, I felt like I was seeing him again after a long absence. In addition, the stars were holding the moon, saying that he was a contemporary Taoist, so I drank happily. However, the self-reliance of both parties is still an obstacle to our in-depth exchanges.

This time we unexpectedly met in the Hermitage Forest. Both sides were still very defensive and did not talk to each other. We debated all morning and failed to find a common topic.

The next day, because I was editing the book "Spiritual Style" written by Mr. Wang Diansheng, I did not attend the Taoist seminar by Taoist Lin Shangqing of Ningxia. But Professor Nangongwei called and invited him to go, saying that "it was crowded and lively."

Professor Nangong Wei is very popular and everyone is willing to play with him. When we arrived at the Caolu, Professor Nan asked me to talk about the version of the Tao Te Ching. I roughly said that the more ancient the words are, the more natural the sentences will be, and the more function words are used, the closer it will be to the ancient version. Then I briefly stated Understand the main themes of Laozi thoughts such as "nature" and "inaction".

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

Professor Nan said: "Just now, Taoist Lin said that 'nature' means 'freedom'. What do you think?" I agreed and talked about it.

Professor Nan was eloquent and took the opportunity to praise me, saying that I have "hundreds of thousands of fans and thousands of professors. Stop the self-media and let the Taoist temple contribute." Then he praised Mr. Pang, saying that he had "four unique skills in poetry, calligraphy, painting and sealing, and three masters of Taoism and Confucianism" and was "one of the three high Taoists" in Jingchu;

After this operation, the atmosphere in the entire lecture hall became high for a while. Mr. Pang, who was one of the "four masters" and "three masters", gently shook his feather fan with his left hand, held a big pipe in his right hand, and praised loudly: "Senior Brother Wei's free spirit can be called a righteous one." Argument!

In the evening, everyone drank and drank. Mr. Pang and I sat next to each other. Naturally, we exchanged many greetings. During this period, he blocked me from trying to persuade me to drink, and said, "Foreign force violates the spirit of freedom." The barrier between us disappeared. We became good friends and talked about everything until late at night.

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

I was jogging the next day and was stopped by Mr. Pang, who asked me to talk about poems, songs, and anecdotes from the literary world. He also talked about the smell of money and copper, and the pollution of Taoism. I am a noble generation, untainted by the world, and I am proud and dignified, but I am alone and cannot be tolerated in society. He lamented that life is nothing more than life and death, and value judgment is nothing more than success or failure. But no matter whether you are rich or successful, you come and go naked, and the result is the same.

In this case, why not live a little freer, freer and more transparent? Isn’t the process of enjoying life the most valuable and praiseworthy embodiment of the free spirit? Isn’t this the “nature” of “Tao follows nature”? Taoist temples and temples, which are recognized by the secular world as the most liberal, are so embarrassed by the world's customs. Where can we see the shadow of "Tao follows nature"? For current practitioners, even in the Hermitage Forest, which is known as the "Freedom Paradise", do you think there is a true free spirit?

I very much agree with his point of view. I think everyone should be free, but freedom does not fall from the sky. The way to "oneself is like this" must conform to the nature of all things, not to mention humans, not to mention all living beings, not to mention human promotion, Not to mention the burst of desire driven by interests?

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

"If according to you, the freedom of 'Tao' is also limited, then isn't the degree of human limitation even greater? Can freedom under the influence of external forces still be called nature?"

I said, all things are one, the universe It is a whole. Nothing can act alone without this system. On the contrary, everything will be affected by external forces. The "nature" mentioned by Laozi does not exclude the influence and action of all external forces, but this influence and action. , should be within the acceptable range of the behavioral subject. Therefore, "nature" should include the subtle influence of external forces, rather than direct influence and interference.

Mr. Pang said: "Your explanation is in line with my consistent view. But once people worship Dao as a 'god' and have excessive faith, it may become a weapon that stifles their own and other people's freedom. Read " "Muslim Funeral"? The heroine Liang Junbi's excessive faith drove away her sister, forced her daughter Xinyue to death, ruined her son Tianxing's marriage, and also prompted the death of her husband Han Ziqi. When I spoke, he added: "So sometimes I also reflect on: Am I too noble and arrogant, and have I isolated myself? What is the reason that prevents us from being able to "be at peace with its light and dust"? "

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

He said "we", including me of course. I have not watched this work or the film and television series. But I feel that belief does not matter right or wrong, and you cannot put your own beliefs above other people's beliefs. It is your own choice. It may not be suitable for others, just like other people's choices may not be suitable for you. There is no reason to use your own feet to measure other people's shoes.

We must admit: many times, people will have an instinct of self-protection. Obsessive-compulsive disorder puts a tight spell and a protective circle on oneself, seals oneself away, isolates oneself from friends, and makes oneself lonely. I think the more noble a person is, the stronger this sense of self-protection is. In fact, this kind of self-protection is more powerful. Mostly due to inferiority complex, I was afraid that the "truth" would be revealed.

I agreed with what he said about "the two of us". Then he asked me, "Are you happy?" "I said I must be happy when I focus on my creation.

"That means you are unhappy at the moment, right? Why don't you travel around famous mountains, enjoy the world, visit experts, learn skills, and have fun like me? "

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

I told him that Mr. Xie has been kind to me, and I will do my part here to help him sort out some literature. After that, I will go home to do self-media and practice calligraphy. I don't want to be a hermit in the traditional sense.

"I I find that senior brother is too merciful. In my opinion, the meaning of your dedication is limited to repaying Mr. Xie, but it actually has little meaning to your family and society. Because what Mr. Xie pursues is to save all sentient beings and seek world civilization and peace. Do you have such ambitions? If not, have you been coerced and lost your independent and free spirit? "

"Are you being a tool for other people's thoughts? In my opinion, if you are not free in thought, you are a clay doll; if you are not free in spirit, you are losing your personality; if you are not free in action, you are willing to be a slave. "

I think what he said is right, but in life, you must repay your kindness and do what you promised, so that you can feel at ease. So I told him: Even if I complete the work here, I will not be like him. Traveling around, making friends and sketching.Because "nature" must be reflected in the career you love.

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

I said: I work at my desk, unaware of Dongfang Zhibai’s lifestyle. I have been accustomed to it for more than 30 years. This is my free life and my interests. As long as I can still accept it, that is my natural state.

Brother, are you telling the truth?

He suddenly changed his official title from "senior brother" to "brother". I answered him firmly: Of course!

"Brother, you and I have been guarding against each other for so many years. Only when I revealed my heart today did I realize the truth of " Those who think of themselves are dishonest; It will push people into a dead end. When you let go and open your heart, it turns out that the world is so beautiful!"

The night before I saw him off, we drank until one o'clock in the morning, and I sent him to Hangzhou. train, where he will continue to create calligraphy and painting works.

Mr. Pang Diren is a weirdo. I met him when he went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xie Xianming in 2018. I was deeply impressed by his equipment and eyes: a wine gourd on his waist and a pure sun hat on his head. He is of average height but not tall, and has a straight cane with a dragon - DayDayNews

In the past few days of information interaction, the most discussed thing is free life. Now we have reached a consensus on "nature" or "freedom", that is: freedom does not mean freedom from restraint, and such a powerful avenue can "support all things" Only when the princes and kings with supreme power can "support the nature of all things and dare not do anything" can we gain freedom. On the basis of the freedom of the people, we can assist the people to return to themselves instead of forcefully interfering. In this way, we can "be at the top without being concerned about the people, and be at the front without harming the people" and gain freedom.

Among all living beings, everyone has the freedom to "live his or her own life". If you want to be free, you must not forcefully interfere with the freedom of others and respect the freedom of others. Only then can you have your own freedom. All self-centered arrogance and defense are self-imposed barriers. Only by eliminating the barriers in your heart can you gain true freedom.

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