Author: Xianzhi Yousi In midsummer, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face in an instant. The unbear

2024/07/0207:49:32 article 1904

Author: Xianzhi Yousi In midsummer, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face in an instant. The unbear - DayDayNews

Author: Xianzhi Yousi

In the midsummer season, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you "successful". The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face. , the unbearable feeling of hot summer suddenly arises spontaneously. Walking under the sun, the scorching and dazzling light is even more "avoiding". Unconsciously, I always raise something on my hand to block it. Although it doesn't help, my subconscious tells me that at least, Deep in the soul, it is a kind of self-comfort. In the heart, one is always looking forward to the rain coming or unexpectedly, and naturally the restlessness of the mind will follow.

Author: Xianzhi Yousi In midsummer, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face in an instant. The unbear - DayDayNews

Impetuous and boring emotions are always infected by some factors inadvertently, causing the originally calm heart to become turbulent. Especially in the dripping sweat of this season, unstable ingredients may break out at any time, under the scorching sun. , the smoky wind blowing against the face, invisibly contributes to the raging high temperature, making it impossible for people to deal with it calmly and calmly. How can the action of sweating like rain in the scorching sun calm the heart?

Author: Xianzhi Yousi In midsummer, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face in an instant. The unbear - DayDayNews

But I donā€™t know if you have noticed that the hotter the weather, the more you sweat. Even if your whole back is soaked, if you find a shade and sit down, the wind that originally felt particularly hot seems to have completely changed. Personally, I don't feel hot at all when I blow it on my body. Instead, I feel the slightest coolness, which makes people feel comfortable from the bottom of my heart. Look around again, the sun is blocked by the sun, the trees are lush, the breeze is blowing, the branches are swaying, and the long-lost rustling sound goes back and forth among the lush branches and leaves, which sounds particularly sweet. I didn't expect that the refreshing feeling of midsummer was born in this way.

Author: Xianzhi Yousi In midsummer, just a continuous rise in temperature will make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. The dull and hot atmosphere is almost everywhere. As soon as you go out and before you go downstairs, waves of heat hit your face in an instant. The unbear - DayDayNews

If I drink a cup of tea at this time, I will immediately feel leisurely and comfortable, emotionally peaceful, and full of happiness. The noon with no one walking around will suddenly become a quiet and scattered good time, with the scorching sun. The land flows with the wind in the green and lush greenery. Occasionally, a few white clouds float gently from the blue sky. Enjoying the sunshine of summer leisurely, your originally impetuous heart suddenly calms down and "enjoys the tranquility and beauty." The impulse and desire of "Years, Whispering Time" suddenly occupied the whole heart. Unexpectedly, the demureness of midsummer can also be seen everywhere.

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