1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real

2024/07/0207:48:33 article 1044

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you realize sweetness.

2. People in the world are greedy and always want to find the best of both worlds, but it is difficult to find the best of both worlds. A hundred years of life are nothing but teaching people how to choose.

3. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people what kind of person I am. Because this is ineffective, people will still only want to see what they want to see.

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

4. Not disturbing others’ peace is compassion; not hurting others’ self-esteem is kindness. When people are alive, just shine their own light, and don't blow out other people's lights.

5. You live for yourself, how can you change just because of a few rumors from others? Do you think you don’t want that face if others say you are ugly? Then you are too characterless.

6. Don’t get irritated because of trivial things, don’t get depressed when you encounter a little difficulty, don’t deny everything once you fall out of love. If you want to get out of the darkness, you have to stand up by yourself, because no one can help you, only you can save yourself.

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

7. If you lose money, you can earn it again. If you lose your friends, you can make friends again. If you lose love, you can find it again. Remember, you lack nothing but the courage to start over.

8. Because of other people’s evaluations, we have worn off so many edges and lost so much of our unique character; the longer we care about it, the harder it will be for us to distinguish whether life is for ourselves or for others.

9. Even if life is a tragedy, we must act out the tragedy vividly and not lose the magnificence and comfort of the tragedy; even if life is a dream, we must have this dream with gusto and not lose the emotion and emotion of the dream. pleasure.

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

10. Time brings some people and lets them leave in various ways, probably in order to use pain to teach us to look away, get used to it, and let go.

11. Don’t be under pressure, we don’t have to follow time, we just need to follow the mentality and ability, go with the flow, try our best, live up to our destiny, have a clear conscience, and leave the rest to God.

12. If one day, what makes you heartbeat can no longer move you, what makes you angry can no longer irritate you, what makes you sad can no longer make you cry, you will know that this time and this life have given you What, what did you pay for growth?

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

13. In the adult world, happiness is fake, money is hard to make is real, heartbreak is real, helplessness is real, confusion is real, and it is also true when you look back that you have no one to rely on.

14. Life is like a dumpling, years are the skin and experience is the filling. Life is too realistic, everything is so natural, and you will be happy for the rest of your life. It is better to treat those people and affairs that cause headaches and distress when you can't figure them out, and treat them indifferently.

15. Others are working hard secretly where you can’t see it. Where you can see it, they are just as careless as you, and they complain just like you. But only you believe that these are true, and in the end you will You are the only one who continues to be unwilling to make progress.

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

16. The stronger a person's self-healing ability is, the more likely he is to be close to happiness. Be a man of few words, but have a big heart. Don't hurt others or yourself. Stay peaceful and at ease in indifference.

17. People's troubles can be summed up in 12 words: can't let go, can't think about it, can't see through it, can't forget it. With a simple mood, look at the complicated life and walk the bumpy road. Life is simple and happy, life is happy!

18. People always think that life is ordinary, and they always regard squandering as the norm. In fact, life is extremely limited. Every day that you don't work hard is a kind of let down to yourself. The greatest waste is to waste time; the greatest treasure is to not waste time.

1. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If you are not miserable now, it will be more miserable in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you real - DayDayNews

19. Don’t be demanding about everything, it will come when it comes; don’t worry about everything, it will pass when it passes; don’t frown when something happens, just laugh when you smile; don’t force the result, just do it.

20. Only when your own life is good enough, will you have the leisure and qualification to comment on other people's lives. And when your life is really good enough, you may not have the leisure to comment, because you Just love the life you have.

21. There is not so much fairness in life. Deflect your course and the headwind becomes a tailwind. Work hard and persevere, and eventually the dazzling sun will run behind you. The starting point of your life is not so important, what is important is where you arrive at the end.

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