In accordance with the requirements of the Propaganda Department of the Beiguan District Party Committee to carry out in-depth study and education activities on the "Four Histories", in order to further guide party members, cadres and workers of the District Disabled Persons' Fed

2024/07/0208:18:32 international 1244

In accordance with the requirements of the Propaganda Department of the Beiguan District Party Committee to carry out in-depth study and education activities on the

According to the requirements of the Beiguan District Party Committee Propaganda Department to carry out in-depth " four histories " study and education activities, in order to further guide party members, cadres and workers of the district Disabled Persons' Federation to carry out in-depth "four histories" study and education and solidly advance various tasks, July 15 On the same day, the Beiguan District Disabled Persons' Federation carried out a "Four Histories" education themed lecture in Baizhuang Village. District Disabled Persons' Federation cadres and workers, members of the two committees of Baizhuang Village, and party members participated in the study.

At the meeting, Song Hongxia, secretary of the Party branch of the Beiguan District Disabled Persons' Federation, led everyone to study around "Why do we learn the 'Four Histories', what do we learn, and how do we do it?" The meeting emphasized that we must adhere to the combination of theory and practice, transform learning results into ideological results and work results, further enhance the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", and achieve " two maintenance " , consciously embody absolute loyalty to the party in their posts and implement it into actions.

Through this "Four Histories" study, the confidence and determination of party members and the masses to follow the party have been strengthened. In practice, they have strengthened their ideological consciousness and action consciousness of staying true to their original aspiration and fulfilling their mission, so as to achieve a thorough understanding of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, belief and action. Transform the results of the "Four Histories" study and education into a powerful driving force for the high-quality development of the cause of persons with disabilities, and devote themselves to the cause of serving persons with disabilities with full enthusiasm. (District Disabled Persons’ Federation)

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