Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi

2024/07/0116:12:32 article 1128

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

In the early morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park.

Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmic turning of the wheels.

The old lady lying on the chair, one closed her eyes to relax, and the other looked around. They walked together, the breeze was not dry in the morning, and the temperature was suitable on the eve of the high temperature, and they took a walk.

This quiet, warm and warm scene made me a little moved and a little emotional.

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

This summer, the temperature in Jiangcheng is relatively abnormal, there is less rain, and the dog days have not yet set, but they are even more dog days than in previous years, which brings a lot of inconvenience to travel.

It is similar in many places across the country. High temperatures have hit many provinces and cities in the central and eastern regions. Even the wind is scalding hot during the day.

reported that on July 6 alone, the temperature at 22 weather stations across the country exceeded the historical limit. High temperatures above 40°C became commonplace, and historical records were constantly being refreshed.

"Hot to death" is no longer a joke, it is becoming a reality. In Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places, news of multiple deaths caused by heat stroke have been reported frequently.

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

The three volts finally entered today, and the 40-day "three volts" mode of high temperature, high heat, and high humidity has officially begun.

also makes the daily high temperature situation worthy of its name, allowing people to find a reason to be hot and to comfort themselves.

Dog days occur every year, and there are endless topics to talk about, such as preventing heatstroke and cooling, treating winter diseases in summer, , autumn tigers, etc. So what does the dog days mean?

In fact, as far as Futian is concerned, Fu is what people often call "fu evil", that is, the summer evil among the six evils of "wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire".

If understood literally, Fu also means hiding. At this time, Yin energy is suppressed by Yang energy and has to hide on the ground. It tells us that it is hot in the dog days of summer and it is not advisable to go out, so just lie down at home.

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

The dog days are very hot, and the excitement of ancient poetry is indispensable. Since ancient times, there have been many poems about spring, summer, autumn and winter, romance, flowers, snow and moon.

Looking back now, with the development of the times and the progress of society, people are pursuing more things and talking about a wider range of topics. Naturally, there are fewer poems about the dog days.

Here I pick a song "Summer Sweat and Bitter Heat" written by Wang Ling of the Song Dynasty to enjoy together: The breeze is unable to kill the heat, and the setting sun flies up the mountain with its wings. People are already afraid of the rivers and seas drying up, but God will not hesitate to dry them up. Kunlun is covered with snow as high as the sky, and it is always cold as far as Penglai. If you can't carry the world with you, why bother to swim around it?

Someone discovered that many ancient poems about the three volts of summer were written about autumn? For example: Don't say that the three volts of heat are the autumn of the Five Lakes. Regardless of the weather, if you stay for a short time, you will feel the cold weather and autumn. Who would have thought that the hot summer weather is just like chrysanthemums in autumn. There is still a lingering heat in the city, and the autumn light reaches the wild people’s homes first. Why are you tired of the three volts? It's the beginning of autumn when you look down.

From the saying "The three days of autumn will not end before autumn comes", we know that before the three days of autumn are over, the beginning of autumn has arrived, that is, after the beginning of autumn, there is still no fall.

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

The dog days of summer have arrived. We must not only prevent the epidemic, but also prevent heatstroke and heatstroke.

experts said that high temperature can induce body temperature regulation dysfunction, excessive accumulation of heat in the body, causing nervous system disorders, organ damage, and the inability to dissipate heat normally.

It is one of the most serious types of heatstroke, with a fatality rate ranging from 20% to 70%, reaching 80% in the elderly. Its main characteristics are: hot weather without sweating, body temperature rising above 40℃, confusion, etc.

Summer is here again, this is the first article to prevent heatstroke and cool down. On a sweltering sauna day, don’t be too cool to lose the source of your illness. The food should be fresh every day, and the diet should be balanced and light; it is necessary to protect against ultraviolet rays when outdoors, and it is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early; to spend the dog days safely, take all protective measures.

In the dog days of summer, the weather is very hot. If the temperature drops suddenly, if you turn on the air conditioner when it is hot, eat cold drinks and ice water, take cold showers, etc., you will sow the roots of "cold" and bury some winter diseases.

In the dog days of summer, you should still be active and still, and exercise scientifically; drink more water, perspire more, replenish salt, ventilate more, and sleep more; be less upset, have less distracting thoughts, less fumes, less cold, and less running around.

Early in the morning, before the sun goes out, there are people doing morning exercises and people on their way in Shahu Park. Two mothers-in-law in their sixties pushed two wheelchairs side by side, carrying two older mothers-in-law into the depths of the park amidst the rhythmi - DayDayNews

There are three volts every year, and every day is different.

The four major worries are fumigated by the summer volts, and I believe that this life will be floating in the middle of the summer. Halfway through the year, I feel melancholy, and greet the west wind at the beginning of autumn.

Yes, after passing through the dog days of summer, an autumn with crisp air, abundant fruits and red mountains is just ahead.

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