I am one of thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done very poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace.

2024/06/3012:28:33 article 1671

I am one of the thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace.

Because I only managed to get a second degree in college after working hard at the beginning, I couldn’t make any waves in a big city where highly educated people are everywhere. I have experienced the pain of not being able to climb up without a background or resources. I have experienced the pain of not being able to get into a good company when I wanted to. It is helpless to compete with a group of top students from 985, 211 and even those who have studied abroad.

finally left in disgrace because of a small thing. At that time, I received an invitation from a good company for an interview. I originally thought that I had an advantage with five or six years of work experience, but after the interview, I failed and lost to a recent graduate. of college students. Later, I asked the HR who invited me for an interview, and he just said to me silently: He is from Tsinghua .

Originally I thought that my failure was due to lack of resources and background, but it is not just that. He is from Tsinghua University, which means he has an advantage over you. He has an advantage over you because he has a first degree. When everyone graduates from university , when you start running again at the same starting line, academic qualifications have become an important factor in whether you can win at the starting line.

Others think you have no structure, no vision, no resources, don't care, not everyone is born in Rome , and what we have to do is to move towards Rome step by step and improve our vision. The best way is to leap. Going to a higher platform, and if you want to leap to a higher platform, breaking the barrier in front of you, studying hard to take the exam is a shortcut, and when you look back many years later, this will also be the easiest way, and you will be grateful to those A night of studying hard for questions.

I am one of thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done very poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace. - DayDayNews

1. Open a window for your own destiny

In today's era, the college entrance examination is still an opportunity to change your destiny. You must seize these few opportunities. When you enter different universities, your knowledge, your circle, your platform, and your opportunities are all different. It is said that only when you stand high can you see far. When you stand at the foot of the mountain, you can only see a little of the scenery in front of you. When you stand on the top of the mountain, you will see a whole piece of scenery.

Like Yu Minhong, he also came from a small county town, but after entering Peking University , he began to have a different vision, different ideas, and a group of like-minded entrepreneurial partners, which enabled him to achieve today's achievements.

Knowledge can change your destiny. Just by being a Peking University student, you can have opportunities that many people cannot reach. So since you are not qualified to have the natural door, then open the window of your own.

To evaluate a person, you should not judge him by his current position, but by where he got to where he is now.

When you succeed, your past will be your story and your glory, and your past sufferings will be your bonus points.

Therefore, studying hard and answering questions is to open a new channel for your own destiny. The platform you enter also determines whether your future path will be smooth.

I am one of thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done very poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace. - DayDayNews

Secondly, I think of a Hong Kong reality show that allows rich people to experience the life of the lower class. They can't last even a week, so you laugh at us for having no structure and vision. I hope you can come and take a look at my life.

In fact, these rich people have also closed the door to their destiny. Their development will not be very good, and they are not even as good as most people at the bottom. Therefore, there is nothing to feel inferior to or anxious about. All they can do is to make themselves better good.

2. If we have no resources, we turn ourselves into resources.

Even if we have no resources and no background, we are not ants.

Studying hard and answering questions will not make you a better person, but it will give you the opportunity to become a better person.

We are familiar with Zeng Guofan . He failed six times on the way to be a scholar, but he was not discouraged because he knew that only by passing the exam in this small county could he have the chance to rise to the top, instead of spending his whole life like his father. Staying in a small county, there is no big development. After repeated defeats and battles, he passed the exams to be a civil servant and a Jinshi, thinking that he would be able to enter the upper class society from now on.

But the situation was not that simple. After entering the capital, he did not have a satisfactory life in the officialdom, because there were too many capable people in the capital, and Zeng Guofan came from a remote place with no resources, no background, and at the same time he was rustic. He is not good at changing things and is not accepted by those around him.

Zeng Guofan did not become depressed because of this, but started by improving himself, from being a person to improving his knowledge, and then improving his position. When he became capable, he slowly gathered a group of like-minded friends around him. .

Zeng Guofan said: The number of friends and the quality of friends determine how broad a person's vision can be. And the number of friends depends more on your own attractiveness.

I am one of thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done very poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace. - DayDayNews

So if you go to a higher platform, you will make better friends. Make yourself more capable and you will make better friends. The wide range of

friends will also broaden your horizons and give you more resources. When you yourself become a resource, are you still afraid that you will have no resources?

Those scientific researchers, doctors, teachers, police, etc. are all using their own efforts to give themselves value and make themselves a resource, so when you become a resource? Who has the right to laugh at you.

The environment determines a person's vision, so if you stay in a remote countryside, you will not have a higher vision. Taking the college entrance examination will give you the opportunity to see a different scenery. We are in the countryside and love our hometown, but only when we leave the countryside can we have a different life.

3. Small-town problem solver shines in every corner of society

Principal Zhang Guimei , an education pioneer rooted in impoverished mountainous areas, has helped more than 1,800 poor girls realize their college dreams and created a miracle in the mountains.

Nowadays, these girls have shined in their respective positions, some have become police officers, some have become doctors, some have become teachers, etc.

The turning point that changes the fate of these girls is the college entrance examination, giving them the opportunity to go out of the mountains and live a different life.

Faced with a lack of educational resources and difficult living conditions, Principal Zhang Guimei, who is in pain, wants to change the fate of these children. What else can she do besides studying hard and answering questions?

Working hard before dawn, struggling late at night, what else can you do besides studying hard at your desk?

I am one of thousands of people who have done this in small towns, but I may be among the group of people who have done very poorly and returned to small counties from big cities in disgrace. - DayDayNews

Thousands of small town writers are working hard to change their lives. What’s wrong with that? Why should we be ridiculed?

Those teachers who have taught for decades in order to help children in the mountains come out of the mountains, and even dedicate their lives to the mountains, who are not small town problem solvers?

How many of the police, firefighters, medical staff, scientific researchers, village and town cadres who sacrificed their lives on the front line are among the thousands of small town problems?

How many of the police, firefighters, medical staff, scientific researchers, village and town cadres who are still struggling on the front line are among the thousands of small town problems?

They walked out of the small town, but they did not lose themselves. Instead, they were still giving back to the society, serving the society, and making their best efforts for the country, society, and people.

Could it be that saying "a small town is a problem maker" can negate the efforts of ordinary people like us to change our own destiny?

No, it can't.

Fate has closed a door for us, so that we were not born in Rome.

Then open a window yourself, we are not born to be mules and horses.

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