In today's era, the vast majority of people are so obsessed with sex? Some are even willing to do great harm to their bodies or even give up their lives for it. There is pain and struggle in all our relationships, but not in sex.

2024/06/2418:40:32 article 1587

In today's era, the vast majority of people are so obsessed with sex? Some are even willing to do great harm to their bodies or even give up their lives for it. There is pain and struggle in all our relationships, but not in sex. - DayDayNews

In today's era, most people are so obsessed with sex? There are even people who are willing to pay huge amounts of physical harm or even give up their lives for it. why is that?

Because except for sex, we do not feel any freedom of life in any other matters...

In all our relationships (family, friendship, career, society, etc.), there is pain and struggle, only It doesnā€™t exist in solitary sex (to be precise, it doesnā€™t exist in the process of sex). During sexual intercourse, we are in an almost completely "selfless" state. In other relationships, "I" exists deeply. In all human activities, as soon as "I" returns, freedom disappears...

Why? Because "I" want to control + possess. Otherwise, "I" will be anxious and insecure...

Therefore, sexual behavior is beautiful and special, and we will always be addicted to it, and therefore, sex has become our bondage. This bondage firmly maintains sex. An act that allows you to find your only sense of freedom and selflessness will definitely control you firmly. This makes sexual behavior the most extremely divisive model: we originally wanted to find the selfless freedom in sexual behavior, but because we have become extremely dependent on this only charming and infatuated behavior. The result has been completely opposite to our original intention. Sex seriously kidnaps our minds. Even seriously kidnapping our lives. Sex, it seems, is the only relationship in which we are initially uninhibited and fully committed, and we therefore value it desperately. Ultimately, sex drives us to another mental prison. Sexual behavior that hurts family, hurts friendships, and hurts love abounds. Many people collapse due to excessive pursuit of sexual behavior...

We are obsessed with sex because the process of sex gives us a freedom that is difficult to achieve in life. Just imagine, if freedom can be obtained everywhere around us, sexual behavior will not become the only direction of freedom. Then we will naturally not have such a strong desire for sex. It won't cause any problems. Therefore, the core is that in addition to sex, there are too many things mixed in other relationships in our lives that make us uncomfortable and unfree. The initiator is "self-grasping". When "self-grasping" enters the relationships in life, freedom disappears. The only thing that makes us feel "alive" is sex. This naturally pushes sexual behavior to another abyss. Sometimes it can even threaten our lives. Why? Because it becomes the only way for us to gain freedom. Our feeling system tells us that only by grasping sex can we live life...

Whatever you want to grasp firmly, you can definitely grasp it firmly. It controls you, because the only degree of freedom in sex allows a controlled you to fall into the abyss again in the pursuit of selflessness and freedom. This is the fundamental reason why sex, from the pursuit of freedom in the sky, finally falls into a new cage, causing us to finally split our personality.

As Krishnamurti said: "We treat sex as a problem because we get real satisfaction from it, or because getting it creates guilt, or because we want to get it. It breaks some social norms. We often call today's new society a laissez-faire society, because in the new society, sex has become an integral part of life, helping the soul to surrender to obedience, imitation, authority, and religious laws. In the process, sex certainly plays an indelible role, but it is not the whole story. At this point, we can see that freedom is the essence of love - not the freedom to rebel, to let oneself go, nor to indulge one's desires openly or secretly, but rather. It is the freedom to know the whole structure and nature of the sense of center. This freedom is love."

In today's era, the vast majority of people are so obsessed with sex? Some are even willing to do great harm to their bodies or even give up their lives for it. There is pain and struggle in all our relationships, but not in sex. - DayDayNews

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