In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is.

2024/05/1614:02:33 article 1587

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know if it’s because of people’s illness or because of the custom. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this illness is, and I can’t tell where it is. You all have also noticed that I have written a lot less articles. Some people say that I am lazy, and some people think that there is something wrong with me. In fact, I had a serious illness, so I was delayed in writing a lot of things that I should and shouldn't write, and I swallowed a lot of things that I should and shouldn't say.

Content source: This article was originally written by Lang Yanzhi (liusilang520) and authored by Liu Silang.

I seemed to have had a long dream with no boundaries, with trivial thoughts mixed together and woven together, as if I was separated from this world, but yet bundled in this complicated world. I really don’t want to open the curtain and see the smoky atmosphere again. Occasionally I wake up from my long dream, and everything is fine, except that all I see are people with fake faces and smiling faces who want to scold me. That damn street office sent me another greeting: How about a brother, let’s be a little favor and remove that music score, right?

When I said "I won't withdraw," they criticized me for being "ignorant." When I asked them, "What does it mean to be sensible," they stopped talking. Then, some people on the street, who could still be called human beings, tried to do something from time to time, such as blocking the water channel in my house, cutting off the electricity in my house, and even notifying the shop selling pens and paper. , and asked them not to sell me these writing instruments. Even worse, they said they were going to cut off my food supply, and then they turned off the gas valve in my house.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

I'm not afraid of this. If I can't live in this street, I will go to the next street. If that doesn't work, it's a good idea to travel around the world. So, I called three guys and had a long dream.

In the dream, I was sick and so were the guys. Therefore, we want to plant a few suns to warm the world where the negative energy is heavy, and to get rid of the moisture and evil in the streets.


I always say that I am a child of the Snow Mountains, because I always think of the Snow Mountains wherever I go. See snow-capped mountains in Europe, see snow-capped mountains in Africa, and see snow-capped mountains in the plateau of China. I can wander around for a long time just to take a look at the snow-capped mountains. Just one look can refresh my soul for a long time.

When I first dreamed of this long dream, my friend and I were still in the snowy mountains in the southwest border. We stood on the mountainside of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with an altitude of more than 4,600 meters, and the cold air was biting. It was raining and foggy that day. Not to mention the sunshine on Jinshan Mountain, it was rare to even catch a glimpse of the snow-capped mountains. The mist that blinds people's eyes is filled with ice crystals. The mist's hazy appearance is just like the scene when composing music at that time, and it was always difficult to turn on the lights. No matter how bright the light is, it can't penetrate the thick ice fog.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

I suddenly couldn’t find my friend. I was running around randomly on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. I was running so high that everything I saw was white and black. I only heard a few guys calling my name from a distance, but I couldn't tell which direction they were coming from.

I just went east based on my intuition. But there is a large cliff to the east, and there is a lot of ice in front of the cliff. I walked very carefully and even always looked back behind me.

Suddenly, I seemed to hear someone calling my name from behind. I turned around and saw a familiar face—damn it, it was the person from the street office who wanted to eliminate me every day. I was so angry and really tired of this lingering feeling. I wanted to argue with him about the justice of the world, so I strode forward, but I didn't want to step on the hole he dug. almost fell down the ice cliff thousands of meters high.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

I was relieved for a while. I had a severe headache due to lack of oxygen, as if I had fainted for a while. When I woke up, I was already in the house, surrounded by several guys. When they see me wake up, they won't have to worry. One of the waiters leaned into my ear and said: We have found a new place. There is water and electricity, paper and pens can be bought, and there are snow-capped mountains not far away. The street office over there said that they are willing to let us eat. A few mouthfuls of hot rice.

I was so happy that I took my friends down the misty snow-capped mountains, rode for eight or nine hours to Kunming, and then flew back to the old streets overnight.The guy asked me "why I was in such a hurry" and I said: I have to go back and grab the music score. If the music is gone, everything is gone.

suddenly felt "very humble", but this was indeed the state at that time. Writing scores is quite difficult.


I say this is a long dream of thousands of miles because this dream really spans thousands of miles. From the beginning to the end of the dream, I took the guys across half of China and visited many, many places. . traveled thousands of miles just to find a street where he could write music.

What we are looking for this time is a small town thousands of miles away, on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau. I thought that was where we should go, because it was very close to the snow-capped mountains. We wrote a lot of music at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, and there were a lot of bad and ugly things revealed in the music, which made the street there very miserable.

I still retain my original intention and am always willing to fight against this great injustice in the world. It's just that the person beside him is getting tired. When the guys followed me, they could never find a good situation. They couldn't even lie down and rest for a few days, or sit down and have a few good meals, which made them exhausted. I can't seem to stop them. There are fewer and fewer people writing scores, and the scores are becoming less and less interesting.

I know that some of them blame me, blame me for not knowing how to restrain myself, not knowing how to advance or retreat, and blame me for not being able to deal with those people on the street.

Actually, come and go, there are only a few people who can wield a sword to the end of the world. So I don't really care about these. What I care more about is how to write this score so that it can be worthy of this troubled time.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews


This world is very noisy. I'm tired of fighting, but I have to fight; if I fight, I'll be angry; if I don't, I'll be even more angry. There are indeed many cats and dogs that can cause harm, so we must fight for them. I just don’t know when this noise will stop. I don’t have any extravagant expectations for anything else, I just thought that if was on my street, I wouldn’t have to run out of water and electricity every day.

Through the dream of thousands of miles, we have gone very far. But in another place, it is difficult to find the sun. In this land at the foot of the plateau, there are never a few rays of sunshine, and the sky is always overcast. It is so dull that people can't breathe. Sometimes they have to breathe, and even breathing seems like a struggle. It is also difficult for clothes to dry naturally here. There is always a moisture that cannot be removed. This is like having our water, electricity or food cut off by the street office. It is always unavoidable.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

The climate here is unaccustomed to those of us who come from the coast. Living here can make people crazy. First, they are listless and unable to exert energy. Secondly, the body's metabolism is disordered. Abdominal pain and diarrhea have become a daily routine. Then, It's like taking off a layer of soul, and the body feels numb. Every day, I always seem to wake up, but also seem to have not slept enough. My soul is separated from my body, and I am always struggling back and forth between headaches and diarrhea. In this state, it is difficult to write a score.

Some new friends here always say "eat spicy food" because eating spicy food can help eliminate moisture from the body. In fact, I also had spicy food here. But I can't get enough of the "spicy" and "spicy" taste. It's easy to pull it up and down. Whether to eat or not to eat is quite torturous. Fortunately, there are many places to play here, and there are many interesting people and things. Especially the snow-capped mountains and grasslands here relieved half of our depression.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

Siguniang Mountain A view of the snow mountain, photo/Lang Yanzhi.

The friend who traveled thousands of miles with me was also worried and his eyes were drooping: This score was quite difficult to write.


"Otherwise, go see the snow-capped mountains and grasslands."

Taking advantage of the success of The Long Dream, I called on the guys and asked them to go with me to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to get some fresh air.

I am someone who often goes to the plateau for a walk, sometimes really, sometimes in a dream. Every time I go to the plateau, in addition to being intoxicated by the vastness there, I just keep staring at the snow-capped mountains. It seems that I have a lot to say to the snow-capped mountains.The road to "seeing" the snow-capped mountains is not smooth. Sometimes you have to go up to the sky and into the earth, sometimes you have to bump along the way, and sometimes you have to run at your own risk.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

▲Yuzi Xi and Zheduo Mountain Pass, photo/Lang Yanzhi.

In this long dream of thousands of miles, we visited many snow-capped mountains. I remember that part of the road, it seemed like a long journey. We walked from Siguniang Mountain to Yala Snow Mountain , and then went day and night to look for Gongga Snow Mountain, as well as many snow mountains along the way.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

▲A view of Siguniang Mountain, photo/Lang Yanzhi.

At the foot of the mountain are grasslands and cattle and horses. I often walked downhill and talked to them about the troubles on our streets. The old cow was annoying me. It seemed to listen to my words but also seemed to ignore me. It just chewed the weeds without any scruples.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

What impressed me most about this long dream was probably the experience of going to Gongga Snow Mountain.

We started from a large plain and passed through mountain canyons. The scenery in front of us slowly changed from dense subtropical woodlands to alpine grasslands, then to plateau deserts, and then, looking up, we saw snow-capped mountains. In fact, after driving through Kangding and then heading west, especially when I was browsing the folding mountain , I was already dizzy. The obvious symptoms of high fever made us feel a little uncomfortable, but this could not stop us from visiting the snow-capped mountains.

After passing the Zheduo Mountain, there is a continuous, boundless prairie, all the way to the Tower in the Hengduan Mountain , all green. There is a town called Xinduqiao between Zheduoshan and Tagong. After passing this town and walking west along the National Highway , you can reach Litang and Batang , and beyond that is Tibet. When we went to Everest two years ago, we took this path.

Only this time, instead of going west, we will rest here for one night, and then go south to Gonggar.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

I seem to have an obsession with Gongga Snow Mountain. When I came here two years ago, it rained heavily and I saw nothing. It was my second time that day. The original plan was to take a look at Xinduqiao’s viewing platform or a place called Yuzixi, but it was always rainy and cloudy, so I only got a glimpse of Gonggar amid the thunder and lightning. afterimage. I was riding a horse up the viewing slope, but the horse was frightened by the thunder and threw me off while running. My hands and belongings were scattered all over the ground, and my hands and clothes were covered with horse dung. With this fall, the sky and the earth became dark in front of my eyes.

The guys asked me if I could get off the plateau. They thought I would die if I fell. I said "no" and I would go to Zimei Pass tomorrow morning. I wanted to meet and talk with Gongga. At night, my body and head hurt so much that I rolled on the bed. There was lightning and thunder outside the inn, and around seven or eight o'clock, the power went out. I covered my bruised legs and sore eyes and joked to the guy: Look, no matter how far you run, there will be a power outage. You have to think of ways to generate electricity yourself.

They seemed to understand what I said, but they didn’t seem to understand it completely.

At dawn the next day, we found a road that ordinary people do not take, and walked in the direction of Gongga Snow Mountain. First, we went down to the valley floor with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, then we circled the mountains and cliffs, and went up to nearly 5,000 meters above sea level. The pass of rice.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

▲The steep slope road and plateau scenery in the Hengduan Mountains are from Lang Yanzhi.

That stretch of road is potholed, muddy, desolate and vast. This is how my friend and I described it: Half a life is ruined, and if you are not careful, you will have to think about what will happen in the next life. I say this because I can no longer recognize the world clearly due to motion sickness and high altitude sickness.

But everything is worth it. When we got to the top of the mountain pass, we climbed over the grassy slope, and suddenly our eyes suddenly opened up - it was the sea of ​​clouds and the continuous snow-capped mountains. The scenery is so magnificent that it cannot be described in words.

That day, I, who had always lived a reserved life, ran and shouted on the plateau like crazy. I cried and laughed at the Gongga Snow Mountain, and I was as happy as a teenager, free and unrestrained. Like wild horses in the prairie.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

▲Looking at the snow-capped mountains of more than 7,000 meters from the pass at an altitude of 4,700 meters, this is from Lang Yanzhi.

probably suddenly came back to life again. It was just that I was a little tired from the joy, and soon I fainted again. When I woke up, I was still in my long dream. Several guys were holding oxygen bottles , and while cheering me on, they told me about the messy things thousands of miles down the mountain. I didn't want to listen, I just said: don't tell me that, it's better to stay away from the chaos here.

said so, but once you know about those ugly people and things, it is difficult to be clean. So, while looking at the snow-capped mountains, I wrote angrily: is sick, everyone is sick, and is terminally ill.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

After that day, my long dream became trance-like, as if I had woken up, or as if I was drunk in a dream. Sometimes I was still galloping on the plateau, chasing the girl I loved, but I was in a daze and couldn't see anything. Then, it felt like I was seriously ill. I felt dizzy from head to toe, and sometimes there was a dull pain. Even the skin on my face and body was falling off piece by piece.

I never wake up from that long dream, so that I always seem to take a pen to write, but when I start writing, the pen disappears. When I close my eyes, there seem to be many people around me, but when I open my eyes, there are no one there. This world is ultimately lonely.

I gradually woke up from the dream, and I gradually couldn't tell the difference between reality and reality. But I clearly remember the things done by the street. So no matter how ill I am, my belief in "going back to that street and writing music" is still very strong. Although the street office's measures to cut off water, electricity and food were cruel, the sound of our music composition was still full of upward power.

I seemed to have recovered from my illness when I woke up yesterday. I said I have to write something to you, but I don’t know what to write. I wrote casually and couldn't explain what happened in the past few days. If I wrote harshly, the street office came to block the windows of my house again.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

▲Grassland and desert at an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters, source Lang Yanzhi.

But that’s okay, we are happy in the struggle. Although I am very tired of fighting. In the future, I want to plant the sun I plucked from the snow-capped mountains at the door of the street office to bask in the turbid air inside and eliminate the poisonous air inside.

After all my worries over the years are over, I will have another long dream of seeing more snow-capped mountains and embracing a wider expanse. I want to compose this magnificent river and mountain in that vast expanse.

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

In recent days, I don’t know whether it’s because people are sick or because of the trend. In short, there is a serious illness somewhere. I don’t know where this disease is, and I can’t tell where it is. - DayDayNews

Hoh Xil and Kunlun Mountain , source Lang Yanzhi.

Attachment: The pictures and videos in this article were taken by Lang Yanzhi’s team and are protected by copyright. Please do not use them for commercial dissemination; this article is a trial draft of the series of articles "Ten Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers".

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