According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called "Xinshijie" with a registered capital of more than hundreds of millions of yuan. Moreover, the company's main business is integrated circuit manufacturing, that is, chip design and manufacturin

2024/06/3018:11:32 technology 1156

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called "Xinshijie", with registered capital alone exceeding hundreds of millions of yuan. Moreover, the company's main business is integrated circuit manufacturing, that is, chip design and manufacturing. In addition, its company name seems to declare that Xiaomi wants to create a new world in the chip field.

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

In fact, Xiaomi has already secretly invested in hundreds of semiconductor companies in China, and most of them are designing , AI chip, etc. for integrated circuits. This makes people curious, what exactly does Lei Jun want to do with ? Some curious netizens asked: Could it be The Paper S2?

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

Today, the development of smartphones is getting closer to the "bottleneck". As consumers, we can also clearly feel that today's smartphones are all very different. For domestic mobile phone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, creating differentiated advantages, self-developed exclusive chips, and forming their own core competitiveness are top priorities!

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

As early as 2014, Xiaomi had pressed the start button of self-developed chips. After a 28-month research and development cycle and investment of more than 1 billion yuan, Xiaomi's first self-developed chip - Pampering S1, finally achieved mass production. It is launched on Xiaomi 5C.

It’s a pity that the performance of S1 after its launch was not outstanding, which has also become Xiaomi’s “core” disease! Lei Jun himself admitted: "Making cores is a life-or-death thing."

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

However, for Xiaomi, which is trying to develop self-developed chips for the first time, ThePaper S1 is of great significance. It allows Xiaomi to squeeze into the global "self-developed SOC club", proving that Xiaomi and Huawei , Apple , Samsung also have self-developed SOCs. The ability also gives Xiaomi the determination not to give up on self-developed chips.

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

So that a few years later, we saw a series of surging chips springing up like mushrooms after a rain. For example, the ISP ThePaper C1 improves the imaging capabilities of mobile phones, the ThePaper P1 makes charging more efficient, and the ThePaper G1 draws on the unique battery management system of electric vehicles. These chips perform their own duties and not only highlight the advantages of Xiaomi's full-stack self-developed technology, And it has greatly improved the core competitiveness of Xiaomi’s own flagship models.

Lei Jun said at the press conference: “Invest 100 billion in R&D in five years”, which implements Xiaomi’s spirit of sticking to technology and gives Xiaomi’s R&D team more confidence to try and make mistakes and use courage to innovate.

According to media reports, Xiaomi recently established a semiconductor company called

In a CCTV interview published by The Paper, Xiaomi chip engineer Dr. Zuo Kunlong emphasized, "This is just the starting point. In the end, Xiaomi will return to the research and development of SoC, the heart device of mobile phones." I believe that the return of The Paper S2 will be in the near future. , in such a difficult environment, we also hope that Xiaomi can support the appearance of domestic flagship phones.

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