Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 15th Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales in Australia, Europe and Asia increased by 170% year-on-year, and sales in the first half of the year exceeded the whole of last year

2024/06/3018:10:32 technology 1346

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News July 15 Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales increased by 170% year-on-year in Australia, Europe and Asia, and sales in the first half of the year have Compared with the whole of last year, Shanghai Xin's high-end manufacturing business has achieved a brilliant result.

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 15th Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales in Australia, Europe and Asia increased by 170% year-on-year, and sales in the first half of the year exceeded the whole of last year - DayDayNews

It is reported that green environmental protection is an important reason why laser TV is popular in the Australian market. Laser TV not only changes the form of flat-panel TVs, providing an extraordinary experience of true color, healthy eye protection and on-site immersion, but also integrates green concepts throughout the entire life cycle from design, manufacturing to recycling, with a recycling rate as high as 87%.

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, July 15th Guanhai News reporter learned from Hisense Group that from January to June this year, Hisense Laser TV sales in Australia, Europe and Asia increased by 170% year-on-year, and sales in the first half of the year exceeded the whole of last year - DayDayNews

Australia is a typical high-end consumer market. Hisense Laser TV has achieved good sales results in the Australian market, laying a solid foundation for Hisense to expand into more high-end markets. In March this year, Liu Bin, vice president of Hisense International Marketing Company, disclosed Hisense's "three plans" for high-end overseas expansion. In terms of high-end product layout, Hisense's high-end picture quality flagship product ULED TV will achieve high-end sales growth of more than 40% year-on-year. Hisense Laser TV overseas Sales volume doubled. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter Sun Xin)

(Author: Sun Xin)

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