Why is the State Grid not called China Power Grid? Why are the Chinese source networks printed on foreign equipment? That’s because the State Grid is not just our country’s power grid. The power grids of 11 countries including Portugal, Brazil, Malaysia, Italy, and Singapore are

2024/06/3003:06:33 technology 1838

State Grid Why is it not called China Power Grid? Why are the Chinese characters

Why is the State Grid not called China Power Grid? Why are the Chinese source networks printed on foreign equipment? That’s because the State Grid is not just our country’s power grid. The power grids of 11 countries including Portugal, Brazil, Malaysia, Italy, and Singapore are  - DayDayNews

printed on foreign equipment? Source network

That’s because the State Grid is not just our country’s power grid. The power grids of 11 countries, including

Portugal, Brazil , Malaysia , Italy, Singapore , are all using State Grid's technology and services.

Even the remote power transmission equipment in the United States is our Chinese logo, forcing employees in the United States to learn Chinese before operating the system.

State Grid has 23,308 patents, Tencent , Ali , Huawei are all little brothers in front of State Grid.

At present, my country's power grid has covered 99.5% of the country, and even residents in remote mountainous areas can use it. Among them, ultra-high voltage transmission technology is an important tool for the country.

Only our National Grid in the world controls all standards. Electricity workers in the United States must learn Chinese before taking up the job, because this technology is all in the hands of our National Grid.

Therefore, our country’s power grid is not only China’s power grid, but also the world’s power grid.

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