Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o

2024/06/2700:22:32 technology 1683

Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o - DayDayNews

Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o - DayDayNews

Domestic News

National Bureau of Statistics data show that the total national summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion kilograms), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion kilograms) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will further improve the charging and swapping infrastructure support capabilities, launch urban pilot projects for comprehensive electrification of public sector vehicles, and bring new energy vehicles to the countryside to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles.

On July 14, ticket sales for the 17th Shaanxi Province Sports Games were officially launched.

Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o - DayDayNews

安康 News

Wu Wengang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, investigated the construction of key projects and visited and expressed condolences to the builders fighting on the front line of high temperatures.

Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o - DayDayNews

The municipal government held a symposium for representatives of the construction industry and real estate companies. Mayor Wang Hao attended the meeting and delivered a speech. (click to view details)

Our city organizes the selection of advanced models of ecological civilization construction, and will select a total of 30 (top ten) ecological guardians, top ten ecological and environmental protection volunteers, and top ten ecological and environmental public participation cases. (click to view details)

The expert workstation of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences was inaugurated in Langao County.

The primary school affiliated with Ankang Vocational and Technical College is recruiting 3 high-level talents and 11 urgently needed special professionals from the society. The registration period is from July 21st to July 25th.

International News

China and Nicaragua signed the "Arrangement for Early Harvest of the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua" and launched negotiations on a comprehensive free trade agreement.

The latest report of the United Nations Development Program points out that the global cost of living crisis has intensified, leading to a surge in extreme poverty. 71 million people in the world's poorest countries are falling into extreme poverty.

life tips

Weather forecast: It will be cloudy during the day, with a high temperature of 41 degrees and a low temperature of 22 degrees; cloudy will turn to showers or thundershowers on the 16th; cloudy on the 17th, showers will turn to cloudy in the south. (Ankang Meteorological Observatory)

Domestic News Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that the country's total summer grain output in 2022 is 147.39 million tons (294.8 billion catties), an increase of 1.434 million tons (2.87 billion catties) over the previous year, an increase of 1.0%. The Ministry o - DayDayNews

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