Recently, Tencent News has closed its digital collection sales business. A reporter from Nanduwan Financial News noticed that Tencent News has replaced the "Digital Collection" section in the original APP with "Digital Orders." Its "Digital Collection Business Adjustment Announce

2024/06/2418:45:32 technology 1104

Recently, Tencent News has closed its digital collection sales business. A reporter from Nanduwan Financial News noticed that Tencent News has replaced the "Digital Collection" section in the original APP with "Digital Orders." Its "Digital Collection Business Adjustment Announcement" shows that due to the adjustment and transformation of its business model, Tencent News will suspend the sale of digital collections starting from July 1, 2022. Users can view purchased collections in the Tencent News APP.

Recently, Tencent News has closed its digital collection sales business. A reporter from Nanduwan Financial News noticed that Tencent News has replaced the

In addition, Tencent News placed the traffic link of the Shuzang platform " magic core " in this announcement and invited users to download it.

Recently, Tencent News has closed its digital collection sales business. A reporter from Nanduwan Financial News noticed that Tencent News has replaced the

Currently, in the digital collection area of ​​Tencent News, there are only introductions to the paintings of famous masters such as Qi Baishi , Pan Tianshou , Fu Baoshi , and in the comment area of ​​the release page, many users are inquiring about "refund" related matters.

asked whether Huanhe and Tencent News Data Collection were connected. Tencent responded to Nandu reporter that the collections purchased by users can be viewed not only in the News APP, but also in the Huanhe APP. The main business adjustments this time are Based on the user experience perspective.

html In May, Tencent News had a personnel change. Wang Shimu, the former head of news, was transferred to the social platform and application line of PCG (Platform and Content Group) to be responsible for innovative businesses such as Magic Core that he led the team to incubate. In August last year, Wang Muchi just joined Tencent News, and was previously the vice president of NetEase Cloud Music .

Magic Core is a digital collection platform under Tencent. It was launched in August 2021. Due to Tencent’s traffic blessing, Magic Core was sought after by users at the beginning of its launch. Although the price of the released collections is relatively high, the unit price is around 100 yuan, and at 5 Months ago, almost every release was released in seconds.

However, since June, the pages of 9 collections on Magic Core have been "Ended" instead of "Sold Out", and the number of users participating in advance purchases has also dropped from more than 50,000 to 30,000. A founder of

, a digital collection platform, told a reporter from Nanduwan Financial News that since mid-May, his platform has also experienced unsaleable collections. The influx of a large number of emerging platforms and the previous boom in the secondary market have indeed diverted users. serious.

According to incomplete statistics from a reporter from Nanduwan Financial Society, there were more than 700 domestic digital storage platforms in early July, and they are still rising. Most of them have opened up transfers, such as Whale Explorer, Red Cave Digital Storage, Digital China, and Dongyiyuandian. , TME digital collection, Bilibili digital collection, about 20% are open for consignment and circulation transactions, such as iBox, Only Art, Fantasy Collection, Seven-Level Universe, etc., while Tencent News Digital Collection, like Magic Core, has not opened the secondary market. Not even open for transfer.

Industry insiders pointed out that most of the people currently involved in the field of data storage in China are motivated by a profit-making mentality. This model that allows users to continue investing but not making profits may lead to a decrease in user activity.

Written by: Nandu·Wancaishe reporter Ye Lu

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