When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can "let go" at any time, and there is a high probability that they can make a lot of money from it. In the announcement, 360 made it clear that its wholly-owned subsidiary 360 Private Equity Management Co., Ltd. plans to tra

2024/06/0622:59:33 technology 1774

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Introduction: are all grasshoppers in the same boat so far, and they have to keep up the "drama" even if they pretend; when Nezha is successfully launched, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can "let go and get rid of" at any time, let alone There is a chance that you can make a lot of money from this. Doesn’t it smell good?

" Lei Jun is one year older than me. Lei Jun dares to do whatever I dare not do."...

was so glorious and high-profile when he entered, but how low and lonely he was when he left.

360 was the first to announce that Nezha did not invest the last 1 billion yuan.

html On June 27, 360 Company’s announcement once again brought the “love-hate relationship” between 360 and Nezha Automobile into the public eye.

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

360 External announcement

In the announcement, 360 clearly stated that its wholly-owned subsidiary 360 (Beijing) Private Equity Management Co., Ltd. plans to hold the registered capital of 79994371.67 yuan in Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. (Nezha Automobile) (without actual investment) , corresponding to the transfer of 3.5320% equity of Nezha Automobile to Jiaxing Xinzhu Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Shenzhen Jingcheng Kuangkuang Enterprise Management Center (Limited Partnership), with a transfer consideration of 0 yuan. What does

mean? It was agreed at the beginning that the strategic investment would be 2.9 billion yuan. In the end, 360 decided not to invest the 1 billion yuan. Transferred "free" to other takers.

Frankly speaking, if it were not for the media following and reporting on "good things", this matter would most likely not have attracted such high public attention. After all, there have been too many "dramas" between 360 and Nezha in the past year. .

It is no exaggeration to say that this "love dash" between 360 and Nezha, which involved complex games and even constant conflicts, has contributed a lot of topics and attention to the automotive industry in 2021.

Especially the red-clothed leader of the super "Internet celebrity" IP-type boss - Zhou Hongyi (or Zhou Dapao in the etiquette of the world), the momentum and posture of the entrance were simply too "overwhelming the guest", and there was nothing wrong with it. Zhang Yong (known as Brother Yong in the Jianghu community), the "second soul man" of Zha Automobile, was pressed to the ground and rubbed again and again.

Having money means being willful, and the feeling of being a funder and strategic investor is simply not that satisfying! Who told Nezha Automobile to be in need of financing at that time, and there were not many ways to find money...

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

The marriage of Zhou Hongyi and Zhang Yong to build a car once hit the screen

As a core co-founder and a high-level professional "worker", Zhang Yong, At that juncture, naturally, there was not much confidence and bargaining chips to "grab the microphone and dominance" in front of Zhou Dapao, who was at the height of his military power.

Zhou Hongyi seizes the spotlight and wants to be the "number one product manager"

2.9 billion yuan of strategic investment will be injected in batches.

According to Zhou Hongyi's beautiful idea and plan, although 360 did not want to "become the big brother" directly after entering the market, as the "second shareholder" of Nezha Automobile, he bluntly stated that he wanted to be the "number one product manager" of Nezha Automobile, and publicly told The outside world has shouted out the positioning of Nezha Automobile -

instead of doing what Wei Xiaoli does, Nezha will be a mass market for civilians with about 100,000 yuan, "making cars for the people"!

It should be pointed out that when Zhou Hongyi frequently released those "big words" and "harsh words" to the public, as well as his strategic positioning and expectations for Nezha Automobile, most of the time Zhang Yong was still "acting on the same stage" with him or even making fun of him;

And at that time, Nezha Automobile’s new strategic model, the Nezha S, which was priced at 200,000 or even 300,000 yuan, was already about to come out...

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Zhou Hongyi and Zhang Yong attended the media meeting together

From this, it is not difficult to see that Nezha Automobile had a lot of money at that time. How "arrogant" and arrogant Zhou Hongyi is, who is preparing to hit Nezha Automobile. Before the funds are fully in place and he has not really become a "second shareholder", he no longer regards himself as an "outsider" and starts to give guidance in various ways. What should Nezha Car do?One of the interesting episodes of

is that not only for Nezha Auto's overall product positioning and pricing, Zhou Dapao set a red line of around 100,000 yuan for "unscientific" , but also for Nezha Auto's brand image. IP has publicly put forward "modification" opinions:

"We can collect ideas from users for Nezha's look. I don't like the look in the movie very much. It's too bad, like a bad boy. Doesn't this look look too fierce? "You should have your phone in one hand and your car keys in the other," Zhou Hongyi said angrily at that time.

Just give it up and stop investing, I won’t be short of money to give you freedom

Now in less than a year, Zhou Hongyi has already undergone earth-shaking changes in his attitude towards the relationship between Nezha Automobile and 360 and their respective roles:

No No matter how high-profile and ostentatious it was, it turned out to be a bit calm after seeing things clearly and looking down upon them.

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Zhou Hongyi responded to the media, "Nezha is not short of this little money."

"360 still has about 20 billion in cash on its account. There is no problem of lack of money. As a startup company, Nezha Automobile must lead the company's development with a startup team, rather than being completely led by "Capital-led."

Based on Zhou Hongyi's recent statement in response to media concerns, the reason for giving up this 1 billion yuan strategic investment is not that there is a problem with Nezha's own capital chain or that cash flow is in a hurry, but more because he wants to The corresponding equity and voice rights are transferred to the management team headed by Fang Yunzhou, Zhang Yong, etc.

In human words, "It's not that I don't have money to invest in and . It's because of the actual situation that it is inconvenient to invest, or I don't want to invest."

We have paid a lot of attention and reported on 360’s investment in Nezha Automobile since last year. During this period, it is not surprising that there have been many “scandals” between the two parties and between Zhou Hongyi and other new car-making forces.

As the saying goes, it’s going to rain and the mother is going to get married. It’s happening now and then.

Having said that, when Zhou Hongyi and 360 decided to strategically invest in Nezha Automobile, it was not so "like it, love at first sight" from the beginning.

In this regard, Zhou Hongyi himself frankly expressed his feelings. When he decided to find an investment target company, Weilai , Ideal, Xpeng , which are the first echelon of new car-making forces, had already done very well, and even It's on the market, so you don't need 360's money.

Therefore, I selected horizontally and vertically. There were only a few potential new car “potential stocks” that met 360’s investment intentions at that time. After contacting each other, in the end, Nezha Automobile was relatively “suitable”.

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Zhou Hongyi listened to Zhu Jiangming’s introduction at the Leap Run booth at the Shanghai Auto Show.

From the perspective of Nezha Automobile, as mentioned before, it really needed financing to find more “ammunition and food” . Zhang Yong was once everywhere Financing was not going smoothly, and no strategic investor could be found to inject capital. At that time, the cash flow on Nezha's books could not sustain the company's operations for several months.

Therefore, the original combination of 360 and Nezha had a bit of a "living together" feeling of accommodating each other and not finding a better one.

amusing observation:

Although it is only less than a year apart now, time has already passed, and one moment has passed and the other moment has passed.

First, Nezha’s previous injection of 1.9 billion yuan has solved Nezha Auto’s urgent needs. Second, Nezha Auto’s current “survival” and operating conditions have greatly improved compared to last year, and the sales momentum is very good (although It’s still price-for-volume, and the overall selling price of the product is on the mid-to-low end). The key to

is that over the past year, through overt and covert contact and in-depth cooperation, both parties have discovered that - shit, it's not what they thought at the beginning, at least it's not as simple and satisfactory as they thought.

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Nezha Automobile CEO Zhang Yong

In this case, are all decent people using this method to reduce mutual dependence. Why not? !

For Nezha Automobile and Zhang Yong, 360 and Zhou Hongyi, you just need to be more of your powerful investors and the so-called "number one product managers". Next, don't be too dominant in the company's operations and operations. Direction of development, pointing fingers;

For 360 and Zhou Hongyi, 1.9 billion real money has been invested, and a community of interests has already been formed. At this time, even if 10,000 people are unwilling or even "regretful", they can grit their teeth and insist on running with them. It's over, it's just a lose-lose situation!

In fact, based on the external announcements and wordings of both companies, it is not difficult to see that there is not a high degree of tacit understanding and happiness between the two parties.

360 was the first to make an announcement the night before. Nezha Automobile’s announcement the next day bluntly stated that it was “attention to...”, which is a bit interesting.

No matter how you say it, we are all grasshoppers in the same boat at this point, and we have to continue to act out the "drama". When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can "let go and get rid" at any time, let alone There is a chance that you can make a lot of money from this. Isn’t good?

When Nezha is successfully listed, 360 and Zhou Hongyi can

Cooperation leads to a win-win situation, while fighting leads to mutual losses. For such a simple truth, both Viagra and Brother Yong see it more clearly than we do, and think more clearly than us.

wishes Nezha Automobile good luck, and Zhou Dapao, who has become addicted, can successfully "unwind" as soon as possible.

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