In the last two episodes, we talked about the beautiful woman across the door who dressed up every day and went to work the night shift. Her indifference to her two young children almost caused a disaster. Fortunately, the property management personnel saved her children.

In the last two episodes of

, it was mentioned that the beautiful woman across the door dressed up every day and went to work the night shift, and her indifferent behavior towards her two young children almost caused a disaster. Fortunately, the property management personnel saved her children. After

was scolded by the aunts in the community, dragged her exhausted body home and collapsed on the ground crying. Who knows her grievances?

Her husband has been working away from home for more than half a year. Due to the epidemic, the factory where he works has either shut down or taken a break. What should she do? What can she do?

As long as conditions are met, who wouldn’t want to stay at home and raise their husband and children? But, she can't! If you don't go out to work, your child's school fees will be a problem in September. As a mother, what could be more anxious than this?

This is a small town. If she wants to find a job that is both decent and well-paying, it will be extremely difficult for her without a high degree of education.

still remembers the day she went for her first interview, which was for a job as a hotel waiter.

Walking into the magnificent hall, the waiters who came out of the elegant and comfortable single rooms were all young and beautiful girls.

She is no longer young. Although she has a beautiful appearance in her early thirties, time has ruthlessly left its mark on her.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that she has two children. The reason why she came to the city from the countryside is to let the children go to better schools.

Before kindergarten starts, her first priority is to take care of her children.

She has visited this street so many times that she can almost recite the content of this recruitment notice.

Every time she gathered enough courage to push through the door, she would always step back at the most critical moment, not because she didn’t want to, but because she was afraid of being rejected. A rural woman like her, no matter how outstanding her appearance, was, she was still full of emotions in her heart. Lack of severe self-confidence.

This time, she bravely walked in quietly. Sitting on the leather sofa in the hall was a middle-aged man with a big belly. He wore a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and looked gentle.

Seeing someone pushing the door in, the man turned his attention to the glass door.

"Old... boss, are you hiring here?" She spoke timidly, her voice small and soft, slow and soft.

"Yes! Are you looking for a job?" As he said that, the middle-aged man glanced at her, as if he wanted to see through her.

On that day, she was wearing a simple white-on-blue floral gown and a pair of white cloth trousers. Her thick black hair was lightly and simply rolled up, and the broken hair on her temples was tucked casually behind her ears. She looked quite simple and frugal. smell.

This woman, if she dresses up properly, will definitely be much more beautiful than the women in the city. The man thought so in his heart.

"Yes, I want to find a job."

"What can you do?" She is really afraid of what will come. When she was a child, her family was poor and she could not afford to go to school, she was afraid of others asking this question.

What can she do? I know how to wash and cook, I know how to do housework, I know how to work in the fields, I know how to cook a table of delicious dishes...

She knows a lot, but she seems to know nothing, because the boss is looking for more than just a nanny.

"Boss, I can learn. I learn things very quickly." She cleverly resolved this embarrassing problem for her.

Looking at the intelligence radiating from her big eyes, the boss was a little moved.

Rural women have the quality of diligence, which is why he wants her. Of course, the middle-aged men who have met countless people saw her different temperament and appearance.

Just when the boss was about to nod in agreement, a fashionably fat woman in her thirties walked in gracefully.

"Is the child at the door yours?"

Her voice was clear and loud, and everyone in the hall turned their attention to her.

"Eldest...eldest sister, yes, she is my child."

"Eldest sister? Who do you call eldest sister? Am I that old?"

"No...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

" See for yourself, what are they doing on the glass door of my house? "

It turned out that the two of them, who couldn't wait for their mother for a long time, used the door as a drawing board. This time, she became even more nervous.

"Sorry, I will wipe it clean. "

That's it, her first job ended like this. Later she learned that the fat woman didn't like children because she couldn't give birth to children. She didn't get angry when she saw a child.

Later, She also looked for several jobs, but when the other party knew that she had two children to take care of, they all ended in vain.

After several failed job searches, she had to change her mind. Guaranteed to have plenty of time, she decided to work the night shift.

She got the job of leading a bar by chance. That day, after dinner, she took her two children for a walk in the square of the community. She saw a dozen young people twisting their flexible bodies to the accompaniment of music.

She had been interested in dancing since she was a child. She learned all their dance moves in a short time. She danced to the beat of the music, and at that moment, she felt unprecedented happiness.

Her graceful dance movements were sometimes gentle, like waves surging in a flat lake; sometimes they were like being swept up in a whirlwind. The leaves inside are spinning rapidly...

Her dancing posture is as light as the wings of a spring swallow, like the beating of brows, like the sound of a bass piano, and like the jumping of a bird. Her immersive look is so free, graceful, stretched and gentle.

“You danced so well. "Just when she forgot everything and was blowing in the wind, thunderous applause sounded from behind her.

A man came up behind her and praised her.

"Have you ever learned to dance? "The man continued to ask her.

"No, I just like it. "

" That's amazing. What do you do? "

" works full-time at home to take care of his children and can't find a job. " She replied with some frustration.

"The lead dancer in our bar resigned a few days ago. Are you interested? "

" Forget it! I have no one to take care of my children. "

" Is it okay after the child goes to bed? "

" works the night shift? Can I? "A lot of surprises flashed across her eyes.

"Of course, you are very talented in dancing. "

This person is Brother Han, a good man who helps her solve problems and gives her opportunities.

He is the owner of the bar and the bodyguard of all the girls. I still remember the first time she went on stage, a drunk man kept He whistled at her, his lewd eyes showing greed and endless desire that made her tremble.

Just when he walked on the stage and was about to touch her, Brother Han punched him hard in the chest.

It was that time that she became more dependent and trusting in Brother Han who came to help him.

"Li Xue, what are you thinking about?" There is a man at the door looking for you. "Colleague Xiaomei's words interrupted her thoughts. (To be continued)

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