They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook.

2024/07/0311:18:33 hotcomm 1671


The Tang Dynasty was an era of prosperity and development of ancient feudal society in my country. Enlightened politics, developed economy and prosperous culture enabled the Tang Dynasty to show an open, tolerant and free social style. In such a relaxed social environment, women in the upper class of the Tang Dynasty had a higher social status. They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

The political economy of the Tang Dynasty was unprecedentedly prosperous

The Tang Dynasty had a long history and distinctive characteristics. Women were an important group in society. Women's lives, education, psychological conditions and social status can reflect the civilization and social development of the times. The Tang Dynasty was the peak period of the development of ancient feudal society in my country. Compared with other feudal dynasties, the open, relaxed and free social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty made the women of the Tang Dynasty attract people's attention with their unique style.

Especially the upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty were more eye-catching. Wu Zetian ascended the throne and became a generation of queens. Studying the social status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty has certain comparative value for understanding women in the Tang Dynasty and even the entire Tang Dynasty. At the same time, it also has historical reference significance for the social status of women in real life.

1. The status of upper-class women in the family in the Tang Dynasty

  • (1) Economic life

The strong national power and prosperous economy of the Tang Dynasty made people's property continue to increase, their lives became richer, and women also participated in economic life. .

In the Tang Dynasty, some women could allocate land, and women would have property or land as dowry when they got married. Upper-class women were often able to acquire more land and dowries due to their noble birth and wealthy families. Moreover, Tang Law stipulates that dowry is the personal property of a married woman and does not belong to the category of property distribution and inheritance, but is controlled and managed by herself. Historical records show that upper-class women had significant personal property holdings and a high degree of dominance over that property.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Women of the Tang Dynasty

"Taiping Guangji" records: "In Jinglong, the concubine's family was extravagant, and the concubines Yang Shenjiao and Wu Chongxun even spread oil on the ground and built the stadium."

It can be seen from the above three points that, Women took ownership and control of property and then it can be concluded that upper class women had higher economic status in the family.

In economic life, the improvement of the status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty was not only reflected in the control of property, but also in the acquisition of property inheritance rights. There is a clear regulation on women's inheritance of property in Tanglu: after the death of an unmarried woman's parents, the share of the family inheritance is half of the unmarried woman's salary. If there is no male heir in the family, a virgin or married woman can inherit all the property after the death of her parents; if her husband is widowed, she can inherit her husband's property without remarrying. In ancient feudal society, the possession of property inheritance rights was a reflection of one's status in the family. Therefore, the property inheritance rights of women in the Tang Dynasty can indicate that their status in the family has been improved.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Social activities in the Tang Dynasty

  • (2) Culture and education

With the gradual prosperity of the imperial examination system, culture and education gradually got rid of the limitations of class and opened to the whole society. Cultural and educational undertakings developed rapidly in the Tang Dynasty. Women in the Tang Dynasty were deeply influenced by the social atmosphere where this culture was popularized. They have good conditions and opportunities to learn knowledge and improve their cultural level. Especially women in the upper class have better conditions and more opportunities to receive cultural education, enrich themselves and express themselves.

In this culturally popular environment, in order to improve the cultural level of royal women, the court established institutions such as the Houting Bureau, Xiyi Museum and Inner Education Workshop in the harem to assume educational responsibilities. The culture of palace women, in this superior educational environment, the educational level of royal women has generally been improved, and there are many talented women. In the Tang Dynasty, there were many favored concubines who mastered literature, calligraphy and writing.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Tang Dynasty women

There were many talented princesses in the Tang Dynasty. Princess Linchuan, the daughter of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was very smart since she was a child, able to write good books and like scriptures. She is not only good at writing, but also good at Buddhist painting. Her handwritten scriptures and painted Buddha statues are both excellent works. There are many stunning female officials in the political arena, Shangguan Wan'er is the most representative representative among them. Shangguan Wan'er inherited and carried forward the characteristics of Shangguan family poetry, wrote a large number of poems that should be produced, and contributed to the development of poetry in the Tang Dynasty.

Bureaucratic families in the Tang Dynasty also attached great importance to women's cultural education. They are financially well-off at home, have no worries about food and clothing, and have good conditions and enough time to receive education. They could be taught by their fathers, or they could be sponsored to hire learned gentlemen to teach. Some of the talented people in the Tang Dynasty can also be attributed to their mother's correct teaching as a child. Just like the famous poet Yuan Zhen, his father died early and his family was very poor. His mother imparted knowledge herself.

Later, some of his achievements were inseparable from his mother's early education. These examples of bureaucratic housewives teaching children not only show that they have higher cultural literacy and the right to enjoy cultural education, but also reflect their higher status in the family.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Portraits of women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (3) The concept of marriage

In ancient feudal society, marriage was regarded as a way to continue the family. People do not regard marriage as a matter between both parties, but obey the orders of parents or elders. However, in the relatively open social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, women's marriages were more free than before.

In the law "Household Marriage" of the Tang Dynasty, there is such a provision: "If the humble children are outside, they will be betrothed after respecting their elders, and the humble children will take their own wives. If they are married, the marriage will be in accordance with the law; if they are not married, they will be married to their elders. Violators ,stick hundred."

In the Tang Dynasty, there were many remarriages and remarriages among upper-class women. Wu Zetian married Taizong and Gaozong successively. Yang Guifei also first married King Shou and then became Xuanzong's concubine. Princess Taiping has been married three times in a row. During the Xianzong period, the daughters of Han Yu of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties also married Li Han first, and then married Fan Zongyi. The examples of remarriage reflect their higher status in the family.

2. The status of upper-class women in society in the Tang Dynasty

  • (1) Participation in politics

In feudal society, "men are in charge of the outside world and women are in charge of the inside" has become a traditional concept recognized by most people. Participation and deliberation were believed to be the prerogative of men and women were strictly excluded from participation and deliberation. outside. In order to adapt to the requirements of male rulers in feudal society, some women's textbooks strictly stipulated the scope of women's activities within the family. However, in the relatively open social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, women's participation in government affairs was as common as access to a suitable climate and fertile soil. Especially for upper class women, they have unique conditions. From the court's favorite concubines, princesses and female officials to the wives and concubines of bureaucratic families, they all actively participated in political affairs, thus forming a unique phenomenon of women's political participation in the Tang Dynasty.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Chang'an City

In history books, there are many records about women's participation in the harem of the Tang Dynasty. Before Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, Empress Changsun actively assisted Emperor Taizong in winning the Xuanwumen Incident. After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he persuaded and corrected the mistakes of Emperor Taizong's regime. After Gaozong's death, Wu Zetian used her power to change the Tang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty, ascended the throne, and became the only empress in ancient China. Under the influence of Wu Zetian, some women wanted to imitate Wu Zetian and become emperor, but they failed. From the number of Tang concubines who participated in politics and the length of time they participated in politics, it can be seen that the concubines in the harem of the Tang Dynasty were all involved in politics.

In addition to the palace concubines, the princesses on the political stage of the Tang Dynasty also actively participated in political affairs. When Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan raised troops in Taiyuan, his daughter Princess Pingyang also recruited troops in Huxian County to help Emperor Gaozu contribute to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. Among the princesses who participated in political activities, the most representative one was Princess Taiping. She took part in three coups.The first time was in Wu Zetian's later years, when she, prince Li Xian, and Wang Lidan jointly launched a coup, forcing Wu Zetian to return to the Tang Dynasty. After Zhongzong's death, she conspired with her nephew Li Longji for the second time to eliminate the Queen Wei Group.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Outside Chang'an

In addition, female officials of the Tang Dynasty and women from bureaucratic families also participated in political activities. Shangguan Wan'er can be said to be a female representative participating in politics. She was trustworthy and reused in both Wu Zetian and Tang Zhongzong dynasties. The power of Zhongzong Dynasty is even more powerful, and she can even control the power of life and death. In the Tang Dynasty, the political participation of upper-class women expanded, increased in number, and lasted longer. According to statistics, during the 140 most prosperous years of the Tang Dynasty, women participated in politics and controlled the court for nearly one-third of the time. This shows that female politics played an important role in promoting the development of the Tang Dynasty, and also shows that women in the upper class of the Tang Dynasty had a higher social status.

  • (2) Social Interactions

Religious etiquette in ancient China was very strict, especially for upper-class women. Coupled with the discipline of feudal patriarchy, it almost deprived women of the right to go out and participate in social interactions. However, the social atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was relatively open, and the binding force of religious etiquette was relatively weak. Coupled with the influence of the Hu people, women in the Tang Dynasty could freely and openly participate in some social interactions, and there were not many taboos in dealing with men. In various historical records, there are many examples of social interactions between upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty, from which we can see their higher status in society.

During Wu Zetian's reign, he often held court meetings for women living and dead. This was an opportunity for upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty to participate in social interaction. In addition, women in bureaucratic families will also have small social activities through banquets. In the Tang Dynasty, women would also participate in festivals and outings, and upper-class women also actively participated. The court prohibitions in the Tang Dynasty were not very strict. Favored concubines, princesses, female officials and other court women could interact with foreign ministers. It was not uncommon for court concubines and princesses to become court attendants.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Group portraits of women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (3) Sports activities

In the Tang Dynasty, women participated in a wide range of sports, from princesses in the harem and aristocratic bureaucratic women to ordinary civilian women, actors, prostitutes, etc.; women participated in various activities Various sports include horse riding, archery, polo, tug of war, rowing, etc. Especially upper-class women, because of their economic prosperity, they have more time and energy to participate in sports.

Influenced by social trends, it was very common for women to ride horses in the Tang Dynasty, and noble women often traveled on horseback. At that time, concubines and princesses followed the emperor on hunting trips, all wearing uniforms, accompanying them on horseback, and carrying bows and arrows. From the emperor to the common people, horse racing in the Tang Dynasty was very prosperous.

The vigorous participation of women in sports in the Tang Dynasty not only demonstrated the lively and unrestrained spirit of women in the Tang Dynasty, but also showed the improvement of women's social status in the Tang Dynasty.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Tang Dynasty women on horses

3. Reasons for the formation of the social status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (1) Open social environment

The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous period for the development of ancient feudal society in my country. It is politically enlightened, economically developed, culturally prosperous, and has a strong national power. There were prosperous periods such as the "Government of Zhenguan" and the "Prosperous Age of Kaiyuan". It was precisely because of this prosperity that the rulers of the Tang Dynasty were full of confidence in their rule.

Therefore, they showed an unprecedented open and enlightened attitude towards domestic and foreign policies, and the Tang Dynasty formed a relatively relaxed and open social environment. The rulers of the Tang Dynasty extensively recruited people from all walks of life to participate in politics. They not only appointed upper-class officials from various ethnic groups, but even allowed foreigners to participate in politics, which showed their open political system.

Accordingly, the rulers of the Tang Dynasty were able to reverse the oppression of women by the previous feudal rulers and show a certain tolerance and respect. It was precisely because of the open social environment of the Tang Dynasty that people in the Tang Dynasty dared to pursue human freedom. Women who lived during this period dared to break through the cage of feudal ethics, gradually became broad-minded, boldly pursued themselves and showed themselves.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Lady Pictures

Especially for upper-class women, an open social environment provides them with appropriate development space, a developed economy provides them with a good material foundation, and a prosperous culture provides them with better cultural education. Enlightened politics provides them with more opportunities. In order to participate in politics, they fully embody their own life values ​​and work hard to improve their social status.

  • (2) The influence of ethnic minority customs

The nomadic peoples in the north entered the Central Plains southwards. In the ecological environment of agricultural civilization, they realized that Han culture was superior to Hu culture. Hu culture also influenced Han culture with its unique cultural characteristics, blooming with brilliant colors on the basis of the integration of national cultures. The ethnic minorities in the north were hardly bound by feudal ethics. They still retain the attributes of a natural person, allowing women to indulge more freely. The characters of northern women leap onto the page, showing the primitive and extensive nomadic atmosphere, which had a greater impact on women in the Tang Dynasty and enabled them to bravely change their status. Moreover, the royal family of the Tang Dynasty had lived together with various ethnic minorities in the north for a long time. Therefore, during the exchange and integration of the Hu and Han nationalities, the custom of attaching importance to mothers in Hu culture was gradually passed down. The Tang Dynasty inherited the political concepts of women from the Northern Dynasty and did not oppose women's participation in politics.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

The unity of the three religions promoted the prosperity of Tang Dynasty culture

  • (3) The rise of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

Since the Western Han Dynasty "abolition of hundreds of schools of thought and only respecting Confucianism ", Confucianism has been the mainstream of society. However, with the peasant uprising in the late Sui Dynasty, the people began to overthrow the old clans, and the strict religious etiquette of the past was torn down. Members of the Li Tang royal family respect Li Er, the founder of Taoism , as their ancestor. The rulers of the Tang Dynasty strongly supported Taoism, and the status of Taoism improved significantly. Buddhism, which was introduced to China at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty.

During the development of Confucianism, Confucianism has been influenced by Buddhism, Taoism and other foreign religions. The status of Confucianism is no longer as exclusive as it was in the Han Dynasty. teaching situation. With the continuous development of Taoism and Buddhism, the status of Confucianism has been declining. Therefore, its binding force on ancient feudal etiquette for women has been relatively reduced. Buddhism and Taoism have also had a wide impact on people's daily behaviors and thoughts. Taoism advocates the free development of human beings without any restrictions. This deeply influenced women in the Tang Dynasty, making them dare to break away from the shackles of traditional feudal etiquette and pursue freedom and liberation of personality.

Although Buddhism advocates the idea of ​​equality of all living beings, it refers to equality in religious beliefs, but in a sense it also includes a denial of feudal hierarchy and inequality between men and women. In short, the decline of Confucianism and the prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism made upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty more daring to improve their social status.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

"Pictures of Ladies with Hairpin Flowers"


In ancient China, the Tang Dynasty was the peak of the development of feudal society. After accumulating more than a thousand years of feudal social development history, the Tang Dynasty carried out a series of reforms, showing political enlightenment, economic development, cultural prosperity and an open social atmosphere. In this open social atmosphere, under the enlightened rule of the rulers, and through the efforts of women themselves, in China's long-term feudal society, the social status of women in the upper class of the Tang Dynasty had a relatively significant improvement.

Compared with women in other feudal dynasties, women in the Tang Dynasty had a stronger subjective consciousness, especially upper-class women. They have more cultural and educational opportunities, higher cultural levels, and more opportunities for political affairs. They actively participate in political affairs, participate in social affairs and assume social responsibilities. This shows the extraordinary courage of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty. The improvement of subjective consciousness of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty also enhanced their social status. They have achieved the liberation of their personality, gained a certain degree of personal freedom, and gained respect from society. With their bright colors and outstanding personalities, they have become the most dazzling female group in ancient China. Although the social status of women in the upper class improved during the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was still in a feudal society. It is still oppressed by monarchy, patriarchy and the power of husbands.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Tang Dynasty Courtyard Restoration

Women's subjective consciousness refers to women's independent awareness of their status, role and value in the objective world as a subjective social person. The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty with an open social atmosphere. Women can not only be active in the family, but also participate extensively in state affairs and social life. The analysis of the social status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty has a certain impact and contribution to the understanding of women and society in the Tang Dynasty; it also has certain practical significance for improving the social status of today's women and establishing a new generation of female concepts.


"Taiping Guangji"

"Old Tang Book"

"Household Marriage"

Princess Linchuan, the daughter of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was very smart since she was a child, able to write good books and like scriptures. She is not only good at writing, but also good at Buddhist painting. Her handwritten scriptures and painted Buddha statues are both excellent works. There are many stunning female officials in the political arena, Shangguan Wan'er is the most representative representative among them. Shangguan Wan'er inherited and carried forward the characteristics of Shangguan family poetry, wrote a large number of poems that should be produced, and contributed to the development of poetry in the Tang Dynasty.

Bureaucratic families in the Tang Dynasty also attached great importance to women's cultural education. They are financially well-off at home, have no worries about food and clothing, and have good conditions and enough time to receive education. They could be taught by their fathers, or they could be sponsored to hire learned gentlemen to teach. Some of the talented people in the Tang Dynasty can also be attributed to their mother's correct teaching as a child. Just like the famous poet Yuan Zhen, his father died early and his family was very poor. His mother imparted knowledge herself.

Later, some of his achievements were inseparable from his mother's early education. These examples of bureaucratic housewives teaching children not only show that they have higher cultural literacy and the right to enjoy cultural education, but also reflect their higher status in the family.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Portraits of women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (3) The concept of marriage

In ancient feudal society, marriage was regarded as a way to continue the family. People do not regard marriage as a matter between both parties, but obey the orders of parents or elders. However, in the relatively open social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, women's marriages were more free than before.

In the law "Household Marriage" of the Tang Dynasty, there is such a provision: "If the humble children are outside, they will be betrothed after respecting their elders, and the humble children will take their own wives. If they are married, the marriage will be in accordance with the law; if they are not married, they will be married to their elders. Violators ,stick hundred."

In the Tang Dynasty, there were many remarriages and remarriages among upper-class women. Wu Zetian married Taizong and Gaozong successively. Yang Guifei also first married King Shou and then became Xuanzong's concubine. Princess Taiping has been married three times in a row. During the Xianzong period, the daughters of Han Yu of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties also married Li Han first, and then married Fan Zongyi. The examples of remarriage reflect their higher status in the family.

2. The status of upper-class women in society in the Tang Dynasty

  • (1) Participation in politics

In feudal society, "men are in charge of the outside world and women are in charge of the inside" has become a traditional concept recognized by most people. Participation and deliberation were believed to be the prerogative of men and women were strictly excluded from participation and deliberation. outside. In order to adapt to the requirements of male rulers in feudal society, some women's textbooks strictly stipulated the scope of women's activities within the family. However, in the relatively open social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, women's participation in government affairs was as common as access to a suitable climate and fertile soil. Especially for upper class women, they have unique conditions. From the court's favorite concubines, princesses and female officials to the wives and concubines of bureaucratic families, they all actively participated in political affairs, thus forming a unique phenomenon of women's political participation in the Tang Dynasty.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Chang'an City

In history books, there are many records about women's participation in the harem of the Tang Dynasty. Before Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, Empress Changsun actively assisted Emperor Taizong in winning the Xuanwumen Incident. After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he persuaded and corrected the mistakes of Emperor Taizong's regime. After Gaozong's death, Wu Zetian used her power to change the Tang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty, ascended the throne, and became the only empress in ancient China. Under the influence of Wu Zetian, some women wanted to imitate Wu Zetian and become emperor, but they failed. From the number of Tang concubines who participated in politics and the length of time they participated in politics, it can be seen that the concubines in the harem of the Tang Dynasty were all involved in politics.

In addition to the palace concubines, the princesses on the political stage of the Tang Dynasty also actively participated in political affairs. When Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan raised troops in Taiyuan, his daughter Princess Pingyang also recruited troops in Huxian County to help Emperor Gaozu contribute to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. Among the princesses who participated in political activities, the most representative one was Princess Taiping. She took part in three coups.The first time was in Wu Zetian's later years, when she, prince Li Xian, and Wang Lidan jointly launched a coup, forcing Wu Zetian to return to the Tang Dynasty. After Zhongzong's death, she conspired with her nephew Li Longji for the second time to eliminate the Queen Wei Group.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Outside Chang'an

In addition, female officials of the Tang Dynasty and women from bureaucratic families also participated in political activities. Shangguan Wan'er can be said to be a female representative participating in politics. She was trustworthy and reused in both Wu Zetian and Tang Zhongzong dynasties. The power of Zhongzong Dynasty is even more powerful, and she can even control the power of life and death. In the Tang Dynasty, the political participation of upper-class women expanded, increased in number, and lasted longer. According to statistics, during the 140 most prosperous years of the Tang Dynasty, women participated in politics and controlled the court for nearly one-third of the time. This shows that female politics played an important role in promoting the development of the Tang Dynasty, and also shows that women in the upper class of the Tang Dynasty had a higher social status.

  • (2) Social Interactions

Religious etiquette in ancient China was very strict, especially for upper-class women. Coupled with the discipline of feudal patriarchy, it almost deprived women of the right to go out and participate in social interactions. However, the social atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was relatively open, and the binding force of religious etiquette was relatively weak. Coupled with the influence of the Hu people, women in the Tang Dynasty could freely and openly participate in some social interactions, and there were not many taboos in dealing with men. In various historical records, there are many examples of social interactions between upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty, from which we can see their higher status in society.

During Wu Zetian's reign, he often held court meetings for women living and dead. This was an opportunity for upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty to participate in social interaction. In addition, women in bureaucratic families will also have small social activities through banquets. In the Tang Dynasty, women would also participate in festivals and outings, and upper-class women also actively participated. The court prohibitions in the Tang Dynasty were not very strict. Favored concubines, princesses, female officials and other court women could interact with foreign ministers. It was not uncommon for court concubines and princesses to become court attendants.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Group portraits of women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (3) Sports activities

In the Tang Dynasty, women participated in a wide range of sports, from princesses in the harem and aristocratic bureaucratic women to ordinary civilian women, actors, prostitutes, etc.; women participated in various activities Various sports include horse riding, archery, polo, tug of war, rowing, etc. Especially upper-class women, because of their economic prosperity, they have more time and energy to participate in sports.

Influenced by social trends, it was very common for women to ride horses in the Tang Dynasty, and noble women often traveled on horseback. At that time, concubines and princesses followed the emperor on hunting trips, all wearing uniforms, accompanying them on horseback, and carrying bows and arrows. From the emperor to the common people, horse racing in the Tang Dynasty was very prosperous.

The vigorous participation of women in sports in the Tang Dynasty not only demonstrated the lively and unrestrained spirit of women in the Tang Dynasty, but also showed the improvement of women's social status in the Tang Dynasty.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Tang Dynasty women on horses

3. Reasons for the formation of the social status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty

  • (1) Open social environment

The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous period for the development of ancient feudal society in my country. It is politically enlightened, economically developed, culturally prosperous, and has a strong national power. There were prosperous periods such as the "Government of Zhenguan" and the "Prosperous Age of Kaiyuan". It was precisely because of this prosperity that the rulers of the Tang Dynasty were full of confidence in their rule.

Therefore, they showed an unprecedented open and enlightened attitude towards domestic and foreign policies, and the Tang Dynasty formed a relatively relaxed and open social environment. The rulers of the Tang Dynasty extensively recruited people from all walks of life to participate in politics. They not only appointed upper-class officials from various ethnic groups, but even allowed foreigners to participate in politics, which showed their open political system.

Accordingly, the rulers of the Tang Dynasty were able to reverse the oppression of women by the previous feudal rulers and show a certain tolerance and respect. It was precisely because of the open social environment of the Tang Dynasty that people in the Tang Dynasty dared to pursue human freedom. Women who lived during this period dared to break through the cage of feudal ethics, gradually became broad-minded, boldly pursued themselves and showed themselves.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Lady Pictures

Especially for upper-class women, an open social environment provides them with appropriate development space, a developed economy provides them with a good material foundation, and a prosperous culture provides them with better cultural education. Enlightened politics provides them with more opportunities. In order to participate in politics, they fully embody their own life values ​​and work hard to improve their social status.

  • (2) The influence of ethnic minority customs

The nomadic peoples in the north entered the Central Plains southwards. In the ecological environment of agricultural civilization, they realized that Han culture was superior to Hu culture. Hu culture also influenced Han culture with its unique cultural characteristics, blooming with brilliant colors on the basis of the integration of national cultures. The ethnic minorities in the north were hardly bound by feudal ethics. They still retain the attributes of a natural person, allowing women to indulge more freely. The characters of northern women leap onto the page, showing the primitive and extensive nomadic atmosphere, which had a greater impact on women in the Tang Dynasty and enabled them to bravely change their status. Moreover, the royal family of the Tang Dynasty had lived together with various ethnic minorities in the north for a long time. Therefore, during the exchange and integration of the Hu and Han nationalities, the custom of attaching importance to mothers in Hu culture was gradually passed down. The Tang Dynasty inherited the political concepts of women from the Northern Dynasty and did not oppose women's participation in politics.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

The unity of the three religions promoted the prosperity of Tang Dynasty culture

  • (3) The rise of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

Since the Western Han Dynasty "abolition of hundreds of schools of thought and only respecting Confucianism ", Confucianism has been the mainstream of society. However, with the peasant uprising in the late Sui Dynasty, the people began to overthrow the old clans, and the strict religious etiquette of the past was torn down. Members of the Li Tang royal family respect Li Er, the founder of Taoism , as their ancestor. The rulers of the Tang Dynasty strongly supported Taoism, and the status of Taoism improved significantly. Buddhism, which was introduced to China at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty.

During the development of Confucianism, Confucianism has been influenced by Buddhism, Taoism and other foreign religions. The status of Confucianism is no longer as exclusive as it was in the Han Dynasty. teaching situation. With the continuous development of Taoism and Buddhism, the status of Confucianism has been declining. Therefore, its binding force on ancient feudal etiquette for women has been relatively reduced. Buddhism and Taoism have also had a wide impact on people's daily behaviors and thoughts. Taoism advocates the free development of human beings without any restrictions. This deeply influenced women in the Tang Dynasty, making them dare to break away from the shackles of traditional feudal etiquette and pursue freedom and liberation of personality.

Although Buddhism advocates the idea of ​​equality of all living beings, it refers to equality in religious beliefs, but in a sense it also includes a denial of feudal hierarchy and inequality between men and women. In short, the decline of Confucianism and the prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism made upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty more daring to improve their social status.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

"Pictures of Ladies with Hairpin Flowers"


In ancient China, the Tang Dynasty was the peak of the development of feudal society. After accumulating more than a thousand years of feudal social development history, the Tang Dynasty carried out a series of reforms, showing political enlightenment, economic development, cultural prosperity and an open social atmosphere. In this open social atmosphere, under the enlightened rule of the rulers, and through the efforts of women themselves, in China's long-term feudal society, the social status of women in the upper class of the Tang Dynasty had a relatively significant improvement.

Compared with women in other feudal dynasties, women in the Tang Dynasty had a stronger subjective consciousness, especially upper-class women. They have more cultural and educational opportunities, higher cultural levels, and more opportunities for political affairs. They actively participate in political affairs, participate in social affairs and assume social responsibilities. This shows the extraordinary courage of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty. The improvement of subjective consciousness of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty also enhanced their social status. They have achieved the liberation of their personality, gained a certain degree of personal freedom, and gained respect from society. With their bright colors and outstanding personalities, they have become the most dazzling female group in ancient China. Although the social status of women in the upper class improved during the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was still in a feudal society. It is still oppressed by monarchy, patriarchy and the power of husbands.

They actively participate in politics, engage in social interactions, participate in sports, enjoy property inheritance rights, cultural and educational rights, freedom of marriage, etc., and show a lively, cheerful, brave and unrestrained character in their mental outlook. - DayDayNews

Tang Dynasty Courtyard Restoration

Women's subjective consciousness refers to women's independent awareness of their status, role and value in the objective world as a subjective social person. The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty with an open social atmosphere. Women can not only be active in the family, but also participate extensively in state affairs and social life. The analysis of the social status of upper-class women in the Tang Dynasty has a certain impact and contribution to the understanding of women and society in the Tang Dynasty; it also has certain practical significance for improving the social status of today's women and establishing a new generation of female concepts.


"Taiping Guangji"

"Old Tang Book"

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