The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers will bloom again, and people will no longer be young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also usher in your own dest

2024/07/0311:17:32 science 1120

The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also will usher in its own destruction.

The sun can live for about 5 billion years. What will humans on earth do then?

The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers will bloom again, and people will no longer be young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also usher in your own dest - DayDayNews

It sounds like 5 billion years is a long time. It is so long that we don’t need to consider it. However, this time is not necessarily accurate. Anyway, in the foreseeable future, is it possible for humans to escape from the earth and find their own new home? Woolen cloth? If so, how many years at least?

The development of aerospace

In 1903, Flyer No. 1 successfully tested and was the first fully controlled aircraft in history.

In 1961, former Soviet astronaut Gagarin became the first person to enter space, starting the first step in human extraterrestrial exploration.

In 1969, the United States successfully landed on the moon , and Armstrong left human footprints on the moon.

Then, due to reasons such as high risks and low returns, the development of manned spaceflight basically came to an end, but people did not give up exploring outer space. It is inconvenient for people to go up, so unmanned probes can go there. No matter how big an accident happens, it will only Losing money will not cause people to have public opinions and make everyone stressed.

The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers will bloom again, and people will no longer be young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also usher in your own dest - DayDayNews

But in short, the subsequent development of outer space exploration was mediocre and lost suspense. Everyone thought it was too expensive, so they didn’t take it so seriously. The only exciting news was last year, my country’s Tianwen No. 1 The Zhurong Mars rover was successfully sent to the surface of Mars. Currently, the Zhurong Mars rover is still working stably.


To sum up, it only took more than a hundred years for humans to take off for the first time and explore Mars. It can be said that this development speed is very rapid. If it continues to develop at such an explosive speed, It only takes a few hundred years for humans to fly out of the solar system and become travelers to the galaxy.

The bottleneck of technology

But here comes another trouble, that is, whether there is a bottleneck in the development of technology. Once a development bottleneck is encountered, it will be embarrassing to be unable to break through it for hundreds of years. The current development of science and technology is basically It follows the theory of the last century. The only difference is that it has gone further on the same road, but no eye-catching or breakthrough technological development has appeared.

The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers will bloom again, and people will no longer be young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also usher in your own dest - DayDayNews

Take chip technology for example. From the beginning, the size of electronic computer occupied dozens of square meters. Now with the advancement of technology, especially chips, computers can be as small and light as books.

What’s interesting is that the world’s smallest chip can already do 2nm, but is the smaller the better? The benefits of smaller process technology and are lower power consumption, smaller and more convenient devices, and the ability to adapt to more diverse scenarios, so the smaller the device, the better the future.

Having said that, people's technological level is still based on the route of the predecessors and is simply advancing. If we cannot move from quantitative change to qualitative change, then this will be a bottleneck period. Just like there was a joke on the Internet before, every generation of Apple mobile phones is getting thinner and longer. By the time Apple 20 arrives, it has grown into a 1-meter thin wooden stick. This wooden stick, Is it really better than the small and round apple 4?

The sun provides light and heat, helping the earth to give birth to countless lives, including humans. But flowers will bloom again, and people will no longer be young. The sun has now entered middle age. When it ages, the warm family of the earth will also usher in your own dest - DayDayNews

Fortunately, the sun still has plenty of time left for us. As long as aliens don’t come and three wars break out among human beings, anything can be said. By the time the sun can no longer hold it, humans should have left the earth long ago and gone to the universe. Build new homes elsewhere.

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