A petite and thin woman, with a desperate look on her face, walked heavily to a deserted cliff. She looked up at the sky full of dark clouds and let out a long sigh.

2024/06/1806:21:32 story 1845

On that night in 2019, when I couldn’t see my fingers, it was the coldest month of winter, and the cold wind was howling. A petite and thin woman, with a desperate look on her face, walked heavily to a deserted cliff.

She looked up at the sky full of dark clouds and let out a long sigh. Then he jumped and ended his thirty-eight-year-old life.

This woman’s name is Yu Shuangshuang. Why did she commit suicide by jumping off a cliff? What else is there to hide? Listen to me slowly.

Yu Shuangshuang was born in Suping Village, Yezhou Town, Jianshi County. At the age of twenty, she married a man named Peng from the same village. A few years later, they had two children, a son and a daughter. When the children were old enough to go to school, they bought a second-hand house in Shiti Village, Haju-myeon.

There is no school in Suping Village, but there is one in Shiti Village. It's not close to home either. Yu Shuangshuang rides a motorcycle and takes the children to school in the morning and picks them up in the afternoon.

She takes care of her parents-in-law at home, raising children, farming and raising pigs, which is quite hard. Her husband works in a distant place all year round and sends money to her every month. Although the conditions are not very good, life is pretty good.

After primary school, the older children have to go to middle school near the city. Because they have rural household registration, they can only study in rural schools. Yu Shuangshuang's eldest son goes to a middle school called Qili Middle School, which is more than fifty miles away from her home.

It's so far away that I can only live on campus and go back once a week. Qili Middle School holds parent-teacher conferences every once in a while, and Yu Shuangshuang goes there by motorcycle.

In the spring of 2018, it was a day of drizzle and haze covering the sky. Yu Shuangshuang dressed up beautifully, rode a motorcycle and drove quickly to Qili Middle School in a happy mood.

was almost arriving at school. Yu Shuangshuang was running too fast and had no time to brake and hit the back of a bus. She fainted immediately.

A petite and thin woman, with a desperate look on her face, walked heavily to a deserted cliff. She looked up at the sky full of dark clouds and let out a long sigh. - DayDayNews

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When she was sent to the hospital, her head was badly bruised and bleeding.

I don’t know how the traffic police dealt with it. The bus driver paid her 10,000 yuan for medical expenses. The bus should be insured, so the insurance company should pay for it! Only the person who solved the matter and the parties concerned know this.

The bus driver also took care of Yu Shuangshuang when she was hospitalized. Maybe the bus driver was responsible. The bus driver is from Qili, forty years old, and Dayu is two years old. She has a wife and children, so people call her wife Qinqin.

He took good care of Yu Shuangshuang, taking care of her like a family member. Uninformed people thought the bus driver was her husband.

People in the same ward said: "Your husband treats you so well! You are lucky to have found a good husband." Yu Shuang blushed. She quickly explained: "He is not my husband, he is the bus driver."

Yu Shuangshuang stayed in the hospital for half a month and has basically recovered. The driver also took care of her for half a month. She suddenly found that she couldn't live without the driver, and she didn't know from which day she developed a crush on the driver. The driver also seemed to have feelings for her.

Yu Shuangshuang’s husband works outside all year round, and she and she spend less time together and more time apart. He only came back once or twice a year, and every time he came back he was a guest and had to serve him good food and drinks, but he left again after two or three days.

After so many years, Yu Shuangshuang has become accustomed to it. Through this car accident, she tasted the feeling of being taken care of by another man, a feeling that she seemed not to be able to get with her husband.

She thought the driver was sincerely kind to her, and Lang Youqing and Mei Youyi broke through the moral defense line regardless of everything and became happy.

For the convenience of two people being together, Yu Shuangshuang rented a house in the city. I found a job in the city so that my children don’t have to go back every week.

She also transferred her younger son to Qili Primary School, so that she could earn money, take care of her children, and meet the driver often. I think this is the best arrangement.

The driver seems to be getting better and better towards her. He often buys things for her, and also buys delicious food and clothes for Yu Shuangshuang's children. Sometimes he also helps her take the children home for free.

Yu Shuangshuang will not treat him badly, and he will cook his hometown’s food! Eggs! Bring some meat to the driver. She thought that the two of them would get along well for a long time without anyone noticing.

A petite and thin woman, with a desperate look on her face, walked heavily to a deserted cliff. She looked up at the sky full of dark clouds and let out a long sigh. - DayDayNews

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As the saying goes: If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. The driver's wife accidentally discovered her husband's secret on her mobile phone. In order not to alert others, she kept silent at first.

One night, the driver's wife called him and asked where he was. He said he was drinking outside with some buddies, and she knew he was lying. There must be some fooling around outside.

After enduring this for so long, it’s time to take action. She brought a stick, invited her best friend, and angrily came to Yu Shuangshuang's residence.

Outside the door, the driver's wife took out her mobile phone and dialed: "Hey! Husband, where are you?"

After a while, she heard the echo: "Didn't I tell you to drink with friends?"

"Which restaurant are you at?" ? Sign up! "

" You don't know. "

" I'll be back soon. "

The house that Yu Shuangshuang rents is on the second floor. Qinqin has already checked it out. But she didn't go in to take a look, and didn't know exactly how many rooms there were. Where is the bedroom.

She already knew Yu Shuangshuang’s name from her husband, and she also knew that Yu Shuangshuang rear-ended her husband’s car. Her husband even lost money to take care of her for so long, and she saw her once in the hospital.

Based on her appearance, she is countless times stronger than Yu Shuangshuang. She would never have thought that her husband would be "passionate" for a woman who was much worse than herself! Man! It’s incredible! !

When she found out that her husband had a secret, she was very sad and told her best friend about it. My best friend was also very angry after hearing this. She promised to help the driver's wife catch the adulterer and get evidence, and then deal with them.

The bus driver usually goes out on his motorcycle after get off work. His wife and best friend found his motorcycle in the yard. There is no doubt that her husband must be here. What to do with

? It’s not okay to knock on the door hastily for fear of causing misunderstanding. They decided to call Yu Shuangshuang out, saying they had something urgent to come to see her. This move worked really well. The door opened and Yu Shuang came out with her hair scattered.

The driver's wife and best friend took the opportunity to get into the house and came to the bedroom. The driver was getting dressed in a panic, and Yu Shuangshuang realized that they had been tricked, so they backed off and ran out.

Qinqin’s best friend quickly caught up with her, grabbed her long hair and dragged her back to the room, closing the door with a bang. Two people slapped me on the left and then on the right, until I both had stars in my eyes.

"I asked you to steal someone! I asked you to seduce other people's husbands! You also urinate and take pictures of yourself..."

Yu Shuangshuang is at a loss and coupled with his small stature, it is difficult for one person to defeat him. She had been beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, but she did not dare to shout loudly for fear of being heard by others, so she could only keep silent and huddled with them. The driver took the opportunity to slip away.

"Bitch! What do you think we should do about this? Do you want to be dragged out by us and paraded in the streets? Or pay for it?"

"I didn't seduce your husband. We didn't sleep in the same bed, so it doesn't count as evidence." Yu Shuangshuang defended.

"Stay strong, I already know about you two." After Qinqin finished speaking, she slapped Yu Shuangshuang's mouth again, causing blood to flow freely.

Yu Shuangshuang knows that parading in the streets is more terrifying than losing money, so let’s lose money! I don't have much money either. Don’t pay! They will not let themselves go.

"Loss of money? I don't have any!"

"No? If not, just parade around the streets." After Qinqin finished speaking, she pushed Yu Shuangshuang out.

"I'll give it. How much will the compensation be?"

"100,000 compensation!" Qinqin said fiercely.

Yu Shuangshuang trembled: "One hundred thousand? How can I have it?"

"I didn't borrow it." Qinqin's best friend said.

"I will give you as much as you have now. I will issue an IOU for the rest and pay it off in three days or something." Qinqin roared.

Yu Shuangshuang scraped together 5,000 yuan, and was forced to issue an IOU for 95,000 yuan.

"It turns out that he is a pauper, no wonder he seduced her husband." Qinqin said angrily.

From then on, Yu Shuangshuang seemed to have lost his soul. His energy was listless, and he seemed to be getting thinner and thinner. I still have two children, but I can’t afford to fall down. I also have my parents-in-law at home who have to take care of them sometimes.

She regrets it so much! I regret that I should not have made a mistake in a moment of confusion, and I can only eat the bitter fruits I have sown. If my husband finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Who can I borrow more than 90,000 yuan from? How can I repay it if I borrow it? She felt like the sky was falling. Qinqin will definitely come to the door again in three days to demand payment. Even if it is extortion, she cannot call the police.

After much deliberation, Yu Shuangshuang felt that the only way to relax was to move away. So she vacated the house, changed her mobile phone number, and moved back to her hometown in the countryside.

A few months passed like this in fear. During the winter month of the lunar calendar this year, Yu Shuangshuang woke up in the morning and found that hundreds of kilograms of bacon were missing.

She was quite surprised. It was still there the night before. It must have been stolen after midnight when they were all asleep. If the bacon was stolen, their family's life would be in doubt.

She was so anxious that she could not help but cry. Someone reminded her to call the police immediately. After receiving the report, the police immediately adjusted the surveillance system. Soon the police arrested the suspect and brought him to justice. The bacon they stole hadn't been processed yet, but luckily the meat was recovered.

Yu Shuangshuang never dreamed that the person who stole her bacon was actually the bus driver, and another accomplice was from Yu Shuangshuang's village, not far from their home.

Yu Shuangshuang’s heart was hit hard again. It hurt! , a man who was once so kind to me actually did such a nasty thing, it was so annoying! Could it be that all the good things he did to her in the past were just an illusion?

A petite and thin woman, with a desperate look on her face, walked heavily to a deserted cliff. She looked up at the sky full of dark clouds and let out a long sigh. - DayDayNews

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Yes, she guessed it right. The driver never really liked Yu Shuangshuang at all, he just wanted to have fun with her.

The driver confessed: "I spent so much money on her (Yu Shuangshuang) and I don't accept it. I want to get back double the amount." Then he told the whole story with Yu Shuangshuang.

Of course, Yu Shuangshuang was also present, and she immediately turned red with embarrassment.

The driver broke the law and got the punishment he deserved. Qinqin threatened to sue Yu Shuangshuang in court because she still owed her 95,000 yuan.

Yu Shuangshuang was horrified when she heard that once she sued, the scandal between her and the driver would be exposed. Let’s not talk about whether the IOU is legal or not, it will naturally reach the husband’s ears. How can I have the face to see anyone then? Maybe her husband will divorce her if he finds out.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became, feeling that there was no way out. There will be no peace as long as she lives for a day. Some time ago, she thought about dying, but she couldn't bear the thought of her two children being so young. Finally got over it.

It seems that I can’t survive this time. My husband will be back soon. She couldn't face him, mainly because her husband treated her well and sent her the hard-earned money every month for her to spend as she pleased.

Eventually she lost her mind and took a dead end.

When her husband arrived home, people had already taken her home. They were all put into the coffin. It was an old man from the village who found her body at the foot of the mountain. Yu Shuangshuang's head was not even on his neck, it was so miserable.

Yu Shuangshuang’s husband knew everything after he returned home, and everyone in the village also knew what was going on. He did not complain about his wife, nor did he resent her for betraying him.

He said with tears: "It's all my fault that I didn't take good care of her. I shouldn't have traveled far away to work every year. It's not easy for her!" He took all the responsibility on himself.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. What happened happened, and no one can change it.

Yu Shuangshuang is indeed pitiful. It’s not entirely her fault that she cheated on her with the driver! If a slap fails, does the driver have no responsibility?

Through this story, we are reminded that we must keep our eyes open when looking at people and not be fooled by illusions. Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss, and you must be upright as a person, and it is best not to do things you cannot do. Is it right?

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