Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space

2020/12/1311:06:14 science 2832
There was a news from

a few days ago that the successful controlled de-orbit of the Chang'e 5 during the ascent period means that China, as a responsible major country, is important for the peaceful exploration and use of space for the mankind and . committed to. For many years, human beings have been keen on space exploration, but have ignored the hidden dangers caused by exploring outer space. The detectors of various countries left a large number of discarded debris, which became space debris floating around the earth. This time, Chang'e-5's refusal to do space junk has won applause from many countries. Do you know what's wrong with this kind of "junk" in space?

Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space - DayDayNews

​​Space junk is mainly artificial satellites and rockets launched by various countries, which have gradually appeared since the space race. In addition, NASA also classifies abandoned aircraft and rockets and their fuel as space junk. When a spacecraft stops working for a certain period of time, it stays in the orbit of the earth indefinitely, and the launch vehicle is the largest kind of space junk, and its fuel cannot be ignored. Imagine a picture. In the dark space, objects similar to the size of paint spots and giant objects that are difficult to estimate are moving around the earth densely at high speeds. They will encounter other objects at any time, and a series of collisions will cause explosions and cause satellites. The overall pollution of the operating track is the so-called "Kessler effect." As early as 2009, a Iridium satellite accidentally collided with the Russian military satellite Kosmos-2251, which seriously aggravated the space junk problem, posing a potential threat to other satellites and even space stations, and not only hindering the pace of international aerospace exploration, It also brings a lot of trouble to human scientists.

Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space - DayDayNews

​​Imagine if there is space junk that hits a flying spacecraft and causes an explosion, how powerful a space traffic accident would be? It’s hard to imagine that some netizens are worried that space junk will fall to people? This kind of thing has never happened. According to the English report, the probability of space junk hitting a person is only one in 20 billion, so people don't need to disturb themselves.

Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space - DayDayNews

​​According to the survey, there are currently more than 500,000 pieces of space junk in space, weighing up to 7,500 tons, of which the "contribution" of the United States accounts for the majority. There are about 4,037 pieces of space junk in the orbit of the earth, followed by Russia. Although China is also one of the big countries of space junk, my country has been working hard to solve the space junk produced by itself. Chang'e-5 is a good proof. Scientists also actively take various measures to relieve the pressure caused by space junk on the earth. Do you know how to clean up space junk?

Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space - DayDayNews

​​In 2012, Switzerland launched the space garbage cleanup program, "Clean Space One" collects orbital garbage, and burns it by friction with the atmosphere. In order to deal with the problem of space debris, humans have also invented the "harpoon" trap, which launches a "net" about 7 cm into space, which can be used to break up large-scale space junk. Garbage enters the atmosphere and burns itself through a collection network and deorbiting device. In 2017, a debris sensor was connected outside the ISS to detect millimeter-sized debris and its data, and to avoid collisions by changing its trajectory. However, due to the huge amount of space junk, the implementation of this measure is also extremely difficult. Various countries have been looking for ways to eliminate space junk. It is worth noting that the European Space Agency plan was launched in 2025 to remove debris from the Earth’s orbit for the first time. , I don’t know how effective it will be by then? What do you think?

Great power! Changwu ascender controlled the falling moon to refuse to make space junk! What's wrong with staying in space - DayDayNews

​​The threat of space junk to the earth is increasing over time, but cleaning it is not as simple as imagined. Faced with huge economic and technical challenges, mankind is bound to solve this hidden danger. Cleaning up space junk can start with reducing junk. Chang'e-5 is an improvement, reflecting the responsibility of my country's great power. It is hoped that scientists will eliminate space junk as soon as possible and return the universe to a pure and clean environment.

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