Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros

2020/04/1913:25:59 science 2460

Recently, due to the hot discussion of the Xu Kexin incident, everyone has a new view on "students". Many people think that international students are going abroad with the knowledge they have learned in China to "dedicate", and China should implement this in response to the brain drain. Related measures. Although these views are biased, they cannot be said to be completely correct. In the 1950s, Qian Xuesen and other older scientists gave up the generous treatment of the United States and resolutely returned to the motherland. Why? That's because they care about the motherland, and they use their actual actions to prove the true meaning of the word "patriotic".

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews

04ab#Ning A touch of soil in my hometown, I don’t love my hometown. Two gold

Nowadays, although most of the international students sent abroad have chosen to stay abroad for development, there are also some who have proved their determination with actions, no matter what Western countries do. Enticed by the generous treatment, they all chose to return to their homeland. The saying "I would rather hold a touch of soil in my hometown and don't love money from other countries" has been most perfectly embodied in them, and Zhuang Xiaoying is one of them.

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews

4da4a#04a庄晓莹1 Judging from the polite name, it is difficult for you to associate her with the civil engineering facing the loess and back to the sky, but she is such a woman who can rely on her appearance but on her talent, but she is really a new type of nano Top scientists in the field of materials and civil engineering.

refused to return to his alma mater with high salaries to teach

In 2001, Zhuang Xiaoying was admitted to Tongji University with excellent grades, and chose a civil engineering major which basically has no female students. After completing four years of civil engineering undergraduate studies in the university At the postgraduate level, she chose to study tunnel and underground construction engineering. After graduating from Tongji University with a master's degree, Zhuang Xiaoying decided to go abroad for further studies, determined to return to her motherland after completing her studies.

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews

0d0da1#04a0# After getting a full scholarship in the UK, she chose to study geotechnical engineering at Durham University in the UK, and then did post-doctoral research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. After her Ph.D., Zhuang Xiaoying rejected the high-paying temptation of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and chose her alma mater, Tongji University. Teach, serve as associate professor and master tutor of the school.

won the Sofia-Kovalevsia Prize, winning 1.65 million euros!

In 2015, Xiaoying Zhuang cooperated with the Institute of Strength and Mass of the University of Hannover, and won the 2015 Sofia-Kovalevsia Prize of the German Humboldt Foundation for the application of new nanocomposite materials in civil engineering. The total amount is up to 1.65 million euros! (1 euro = 7.6975 RMB)

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews


The total amount of prize money is always proportional to the value created by the winners. The "Sofia-Kovalevsia Prize" is the second highest prize money award in the world. There are 7 Chinese scientists in the world. Zhuang Xiaoying was one of the winners of this award, and she was only 32 years old that year.

After getting the bonus, regardless of Germany’s retention and return to China

and Zhuang Xiaoying’s award has also made the whole world look at the scientist from the East. The "Sofia-Kovalevsia Prize" was awarded 8 times. There are more than one hundred winners, among which two-thirds of the scientists have stayed in Germany for development, because as long as anyone wins this award, no matter who it is, Germany will give him the greatest support, such as allowing the establishment of a laboratory in Germany to get Germany Government subsidies and so on.

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews

0d4a#04ab#0 It was the measures taken by Germany to retain talents, and Zhuang Xiaoying naturally became the target of their wooing, as expected. The Germans were also very "frank" and did not hide their inner thoughts at all. They said: We hope the winners can stay To carry out related scientific research in Germany, of course, if she chooses to return to China, we can also become friends. Faced with Germany's wooing, Zhuang Xiaoying returned home resolutely after receiving the bonus regardless of the Germans' retention.

The future of China will surely take off again

And Zhuang Xiaoying’s behavior is in sharp contrast with those stars who have sharpened their heads and run abroad. Scientists have won numerous awards abroad, and they have to reject all the advantages of Western countries. Go back to China and use your knowledge to build your own country. The celebrities have tried various ways to immigrate abroad, even changing their nationality, after "making money" at home, but the scientists are not known to the public. On the contrary, the celebrities are "slammed" by the star chasers.

Return to China when the prize is finished! Chinese female scientist won the German prize, winning 1.65 million euros - DayDayNews


, But scientists still dedicate themselves silently. They are like a candle, burning themselves to illuminate others. It is their existence that makes our lives more and more convenient. Nowadays, with the efforts of several generations, our scientific research level has been developed by leaps and bounds. Although there is still a slight gap with Western countries, in the future, as more and more "Zhuang Xiaoying" return to work in China, we can believe that, The future of China will surely take off again! The focus of science and technology will also return to the East!

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