"What are humans doing? They discharge so much sewage! The fish are all affected." "Why do humans pursue progress and development? Human beings are very selfish when they only think about themselves." "Why don't humans let other animals manage the earth?" Early in the morning, th

2024/05/1717:59:32 science 1200

"What are humans doing? They discharge so much sewage! The fish are all affected."

"Why do humans pursue progress and development? Human beings are very selfish when they only think about themselves."

"Why don't humans let other animals Manage the earth? "

Early in the morning, the young lady excitedly asked why humans have not protected the earth? ! When it came to the emotional part, I even cried angrily.

When the young lady asked these questions for the first time more than a year ago, I had no idea and didn’t know how to answer. Over the past year or so, as I have continued to deepen my reading and understanding of myself, I have gradually come up with my own answers to the young lady’s questions.

Human beings are part of nature and an animal species among all things in the world. The unique structure of the human brain determines that humans are different from other animals. Humans will be more advanced and developed than other animals.

"Why do humans need to develop technology? Can't we just live quietly like ancient people? No airplanes, no cars, trains, etc." asked the young lady.

The unique brain structure of human beings determines that nature has given human beings a unique mission, which is to understand the world and the universe and nature. This is the mission that humans have been given as a species, a mission that currently, as far as we know, no other animal can fulfill.

Since the mission of mankind is to continuously explore and understand the natural world and the starry sky in which we live, then, as a member of mankind, what is the innate mission of each individual, me?

The mission of the entire human community is to understand the natural world and the universe, and each individual naturally shoulders a part of the work. An individual's mission is very small compared to the human group; compared to every human individual, the mission is great. It is the innate meaning of individual existence.

"Why not let other animals take on this mission?" the young lady asked.

Because other animals do not have the unique human brain. For example, if a human individual is born with a brain structure that is different from that of normal humans, he or she will be mentally retarded and unable to learn and recognize like normal humans. Then, the existence of this human individual is only the survival of breathing, eating and drinking, metabolism and excretion, no different from other animals.

This unique brain of human beings has powerful abilities of memory, reflection, summary and creation. Therefore, the wisdom of human groups has been continuously accumulated and improved over millions of years, and has evolved into the world we have today, with advanced technology and abundant materials. In this process, human behavior has also had a negative impact on the earth's ecosystem in a counterproductive manner.

On the one hand, it is because the speed of human technological progress is too fast, exceeding the speed of self-immunity and renewal of the earth's ecosystem. The balance of the earth's ecosystem is disrupted.

On the other hand, the ever-changing thoughts and greed and selfishness in the human brain, while humans are recognizing the world outside themselves, are also pulling on human energy, constantly moving away from the concept of "loving the earth, home, and the unity of nature and man". In order to satisfy the expansion of selfish desires, we have taken (requested) too much from our home on earth and given too little, and the balance between nature and humans has been broken.

According to human understanding of the world's " energy conservation ", when the balance is broken, there will be a flow of energy. The flow of energy is partly reflected in "natural disaster" phenomena, such as summer hail, mudslides, rising temperatures, and unknown viruses infecting humans. Human beings seem to be powerless in the face of nature's reaction and feedback to human behavior, but they want to rely on mankind's advanced science and technology to overcome the imbalance of nature.

Human beings are part of nature, and the confrontation between man and nature is fruitless.

Return to the topic of human mission. The imbalance between man and nature is caused by man's failure to cherish his natural mission. When human beings understand the natural world and the universe, they are led astray by selfish desires.

People (human individuals) who are biased by selfish desires have difficulty recognizing their natural mission. They often just exist in a relatively numb and painful way. This is due to ignorance - the individual's lack of knowledge of his or her individual self. This existence wastes the unique human brain structure. And for this individual, there is no sense of meaning, that is, he feels that life is meaningless and lives like a zombie.

Human beings are part of the natural world, and they themselves are also objects of recognition. The human brain structure, neuron organization, spiritual structure, and human body are like a tiny universe and starry sky world, full of mysteries and magic.

The most amazing thing and the most painful and limiting thing for human beings is human seven emotions and six desires. Various egoistic obsessions and false attachments make every individual accidentally fall into the love and hate of the individual ego world. Qiu Zhong interprets a drama of life. In the end, it is useless to wake up from the dream. A waste of a unique existence as a human being.

During the growth process, every human being needs to learn and recognize not only the external world, but also the inner world of life and self, because we humans are part of nature.

Recognizing the innate mission of one's own life will not only gain a sense of meaning and value for oneself, but will also be more conducive to promoting the human group's understanding of the natural world and forming a positive cycle of the universe, starry sky, and nature.

is as small as me. When I wrote the above words and seemed to understand my mission in life, am I clear about my mission in life?

My affirmative answer: both clear and unclear.

I know that I have to focus on one of my present moments. These present moments are the moments when I recognize and feel myself and the outside world.

What I don’t know is where will I devote my limited life time and energy? I don't know the specific direction.

According to the current situation, maybe I will work in the world of medical research and development in my next life, helping scientists develop more effective new drugs to benefit mankind. This work is to help humans understand the aging lesions of the physical body of a species (human) in nature.

Humanity is one. Each one has his or her own gifted mission and will know it.

At this point, I suddenly understood that I could no longer let myself get entangled in the love and hatred of the ego world, and I would take my mission seriously.

Of course, raising children is part of the mission. Because understanding the natural world is the mission of mankind for thousands of generations.

How to deal with the love, hate, and hatred (seven emotions and six desires) in my personal world will be the first obstacle for me to fulfill my mission. And this obstacle will probably follow me forever. This is real life, constantly overcoming obstacles and fighting wits and courage against obstacles. This is also one of the tasks for me to complete my mission.

PS. I feel like this article is my first reply to the three major philosophical questions of "who am I, where do I come from, and where do I go?" I was a little moved, a little excited, but I also found life difficult.

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