When people reach middle age, they should keep in mind the "two touches and three no touches" when drinking. They will no longer waste money, and they will not make people look down on them. Non-drinkers will not say that drinking is not good, and drinkers will not be able to exp

When people reach middle age, they should remember "2 touches and 3 no touches" when drinking. They will no longer waste money and won't attract people's attention.

People who don't drink say that drinking is not good, and those who drink can't tell what is good about it.

The author has met a middle-aged chef brother before. He always likes to drink two ounces of wine in his spare time, because he often goes to his restaurant, and he has become familiar with it. I once asked him why he likes it so much. drink wine?

He asked straightforwardly, do you need to ask why when you drink? did not make it clear until the end. .

I have asked some questions. Over the years, my eldest brother has had to support his family, so he drank a lot of low-quality wine to save money. He was also looked down upon by others because of this, but fortunately, after more than ten years of hard work, he is now Could use something better.

In fact, when people reach middle age, they need to remember the "2 touches and 3 don't touches" when drinking. They will no longer waste money just because they buy bad wine, and they will no longer attract people's attention:

[1] "No Gold foil wine and gimmick wine

Substances such as gold foil have long been strictly prohibited from being added to liquor by the national food law.

However, some rich people in China seem to be very "loved" about this wine. Do you think it is beautiful when you look at the shining gold in the wine? Don’t think so about .

This kind of gold foil wine will not be digested by the human body! In recent years, it has become rare in China. Only some people regard it as a treasure, such as some so-called royal nobles in Japan.

As for gimmick wines, the three more "popular" ones in China are Tuburi wine, Dongzang wine, and Changmao wine. It cannot be ruled out that there are indeed very few products on the market that are of good quality, but try not to touch them.

[2] "Don't touch" packaged wine and private label wine

As the saying goes: The most taboo thing about eating an apple is its appearance. If it is red on the outside, there is probably a wormhole inside . When it comes to packaged wine, it is not excessive at all. , some "unknown workshops" in China are best at packaging inferior liquor in gorgeous ways and then selling it at high prices.

Nowadays, although OEM wines have been vigorously rectified by many wine companies, the quality of many domestic domestic OEM wines is still uneven. Middle-aged and elderly people should still drink genuine wines as much as possible.

[3] "Don't touch" flavored wine and small factory wine

Flavors and fragrances can be divided into three categories: natural, synthetic and enzyme . They are widely used in liquor, food and other industries. As we all know, 98% of the chemical composition of liquor is water and ethanol, and 1% to 2% are trace components that provide aroma and taste. The trace components determine the aroma and style of liquor, while pure grain liquor does not require the addition of flavors. can have its own unique fragrance and style.

Although the flavors used in higher quality flavored liquors are also in compliance with national management regulations, some small factories will use excessive or inferior flavors in order to cover up the evil smell of liquor, which makes people have to be careful.

[1] "touch" Dachang's direct line wine

Speaking of Dachang's direct line wine, we have to mention the first echelon of my country's liquor: Maotai , Wuliangye , Jiannanchun , etc. These famous wines are all Large manufacturers produce and sell their own lineage wine, , but for domestic drinkers who are not middle-aged or other drinkers, they can only drink one or two glasses of on some occasional or important occasions.

The second echelon of domestic liquor is represented by Yanghe , Luzhou Laojiao , Fenjiu , etc. The third echelon, such as Gujing Gongjiu , Jin Shiyuan, Shuijingfang , etc., are also big brands. The factory is directly related to wine, but more people can afford .

Moreover, these major manufacturers are also launching their own "affordable wine", which is a good thing for the public.

[2] "touch" premium pure grain wine

The issue of grade of liquor has always been very important. The highest grade of common liquor is superior grade. The liquors listed above are all superior grade wine, and the following first grade , second-level wine, the quality has declined in turn..

Fortunately, under the vigorous promotion of the new national standard for liquor, more domestic high-quality pure grain wines from large manufacturers have the opportunity to go to the public table, such as Xifeng wine produced in Baoji, Shaanxi, and Daohuaxiang wine produced in Yichang, Hubei. , Jun Zhongyuan Private Winery in Renhuai, Guizhou, etc. are all striving to become outstanding representatives of premium wines.

Among them, this superior wine is produced in Renhuai . The winemaker is the apprentice of wine master Li Xingfa , once passed the government.

Even the raw materials used for brewing are red tasseled glutinous sorghum that has been screened for a long time to ensure that the one-year Kunsha Daqu brewing process can be carried out smoothly. After the initial brewing, it must be aged in pottery jars for at least 6 years.

Because wine companies don’t pay enough attention to publicity, it is only well known by local wine drinkers. Fortunately, everyone has good comments on its taste: just after opening it, the aroma of soy sauce fills the surroundings, and I can’t help but want to pour a small cup. Taste it carefully, and you will feel a mouthful of mellow, delicate, elegant and smooth wine, with a slight floral and fruity aroma. After drinking, the aroma of the wine can withstand the aftertaste in your mouth.

is written at the end: Drinking alcohol must be in moderation. What are your different opinions? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.