In modern times, people are paying more and more attention to health and wellness methods. As a gift from nature, honey is a health-preserving ingredient with high nutritional value. A cup of honey water made with warm water will taste sweet and is very good for human health. But

In modern times, people are paying more and more attention to health and health methods.

As a gift from nature, honey is a health-preserving ingredient with high nutritional value. A cup of honey water with warm water will taste sweet and is very good for human health.

But eating too much of many foods is good for health, but not necessarily eating the wrong ones. So for patients with thyroid , is regular drinking of honey water good or bad for the thyroid gland?

Is drinking honey water good or bad for the thyroid gland? Listen to what the doctors say

Honey is indeed a good health product. It not only promotes metabolism, improves the body's immunity, but also beautifies the skin and resists oxidation. Especially for women who love beauty, drinking some honey water is appropriate for internal and external health. All very good.

Although honey is good, it still has certain side effects when taken regularly.

Especially for thyroid disease patients, their own endocrine system is damaged, and the sugar content in honey is high. Drinking a large amount will increase the burden of human metabolism, thereby stimulating the secretion of the thyroid gland, which is not conducive to the stability of the thyroid gland.

In addition, you should also eat less of these 2 things

and barbecue

With the gradual tiktok change of food culture, all kinds of barbecue and fried skewers are becoming more and more popular among young people, tempted by pictures with complete colors, aromas and tastes. favor.

It is worth noting that the fat contained in meat, after being smoked and roasted at high temperatures, will produce a large amount of benzopyrene , which is a secondary carcinogen. This substance is often ingested into the human body and can seriously stimulate the thyroid gland and cause thyroid disease. The cells are damaged, thus inducing diseases such as nodules and .

, Ginger

Ginger is a common condiment in people’s kitchens. It not only repels cold and warms the spleen and stomach, but is also a good helper for meals, but it should be eaten with caution on a daily basis.

Because ginger is pungent and contains gingerol , long-term consumption will irritate the human gastrointestinal tract and increase the metabolic burden on thyroid function, causing adverse effects on the condition.

What are the factors that cause thyroid nodules ?

● Genetic factors: Most of them are caused by the lack of hereditary enzymes, which leads to hormone synthesis disorders, resulting in thyroid nodules.

● Improper iodine intake: Iodine is a double-edged sword. Too much or too little can lead to nodules, so it should be taken in reasonably.

● Swelling-causing foods: cabbage, radish and soybeans, etc. The substances contained in them will inhibit hormone synthesis

● Bad living habits: staying up late for a long time or mental stress can lead to hormone secretion disorders, thereby causing nodules

Daily maintenance of thyroid health, There are two ways

, dietary nutrition

For chronic diseases such as thyroid, in addition to keeping a light diet, patients can also supplement some Chinese herbal medicines with the same origin as medicine and food to absorb nutrients that are beneficial to the body, and Angelica dahurica is a good choice.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Angelica dahurica is warm in nature and has the effects of removing swelling and suppuration, clearing the orifices and relieving pain. And the "Compendium of Materia Medica" also mentioned that licorice can relieve the "cold and heat evil qi of the five internal organs" and is very beneficial to thyroid diseases. Drinking it in water can effectively relieve pain.

But the effect of a single ingredient is very limited, so you can use a slightly more complicated Chinese medicine prescription. It is recorded in the ancient book "Huangdi Neijing": There is a kind of medicine composed of honeysuckle, dandelion, wolfberry, chrysanthemum, angelica, licorice, selenium malt. and other more than ten kinds of dietary prescriptions made from pure natural Chinese herbal medicines are targeted for thyroid diseases.

Nowadays, there are also snack tablets based on this improvement, such as Comvitol , which are more suitable for modern people's physiques, help bring out the nutritional value of natural herbs, and maintain nail function.

. Emotional stability

In addition to dietary therapy, emotional stability is also good for the thyroid gland.You should maintain an optimistic mood at ordinary times, reduce the appearance of negativity, depression, irritability and other emotions, release more stress, regulate your emotions, help stabilize the endocrine system, and be conducive to the recovery of thyroid function.