Is it better to eat more whole grains? Are purple potatoes more nutritious than sweet potatoes? Can you lose weight by eating whole wheat bread? ...How many of these rumors about eating staple food have you believed? Rumor 1: This statement is wrong! Whole grains generally refer

Is it better to eat more whole grains?

Purple potatoes are more nutritious than sweet potatoes?

Can you lose weight by eating whole wheat bread?


How many of these rumors about eating staple food have you believed?

Rumor 1

This statement is wrong!

Whole grains generally refer to whole grains, cereals, beans and potatoes. Compared with polished white rice noodles, whole grains have higher dietary fiber, vitamin E, and B vitamins.

For people with weak gastrointestinal function, excessive intake of whole grains will not only affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals, but also affect the digestive function; diabetic patients must control the intake of staple food, so it is not suitable to consume large amounts of coarse grains ; For obese people, the energy of whole grains is no lower than that of refined white rice noodles, so the effect of weight loss cannot be achieved.


According to the " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents ", the recommended amount of staple food per person per day is 250 grams to 400 grams, of which the daily intake of whole grains accounts for up to half of the total staple food.

Rumor 2

This statement is wrong!

Food should be diverse and nutritious, but it is not recommended to grind whole grains into powder for consumption. Because after breaking it:

B vitamins and other nutrients will be destroyed;

it is easy to deteriorate;

the glycemic index will increase exponentially.

Rumor Three

This statement is wrong!

The starch contained in grain is divided into two types: amylose and amylopectin . If the amylopectin content in the food is high, it will be waxy and sticky. The amylopectin content of glutinous rice is as high as over 90%. At the same time, compared with amylose, amylopectin is easier to digest, so glutinous rice is actually easy to digest.

Starch will generate resistant starch when the temperature drops, which is not easily digested and absorbed by the human body. In addition, foods such as rice cakes and donkey rolling also contain high-energy substances such as sugar and oil, which are not easy to digest. Therefore, when eating sticky foods made from glutinous rice, try to eat them hot and avoid adding too much oil and sugar.

Rumor 4

This statement is wrong!

Purple sweet potato is a new potato variety cultivated through hybridization. Comparing the nutrient content of purple potatoes and sweet potatoes, it can be seen that there is not much difference between the two.

Although the anthocyanins contained in purple potatoes have antioxidant effects, the beta carotene in sweet potatoes is also an antioxidant nutrient. From a price point of view, sweet potatoes are cheaper and more accessible to the people.

Rumor 5

This statement is wrong!

Quinoa is not a grain. The reason why quinoa was chosen as aerospace food is that cooked quinoa is not large in size, does not absorb water very well, is easy to carry and does not take up much space, and has certain nutritional value, including protein and dietary fiber, especially soluble dietary fiber. content is higher.

Quinoa can be used as a staple food replacement. However, it can be seen from the above nutritional composition table that compared with oats, red beans, millet and rice, the nutritional value of quinoa is not as magical as what is reported on the Internet. The dietary fiber of oats is easier for the body to absorb, makes you feel fuller, and is more economical. It is a better choice to replace staple food.

Rumor 6

This statement is wrong!

The key to weight control is to eat less and exercise more. In fact, the energy of whole wheat bread and ordinary bread is about the same. Substituting whole wheat bread for regular bread will not achieve weight loss results.

Without other additives, whole wheat bread contains bran and has high dietary fiber content. It feels fuller than white bread and has higher protein and fat content. However, real whole-wheat bread does not taste good and can easily irritate your throat. In order to improve the taste, nuts, dried fruits, oil and sugar, or other additives are often added to whole wheat bread, which increases the energy accordingly.

Whole wheat flour must be added in an amount greater than 51% to be the real whole wheat bread . To choose the appropriate whole wheat food , you must learn to read food labels, especially the ingredient list and nutritional labeling.

(CCTV Road to Health)