Vascular embolism is one of the most common diseases among middle-aged and elderly people today. Due to factors such as unhealthy diet when they were young and their continued preference for tobacco and alcohol in old age, many people develop many vascular symptoms, of which thro

Vascular embolism is one of the most common diseases among middle-aged and elderly people nowadays. Due to factors such as unhealthy diet when they were young and their continued preference for tobacco and alcohol in old age, many people suffer from many vascular symptoms. Thrombosis is a typical example of this.

According to research, the formation of thrombus indicates that human blood vessels have entered a dangerous state. If we do not pay attention to timely maintenance, it is likely to evolve into many vascular diseases, even endangering life safety. Therefore, it is particularly important for us to detect blood clots in time and take active treatment measures.

When blood clots appear, the body often gives three warnings. If you can take these three countermeasures, you may be able to restore your blood vessels to health.

1. Physical manifestations after the occurrence of blood clots

1. Chest pain

The heart is the starting point and ending point of blood circulation. The blood in the limbs and brain will be returned to the heart through the meridians, and then pumped into the arteries to be transported to the whole body. Therefore, when blood vessels are clogged and blood circulation is poor, the heart often becomes the first part to give feedback.

Whether it is blocked blood return or poor blood transport, the heart will show a lack of oxygen and nutrients, thus inducing persistent chest pain. This performance may be mild, but it lasts for a long time and is difficult to alleviate. Please attract attention.

2. Drooling during sleep at night

Children may drool due to their immature brain development and weak ability to control some muscles of the body. If an adult with perfect brain function drools frequently while sleeping, it is probably related to unhealthy blood vessels.

Poor blood circulation and delayed delivery of nutrients will have a negative impact on the coordination of the pharyngeal cavity muscles. In severe cases, it will damage the swallowing ability and the closure of epiglottic cartilage, which will lead to uncontrolled drooling. .

3. Cold hands and feet

Insufficient blood supply to the extremities will also lead to a decline in their physiological functional activity, one of which is the decline in heat production capacity. Insufficient heat production has a greater impact on the end parts of the hands and feet. If you feel that the hands and feet are slow to heat up during sleep at night, you should be alert to whether it is related to vascular disease.

2. Three tips for clearing blood vessels

1. Drink more water and urinate more

Some people say that water is a natural health agent, and this is true. Adequate water intake helps to increase the rate of basal metabolism , accelerates the discharge of plaque and waste deposited in blood vessels, and then plays the role of cleaning blood vessels and eliminating embolism . It can be maintained for a long time.

2. Maintain moderate exercise

Maintaining exercise is also an important part of ensuring the health of blood vessels. Exercise can accelerate the decomposition of lipids in the body and provide heat, thereby helping to clean up the fat components attached to the inner walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the symptoms of embolism. Moreover, moderate aerobic exercise is very helpful in weight control and figure control. People who need to lose weight may be able to kill two birds with one stone.

3. Improve dietary health

To protect against vascular diseases, a reasonable diet is the key. People with such diseases can try a low-sodium and low-fat diet to reduce the accumulation of waste impurities in the body, which may relieve the corresponding symptoms. Moreover, eating more fruits and vegetables can also help reduce blood viscosity and regulate blood pressure. You may wish to have a good diet.

[This picture and text are exclusively produced by "Panda Medicine" new media. Author Mian Mian, please do not reprint or copy without authorization】