People who pursue longevity need to work hard, because extending life is not just talk, it requires action. Through correct living habits, the body can maintain a healthy state, improve organ function, have good resistance, be free from disease, and have a high quality of life. I

People who pursue longevity need to work hard, because extending life span is not just talk, it requires action. Through correct living habits, the body's health can be maintained, organ function can be improved, resistance is good, there is no disease, and the quality of life can be improved. In addition to being high, it can also prolong life.

However, some people say that it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but changes in many indicators that are closely related to lifespan. What indicators are involved? Learn more below.

1, weight

A person's life span is closely related to his weight. Those who have good habits will fluctuate up and down within the standard range, and the fluctuation range is not large. It gives the impression that they are in good shape and will not be excessively thin. Or noticeably gain weight, etc.

People whose weight does not reach the standard are malnourished, look emaciated, and have bloodless faces. Such people have weakened resistance and are prone to illness. Some people continue to gain weight. Excessive obesity accumulates fat material in the body, which can become an accelerator of various diseases. Chronic diseases, fatty liver , joint lesions, etc. are more likely to occur. You need to control your weight well.

2, Heart rate

Whether the body is healthy and whether the life span can be extended is closely related to the heart rate. The heart is beating all the time when there are life activities. The heart rate of healthy people is maintained at 60 to 100 beats per minute. Of course, the heart rate of the elderly, women, and athletes will be lower, and it will be kept at 55 beats per minute.

But some people have organic heart disease, and their heart rate will change accordingly. If you have a heartbeat that is too fast or too slow, or if there are other warnings about heart problems, don't be careless. It is best to carry out relevant examinations, find out the cause of the disease and deal with it scientifically, so as to protect the heart.

3, blood sugar

The occurrence of diabetes is related to excessive blood sugar. At this time, the secretion of insulin is insufficient, and sugar substances continue to accumulate, which will cause harm to the body, virtually affecting blood vessels and nerve function. It will develop in many ways over the long term. complications will come.

The impact of diabetes is not simply the occurrence of adverse symptoms, but the terrible complications are difficult, which can reflect the relationship between whether blood sugar can be stably controlled and health. For those who stick to good habits, this indicator will be stable, including regular blood sugar checks, reasonable diet control, strengthening exercise, regular work and rest, etc.

4, blood lipids

This indicator of blood lipids is related to life span. Under normal circumstances, the levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides are stable and will not change the blood state and become viscous, which will affect the systemic circulation.

However, more and more people are gradually gaining weight, or engage in long-term smoking, alcoholism, overeating and other behaviors. Excessive heat accumulation will lead to weight gain in the future, and even make the blood thick and the circulation is blocked, and the body's important organs are ischemic, and many Several serious diseases will strike, including myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, , etc. For the sake of health, blood lipids should be well regulated to maintain sufficient blood supply throughout the body. #婷 Zero Zero Plan#