There was a patient in the past who suffered from excessive phlegm and chest tightness. He could not have sexual intercourse normally after each meal. If he tried to do it forcefully, it would end in a hurry every time. So he was given a wonderful prescription - Zhibai Sanzi Deco

There was a patient like this before. He had excessive phlegm and chest tightness. Every time after eating, he could not have sex normally. If he tried to do it forcefully, it would end in a hurry every time. So he gave him a wonderful prescription - Zhibai Sanzi soup.

This patient is still fresh in my memory. Let me tell you about it:

He was 29 years old at the time and had been married four years ago. When he was young, he had bad habits and would have frequent urination and lack of time. Situations, marriages and lovers always end unpleasantly due to time issues. At the beginning, he took Chinese patent medicines , Liuwei Dihuang Pills, , Jinsuo Gujing Pills and other treatments. After three years, he went to traditional Chinese medicine for treatment again and again. In severe cases, sleep is extremely poor and easy to wake up. Severe hair loss , excessive phlegm, and chest tightness.

Since he came to me and prescribed "Zhibai Sanzi Soup", his old problems for many years have been cured all of a sudden. It’s so effective, so what’s so good about its formula?

Let’s take a look: Anemarrhena , Phellodendron , Schisandra , Golden Cherry, Wolfberry .

This story, originated from "Bo Zhaibian". This is a work by Fang Shao of the Song Dynasty, which records the folk legends and unofficial history of rural China at that time. How to use


[Preparation and Usage] Take 1 dose of per day, boil it twice and mix well, take it in the morning and evening, or grind it into fine powder and make honey into pills, 10 grams each, take 1 pill each time, 2 times a day.

[Efficacy] Anemarrhena and Cortex Phellodendron nourish kidney yin and relieve fire; Schisandra chinensis and Golden Cherry Seed strengthen the kidney and astringent essence; Wolfberry nourish the kidney and nourish essence. The recipe

is often used, as when I was young and had a habit of using my hands without restraint. This remedy can be used if you have insomnia, are upset, have many dreams and are easy to wake up, and have stringy pulse . The kidney yin is insufficient and the phase fire is strong, and the Jing Guan is not solid. This prescription was used to cure the problem. After taking it for 2 weeks, the patient felt calm and restful. After taking it for 2 months, and premature ejaculation were greatly improved.

In the prescription, Anemarrhena and Cortex Phellodendron can reduce the excitability of the ejaculation center and increase the stimulation threshold required for ejaculation; they are ministerial drugs; Golden Cherry, Schisandra, and Lycium barbarum can nourish the kidney and astringent essence to enhance the stability of the kidneys. The function of essence; Polygala , Fu Shen , Calcined Long Mu Ning Shen Ding Zhi Qian Zhen, in order to help the spirit return to the body, and prevent premature ejaculation of essence; a little Amomum wakes up the stomach and prevents the medicine from causing greasiness. make. All medicines are used together to nourish yin and purge fire, nourish the kidneys and strengthen essence, calm the mind and calm the mind.