After finally getting through the graduation season, Xiao Xu, who had just entered the workplace, never imagined that he would suffer a "crisis" of blindness after cornea transplantation in his right eye. The cause was actually a mite called "Demodex". Unknown Unknowingly, her co

After finally getting through the graduation season, Xiao Xu, who had just entered the workplace, never imagined that he would suffer a "crisis" of blindness after a cornea transplant in his right eye, and the cause was actually a species called " Demodex " "The mites unknowingly caused her cornea to become vascularized, thin, and almost perforated.

Xiao Xu is 24 years old this year. Two years ago, he suffered from viral keratitis in his right eye, which caused corneal opacity. He underwent a corneal transplant in time to save his vision. After the operation, Xiao Xu insisted on regular check-ups and taking medication as prescribed by the doctor. However, due to a moment of negligence, what she worried about still happened. A few months before graduation, Xiao Xu was busy looking up literature and information to prepare her graduation thesis, and did not take time to rest. Due to excessive use of her eyes, the disease in her right eye relapsed, and she was hospitalized for this.

thought that the situation would improve after joining the workforce, but this was not the case. The high-intensity work made her stay up late frequently, and her eyes were tired for a long time. When Xiao Xu felt something was wrong and came to Changsha Aier Eye Hospital for treatment, the doctor told her, "The cornea of ​​your right eye is about to be perforated!" Xiao Xu was shocked when he heard the diagnosis result.

"After examination, we found that she had very severe blepharitis, and there were a large number of mites in the hair follicles at the root of the eyelashes." Dr. Li Kuanshu, director of the cornea and ocular surface department of the hospital, said that the number of mites in the eyelashes of Xiao Xu's right eye was actually large. Up to 30, including 20 in her left eye, causing her cornea to become thin and almost perforated, requiring a corneal transplant as soon as possible. Xiao Xu felt horrified for a moment. It turned out that the damage to his eyes was caused by these little things.

After various detailed examinations and evaluations, Director Li Kuanshu performed lamellar keratoplasty of Xiao Xu’s right eye. Under the careful care of the medical team, Xiao Xu recovered well and the condition of his right eye was basically stable.

Why do problems still occur after corneal transplantation? Director Li Kuanshu said that patients like Xiao Xu are not uncommon. There are a large number of mites in the eyelash follicles. Demodex mites live in the human eyelash follicles and feed on human cells and their metabolites, sebaceous gland secretions and other components.

"Demodex mites constantly secrete secretions, wrap the eyelashes, and block the openings of meibomian glands , thereby causing blepharitis. Mild symptoms may include eye congestion and a foreign body sensation; in severe cases, corneal ulcers and perforations may even occur, which ultimately affects Vision." Director Li Kuanshu reminded that mites reproduce rapidly and require timely treatment and cleaning and protection. Mites reproduce rapidly and require timely treatment and cleaning and protection. If mites are allowed to grow, a large amount of mite metabolites will block the meibomian gland ducts, thereby aggravating the atrophy of the meibomian glands. Therefore, while treating keratitis , we should treat blepharitis according to the cause, clean and remove mites, prevent and treat the recurrence of keratitis, and protect the precious transplanted cornea.

correspondent Yu Yi reporter Zhang Shubo

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