Summer is the "golden period of health care". No matter how busy you are, just do the 6 "best" and stay healthy all summer long! At this time, everyone should take good care of their bodies, start with their diet and living habits, and take good care of their bodies. Take good ca

Summer is the "golden period of health preservation". No matter how busy you are, do the 6 "best" and stay healthy all summer long!

Entering July, the hottest time of the year, the three volts the intense heat is coming. At this moment, everyone should take good care of their bodies, start with diet and living habits, regulate their bodies, and spend the hot summer in good health.

Health experts point out that dietary conditioning is the most important thing in maintaining health in the hot summer. Eat well, eat right, and diseases will stay away from you. Facing the scorching summer, no matter how busy you are, do the 6 "best" things to stay healthy all summer long! Let’s learn together:

Summer health care, the first best tea: ginger and date tea

The temperature is high in summer, and the human body sweats a lot, so you need to replenish water and drink more hot tea. Ginger and date tea is the best tea.

Ginger tea is a tea made from jujube and ginger, mixed with brown sugar. Drinking this tea appropriately in summer has a lot of benefits.

1 can remove cold and dampness from the body, and expel toxins while sweating.

2 can strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach.

3 can strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach.

4 can stop vomiting and relieve nausea.

5 can protect women's health and relieve cold hands and feet.

When drinking this tea, try to drink it while it is hot, as it can expel coldness very well. Try not to drink too much at one time each time, but drink small amounts many times to avoid affecting digestive function. When making soup, do not peel the ginger. Eating it with the skin on will prevent you from getting angry.

teaches you how to make your own brown sugar ginger jujube tea , it is very simple.

Method: Prepare 3 or 5 slices of ginger, then prepare five or six red dates, boil them in a pot of water until the smoky purple color of the water turns light red. Before cooking, add brown sugar and wolfberry.

Summer health maintenance, the second best time: mung beans

Mung beans are the best food to relieve the heat in summer. They are used to make soup and drink.

When everyone is cooking mung bean soup, the mung beans will appear whether they are cooked or not, that is, whether the mung beans are in full bloom or not. In terms of the nutritional value of mung beans, mung beans in full bloom are more detoxifying, and when they are not in full bloom, they are more relieving of heat.

Mung beans are boiled and blooming. The protein, tannins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, etc. in mung beans can be digested and absorbed by the digestive tract. Greater ability to perform detoxification work.

The mung beans are not cooked and do not bloom. The green polyphenols and components on the surface of mung beans have higher antioxidant properties and have the best relieving effect.

Therefore, you can boil the mung beans or not according to your own choice.

When people cook mung beans, mung bean soup often turns red. What is the reason? 1. This is because the phenolic compound of mung beans is oxidized and appears light pink. The longer it is cooked, the more serious the redness will be.

2 It is probably a water problem. Tap water in some places contains more minerals, which will accelerate the oxidation of mung beans' own phenolic compounds.

No matter what color the mung bean soup is, it can be eaten and will not affect your health. It's just that the heat-relieving effect is weakened and the nutrients are lost more.

When you cook mung bean soup, there are many combinations. I recommend a few good combinations for health care:

1 with lily . Nourishes the heart and relieves troubles, detoxifies and reduces swelling, and nourishes the spleen and stomach

2 with fungus. It replenishes qi and removes troubles, moistens the lungs and promotes body fluids.

3 with pumpkin. Detoxify

4 with black bean , red bean . Remove dampness and diuresis, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness

For summer health care, the third best dish for reducing fire: bitter vegetables

For summer health care, you should eat some bitter food appropriately. These bitters are some bitter foods. Not all foods are bitter, mostly vegetables and wild vegetables.

Bitter foods are cold in nature and can clear away heat and purge fire, dispel heat and dampness, produce fluid and stimulate the appetite. They can also increase appetite, nourish the heart and refresh the mind.

The best way to eat most bitter vegetables is to eat them cold, which can retain nutrients well. They are not greasy when eaten in summer and have a good taste.

recommends several bitter foods: 1. Bitter melon. Bitter melon is the best when eaten cold.

2 kale . Highly nutritious food.

3 Lettuce. Cold lettuce

4 lettuce. A good assistant for losing weight.

5 lotus seeds. Lotus seed heart has a bitter taste. Eating it raw can replenish the heart and spleen. Eating it cooked can replenish the spleen and stomach.

Summer health maintenance, the fourth best ingredient: duck meat

"To prevent bitter summer, eat more duck", duck meat is the best in summer. Meat dishes are known as the “first meat” in summer.

Eating duck meat appropriately in summer can supplement nutrition, remove moisture, and prevent heatstroke. It has many benefits.

The best way to eat duck meat in summer is to stew it in soup. In this way, the nutrients of duck meat can be fully absorbed and the body can be rehydrated.

recommends a delicious way to eat in summer, sour radish duck soup , appetizing and delicious.

Ingredients: half duck meat, 2 bags of sour soup dumplings, 1 white radish, chopped green onion

Method; 1. Cut the duck meat into pieces, clean it, blanch it in a pot, remove the blood, fish it out, and set aside.

2 Add warm water to the stew pot, add the duck meat, add the sour soup bag, cook

3 white radish over high heat, wash and cut into pieces

4 After the duck soup is boiled, add radish cubes and cook slowly over medium-low heat

5 The ingredients are cooked until they are tender. That’s it. Just add chopped green onion before serving.

Summer health, the fifth best condiment: vinegar

Vinegar is very common in life, and it is very suitable for jealousy in hot summer.

Eating some vinegar appropriately in summer can strengthen the spleen, stimulate the appetite, refresh the mind, and maintain beauty and health. It can also prevent the onset of high blood pressure in summer, moisturize the intestines and increase appetite.

Regarding the consumption of vinegar in summer, the best thing is to add some vinegar to the diet, which can inhibit the growth of bacteria and enhance the flavor of food. Salads are the best choice. It makes the dishes crispy, tender and delicious, and also protects the nutrients in them from being lost.

Of course, you can also consume other vinegars appropriately.

beverage vinegar. Moderate sweetness and sourness, refreshing and non-sticky. Eating it in summer can prevent heatstroke and cool down, produce body fluids and quench thirst, increase appetite and eliminate fatigue.

health vinegar . Strengthen the body and prevent diseases.

To maintain health in summer, the 6th best heat-removing assistant: hand-cranked fan

In this era when every household is equipped with an electric fan or air conditioner, most hand-cranked fans have been "laid off". Hand-cranked fans are actually more suitable for summer use and have greater benefits than air conditioners.

Fan shaking is an upper limb movement that requires the coordination of fingers, wrists and local joint muscles. Frequent fanning can not only relieve the heat, but also keep fit and prevent diseases.

1 can protect the shoulder area. Promote blood circulation of shoulder joint muscles, exercise the shoulder joint, and prevent frozen shoulder disease.

2 can prevent heat stroke. The breeze blows and relieves fever.

3 can keep you in a good mood. Using the oscillating fan for entertainment, focusing on the hands, eliminating distracting thoughts and eliminating the stimulation of bad factors, can improve the tolerance to diseases and improve the mood.

4 can stay away from heat strokes. It can exercise the joint muscles of the limbs, exercise the contraction and relaxation functions of cerebral blood vessels, and reduce the occurrence of cerebrovascular diseases.

5 Move your hands and exercise your left and right brains.

Therefore, for the sake of health, it is recommended that everyone use less air conditioning fans in summer and use more hand fans, especially middle-aged and elderly people.

For the choice of fans, you can use Cattail fans. If possible, you can use sandalwood fan . This fan is a natural spice that can calm and soothe the mind.

The above 6 best assistants for summer health care, you can do more in your life to consider your own health.

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