As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the

2024/07/0314:24:33 regimen 1471

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the human body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the qi transformed by kidney essence is kidney qi , which can directly reflect the function of the kidney, and its activities are crucial to life activities.

Especially for male friends, physical health directly affects men’s face issues and also affects normal married life. Once kidney qi is insufficient, it will lead to a decrease in local fertility, physical fatigue, poor complexion, memory loss, and depression, which will affect work and life.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

Moreover, insufficient health will speed up aging and induce a variety of diseases that affect the body's health. Therefore, we are reminded that we must pay enough attention to this problem and protect kidney health in our lives.

So how can we know whether the kidney qi is sufficient? You may wish to judge by the following symptoms. If kidney qi is insufficient, it is recommended that you actively take care of yourself.

What are the physical manifestations of insufficient kidney qi? Doctor: In these 6 situations, I hope you will adjust in time

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews and weakened resistance

Kidney qi is equivalent to the yang qi in the human body, and it also maintains the most basic body and physiological activities. Once kidney qi is insufficient, it will lead to the body's resistance, decrease in immunity.

is easily invaded by external bacteria and viruses, which can lead to human illness. Colds, fevers, and internal heat may occur from time to time.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews, listless

Kidney qi is the most basic physiological activity to maintain the human body. People with sufficient kidney qi are full of energy, radiant every day, have sufficient physical strength and energy, and are more helpful to improve the efficiency of work and study.

However, if the kidney qi is insufficient, it will lead to a decrease in the speed of human body functions, sluggishness, and inability to concentrate, which will lead to physical fatigue, lethargy, slow reaction, and low work efficiency, especially between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. At 00, you will feel more tired.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews. Insomnia

People with insufficient kidney qi are more likely to suffer from insomnia in life. They also have difficulty falling asleep at night. When they finally fall asleep, they may have many dreams and are easily awakened. They always think of something in their mind, thus Leading to a serious decline in sleep quality, it will also affect daily work and life.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

4. The reproductive system is prone to problems

As we mentioned above, whether kidney qi is sufficient and whether the kidneys are healthy directly affects men’s health problems. People with weak bodies will also cause problems in the reproductive system. Male friends are in the process of urinating. , feeling weak in urination or even painful, accompanied by premature ejaculation .

For female friends, if the kidney qi is insufficient, it will also manifest as thin leucorrhea, scanty menstrual flow, or persistent menstrual bleeding, which will also increase the risk of miscarriage.

5. Afraid of cold in winter and hot in summer

People with insufficient kidney qi often experience chills and chills in their lives, especially in winter when their hands and feet are cold, which is difficult to relieve even in an air-conditioned room.

Among them, those with kidney qi deficiency and are afraid of the cold in winter and the heat in summer. If this happens, it means there is a physical deficiency. I hope everyone can take care of themselves in time.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

6. Other symptoms

For people with insufficient kidney qi, it may also be accompanied by some other symptoms, including occasional deafness, vertigo, and poor bone quality.

Moreover, such people also like to eat foods with strong flavor, which are sometimes accompanied by low-grade fever and prone to sweating while sleeping. These are common symptoms of insufficient kidney qi.

So, what should you eat if your kidney qi is insufficient? 4 kinds of food may help you replenish kidney qi. I hope you like them!

(1) Chinese yam

"Compendium of Materia Medica" says that yam: "replenishes kidney qi and strengthens the spleen and stomach." This medicine is also a commonly eaten food in life. It is not only edible, but also has very rich medicinal value.

The main function of yam is to tonify the spleen and kidneys. Eating more yam will not cause internal heat. It is especially suitable for summer to warm and nourish kidney yang. It can be used for a long time for spleen deficiency, lung deficiency, kidney deficiency.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

(2) Wolfberry

Speaking of wolfberry, I believe everyone is familiar with it. As a very common nourishing food in life, wolfberry has very rich nutritional value, and the kidney-tonifying effect of wolfberry is also very powerful.

For people with kidney deficiency, consuming wolfberry in daily life can replenish kidney qi. However, people with yin deficiency constitution should pay attention to the amount of wolfberry consumed to avoid eating too much and causing internal heat problems.

(3) Black rice

According to traditional Chinese medicine, black color enters the kidneys, so eating more black food has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys. Black rice, as a commonly eaten food in life, has the effect of replenishing the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and activating blood circulation, among which The anthocyanins also have anti-aging effects.

For friends with insufficient kidney qi, it is recommended to eat more black rice in life, which will help improve kidney function. This is also because the outer tough seed coat of black rice is not easy to cook. It is recommended that you soak it in advance and cook it for a while. .

(4) Oyster

Oyster is a product produced in life. It is rich in zinc, trace elements, minerals and multivitamins. It has been the first choice for nourishing the kidneys since ancient times.

Male friends who often eat oysters can replenish kidney qi, improve kidney function, and also help to improve the quality and vitality of sperm. It has a relatively good effect on improving male spermatorrhea, fatigue, and yin deficiency impotence.

Reading extension---If you want to replenish kidney qi, you can also massage these two acupoints.

[1] Rub the Dantian

Dantian refers to the lower Dantian of the human body, which has an obvious connection with the life activities of the human body. Massaging the Dantian area in daily life can strengthen the spleen and qi, and also has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys.

Rub your hands together to warm them up, place the palm of your right hand on the outside of the right pubic tubercle, about 2 inches away from the midline at the "Qichong" point, and make a circular motion around the umbilicus with the palm of your left hand in the direction of peristalsis of the large intestine.

As the most important metabolic organ of the human body, the kidneys help the body metabolize waste and garbage to promote the normal operation of body functions and protect human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the - DayDayNews

[2] Rub Yongquan

Yongquan point is Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian point. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the meridional water of the kidney meridian in the body gushes out from outside, so it can open up the body, calm the mind, and communicate with the heart and kidneys.

This method is mainly centered on the Yongquan point (between the second and third toes), and gently rubs it with the middle finger of the left hand to make the sole of the foot warm. Massaging it every day can help improve blood circulation. , can also replenish kidney qi and relieve kidney deficiency.

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