Introduction: "Overnight tea is as poisonous as a snake." Is drinking it harmful to the body or even poisoning it? CCTV's experiment revealed the truth. In our minds, it is best not to eat anything that has been cooked overnight, including tea. There is even a saying that "tea th

2024/07/0208:52:32 regimen 1365

Introduction: " overnight tea is as poisonous as a snake". Is it possible to be harmful to the body or even poisoned after drinking it? CCTV’s experiment revealed the truth

In our impression, it is best not to eat anything that has been cooked overnight, including tea. There is even a saying that "tea that has been cooked overnight is as poisonous as a snake". So, does drinking tea overnight really cause poisoning? CCTV once conducted an experiment on overnight tea and came to the truth.

First of all, we need to understand what overnight tea is. The so-called overnight tea does not only refer to tea that has been brewed overnight, but also refers to tea that has been brewed for more than twelve hours. Whether it is day or night, it can be called overnight tea.


In the CCTV program "Is It Real", common green tea, black tea and scented tea were selected to conduct experiments on overnight tea. The results showed that there is no big difference in taste between overnight tea and freshly brewed tea. In terms of toxicity, testing has shown that the content of harmful substances in overnight tea is low. Therefore, overnight tea can still be drunk. The statement that it is "poisonous as a snake" is too exaggerated..

Since overnight tea can be drunk, why is there a saying that it is “as poisonous as a snake”?


First, it is because of the inherent concept that harmful substances can easily breed when food is stored for a long time.

In our impression, food that has been left overnight seems to deteriorate. For example, vegetables will basically go bad after one night, and watermelon, even if it is placed in the refrigerator. Inside, the skin will become soft, and tea is also food, so it is often assumed that overnight tea will also breed harmful substances and cannot be drunk.

In fact, tea contains a natural substance that can inhibit the growth of harmful substances, namely tea polyphenols. Its existence prevents the harmful substances in tea from increasing over time, just like Keemun Black Tea and Selenium General These two teas, Huangju, do not contain too many harmful substances after being brewed for a long time.


Keemun Black Tea

is a kind of tea produced in Qimen, Anhui Province. It is the finest black tea and has a wide reputation and is even highly sought after abroad. The tea leaves are mostly picked in spring and summer, and the tea leaves are relatively new and tender; the refined tea leaves have fine and tender strips, are well-proportioned, have many tender hairs, and are smooth in color. After brewing, it has a rich aroma and a fresh and tender aroma. The tea soup is bright and ruddy, and the bottom of the leaves is fresh and tender. Even if it has been brewed for a long time, the tea leaves are neat and beautiful in the water.


And Selenium General Emperor Chrysanthemum is the chrysanthemum tea of Mingyue Mountain . The local water vapor and sufficient light are conducive to the growth of chrysanthemums. Every year when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, tourists will come here. It adopts organic planting, artificial fertilization, weeding, irrigation, and natural drying. The original ecological planting and drying method preserves the natural quality of chrysanthemums. It is a natural organic tea.


There are very few selenium-rich plants, and there are even fewer selenium-rich chrysanthemums. However, because there are many hot springs in the area and are rich in selenium, the chrysanthemums grown are large and full, and they are rare selenium-rich chrysanthemums. Soak a chrysanthemum, and the tea soup will be golden and bright, smell fresh and elegant, taste sweet, taste delicious and refreshing, and have a long aftertaste. After soaking for a long time, the chrysanthemums are still conspicuous in the water.


The second reason is that the color of overnight tea will become darker.

If the tea leaves are left for a long time after brewing, the color will gradually turn yellow-red or even black, which does not look good. There is also an "oil film" floating on the tea soup, so some people think that this is because the tea has deteriorated like food and is no longer drinkable. They even think that the floating "oil film" is heavy metals precipitated from the tea leaves.

It is normal for the color of tea to become darker after it has been steeped for a long time. Because if you steep it for a long time, it will inevitably "leave out" more colors in the tea leaves. Just like if you keep adding the same kind of pigment to the water, how can the color change? What about getting darker? As for the "oil film" on the surface, it is actually just the product of oxidation of some substances in the tea, similar to the tea stain on the wall of the cup, so there is nothing to worry about.


The third reason is that most of the old tea cups were not covered.

It is said that overnight tea is poisonous. It is not that the tea itself is poisonous, but some poisonous bugs that crawl into the tea.In the old days, most tea was brewed in large vats without lids. After brewing, most of the tea leaves would emit aroma, and these aromas could easily attract poisonous insects like centipedes. And because there is no lid and the mouth is very large, insects can easily crawl in, thereby contaminating the tea leaves and causing the tea leaves to deteriorate.


Nowadays, most tea-making tools have lids, so bugs and the like can easily crawl in. Even if there is no lid, the capacity is small, and you can drink it without leaving it overnight. Moreover, as long as you don't live too far away, especially in cities, there are very few bugs, let alone crawling into your home or teacups.


However, although the CCTV experiment has proved that overnight tea can be drunk, it is best to drink less , especially in summer. After all, most tea is more flavorful when drunk while it is hot. When the tea becomes cold, the aroma of the tea is obviously not as good as hot. It smells good. Of course, it would be a pity to throw it away directly. In fact, there are other uses for overnight tea.

If you have flowers at home, you can use them to water the flowers and pour them into the soil of the flowers. It can be used as fertilizer to promote the growth of the flowers. If the windows are dusty, you can use overnight tea to clean the windows, which can effectively remove impurities and make the windows Brighter; soaked tea leaves can be lit after drying to drive away mosquitoes.


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