Today we will talk about the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for gouty arthritis, with real cases for your reference. The patient, Ms. Wu, said that she had suffered from intermittent swelling and pain in multiple joints for more than 11 years, and her left knee jo

2024/06/2907:34:32 regimen 1223

Today we will talk about gouty arthritis traditional Chinese medicine conditioning methods, with real cases for your reference.

Today we will talk about the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for gouty arthritis, with real cases for your reference. The patient, Ms. Wu, said that she had suffered from intermittent swelling and pain in multiple joints for more than 11 years, and her left knee jo - DayDayNews

Patient Ms. Wu said that she had suffered from intermittent swelling and pain in multiple joints for more than 11 years, and her left knee joint had been swollen and painful for one day.

Medical history: I had swelling and pain in my left ankle joint 11 years ago without any obvious cause. I checked the uric acid level in the local hospital and found it was significantly elevated. I was diagnosed with gouty arthritis. I was given symptomatic treatment such as lowering uric acid, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and the symptoms improved. Symptoms of posterior joint swelling and pain continued intermittently (2-3 times a year). The patient developed significant pain in the left knee joint after drinking alcohol, and his activities were severely limited. Later, he took anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, but the arthritis symptoms did not improve significantly. Yesterday, the patient developed left knee joint swelling and pain again without obvious triggers. When the swelling was obvious, he had waist pain. He had no aversion to cold or fever, could eat well, and had poor sleep.

Immediate diagnosis: red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, stringy pulse slippery. So the dialectical prescription:

red peony root , fried white peony root, white flower snake , tongue grass, Phellodendron , fried atractylodes, papaya , angelica , salvia , atractylodes, Sichuan achyranthes , living , Shenjincao, hive, Dilong , Zhigancao .

usage: decoct in water and take.

Due to the strong pain of the patient, external application prescriptions are also needed:

raw rhubarb , wine skullcap, coptis, phellodendron, borneol , mint.

Usage: One dose per day, crushed and applied externally to the patient's left knee joint, once a day for half an hour. The patient was also advised to avoid alcohol and seafood, pay more attention to rest every day, and avoid strenuous exercise. What is the effect of

Today we will talk about the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for gouty arthritis, with real cases for your reference. The patient, Ms. Wu, said that she had suffered from intermittent swelling and pain in multiple joints for more than 11 years, and her left knee jo - DayDayNews

? After the above conditioning, the patient's left knee joint pain was significantly reduced, but his activities were still limited, the burning sensation subsided, slight swelling, nausea, general sleepiness at night, loose stools, red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, and stringy and slippery pulse.

So the medicine was not changed, so I suggested taking it for another week. During the third follow-up consultation, I was told that the redness and swelling had completely disappeared, and the uric acid had also dropped a lot. I was told that the medicine could be stopped, but dietary restrictions were necessary. The disease was caused by eating in the first place, so there were no dietary restrictions. No matter how good the recipe is, it’s useless.

shared this case to tell everyone that internal administration and external treatment are the basic ideas to help patients regulate their symptoms.

Today we will talk about the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for gouty arthritis, with real cases for your reference. The patient, Ms. Wu, said that she had suffered from intermittent swelling and pain in multiple joints for more than 11 years, and her left knee jo - DayDayNews

At the same time, I would also like to remind everyone that gouty arthritis occurs in patients after drinking alcohol. It is due to the deposition of urate in the knee joint bursae and bursae, causing lesions and inflammatory reactions. It mostly occurs in men over 40 years old. , more common in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, but can also occur in other larger joints, especially the knee and foot joints. When patients have an acute attack of gout, they need to pay attention to rest. If necessary, they can use to ice the joints. In addition to adjusting diet, lifestyle intervention is also very important. Maintaining an appropriate weight, regular work and rest, and stopping drugs and foods that can cause an increase in uric acid are also conducive to the stability of blood uric acid . The patient in this case should pay attention to rest in daily life during the attack period to avoid fatigue and prevent sudden colds during strenuous exercise.

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